Saturday, December 15, 2012

Snoring can kill

After 30 years, one in five people is snoring in his sleep of 65 years seen this problem in more than half of the population. From 2 to 5% of all adults suffer from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (a disorder of sleep apnea). Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - a disease that is characterized by the presence of snoring bear, sometimes the upper airway at the level of the pharynx and the setting of pulmonary ventilation, reduced blood oxygen level, coarsely fragmented sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness. In patients with impaired breathing during sleep observed surface restless sleep, sweating and frequent need, in the night, fatigue and headaches in the morning, urinate severe daytime sleepiness, irritability, loss of memory and attention, impotence. Disease increases the risk of high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction and stroke. Up to 30% of sudden deaths during sleep may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The number of traffic accidents increased by 8-10 times in patients with severe disease is the cause of them asleep at the wheel. To stop snoring, you need to strengthen the muscles of the soft palate. This can be done through the following exercise: try to make a sound "and" greatly strain the muscles of the pharynx, soft palate and sometimes neck. It is desirable. For conducting this exercise 25-30 times in the morning and in the evening The result you will feel after two weeks.

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