Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Named enemies sex

Everyone knows that regular sex is the key to a healthy and happy relationship of the couple. It also helps get rid of man sex from many health problems. According to a recent article in Newsweek, regular sex can heal rejuvenate the flu, colds and headaches, to lose weight, stabilize the menstrual cycle and strengthening muscles. If, however, a healthy sex life helps healthy body, an unhealthy body makes an unhealthy sex life. If your sex life has turned into a disaster, may be the reason why a lot closer than you think, according to MSNBC. Bad Food: Fast food can not only order a few extra inches below the waist, but also add to problems of privacy. Especially dangerous unhealthy diet with age. During menopause, a woman's body is a drop in estrogen and thyroid hormone that causes the increase in the levels of insulin. Woman begins to eat more and spend less calories. A healthy diet and regular exercise are necessary at this age. Stress: The rapid weight gain can be associated with other hormone - cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. The increase in cortisol causes a lot of health problems, including increased abdominal fat. Cortisol is also known for its negative effects on libido known, so it is not surprising that the sex - the last thing a person thinks about a bad day's work. When researchers found, the level of cortisol be reduced effectively by yoga. Lack of Sleep: Insomnia - a vicious cycle that starts with the misuse of caffeine in the morning and ends in the evening exhausted state. Most people say that it is not able to have sex after work. Must gradually reduce the amount of caffeine. You need to replace a large cup of coffee a cup of tea and a snack for the day. This will help you relax and de-energized. You must also remove the TV from the bedroom. A recent study showed that the blue light emitted by the TV screen, has a negative impact on sleep and allows the person to rest.

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