Thursday, December 20, 2012

Obesity surgery helps fight diabetes

Surgical interventions in the fight against obesity to help cure diabetes, a statement by Australian scientists. Subjecting patients have surgery to reduce the size of the stomach, 5 times more likely to be able to diabetes cure in the next two years than those who were treated in the usual way, say scientists . The study involved 55 people with obesity and diabetes of the second type, with an average age was 47 years. One of the patients had surgery, laparoscopic gastric banding. This is a fairly effective method for treatment of nourishing anti-constitutional obesity, so that to reach the vast majority of patients adequate weight loss. Other patients advice on diet and increasing physical activity. The scientists observed the patients for two years. During this period, patients who had surgery for weight loss, lost an average of about 21 pounds, while patients in the control group lost weight by 1.5 kg. Blood tests showed diabetes remission in 22 of the 29 participants who had undergone surgery, and only one of 26 participants in the control group. According to researcher David Cummings, offer doctors used to treat diabetes, a chronic, progressive disease, but these operations real hope of cure for many patients with diabetes.

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