Investigation of the properties of apples, bananas and oranges, the researchers said that their composition may protect against Alzheimer's. Alzheimer's disease - one of the worst diseases that start in elderly and senile age. The disease is characterized by a gradual progressive deterioration of memory and mental function. Apples, bananas and oranges - common fruit is an important source of vitamins, nutrients and fiber. Consider the effect of the components extracted from the banana, apple and orange, the cells of neurons in the brain, have found U.S. experts to prevent that phenolic phytochemicals fruit metabolism normalize neurons. The effects of toxins and oxidants According to experts, apples have the highest concentration of protective antioxidants, to a lesser extent they have bananas and oranges.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Influenza vaccination may not be effective
In many schools, the Ukraine a campaign of vaccination against influenza. The effectiveness of this procedure, the director of the Ukrainian Center for Influenza MOH Professor Arkady Frolov. According to Professor of September and October is the most effective time for vaccination against viral infections. When a person is vaccinated later, it reduces the chances ill with flu. Right now there is no epidemic and the active dissemination of influenza can be vaccinated against influenza. But only if you have no contraindications, and it encourages you to the doctor. But keep in mind that only 40% of people in two weeks induces protective titers against influenza, while others - only a month. There are people who have these loans, regardless of the vaccine at all. Some of the companies that produce flu vaccine promised effect after 7 days, which is very unlikely. Opportunity to observe individual such cases. But the most lasting effect of vaccination is observed in a month, according to the professor.
Magnesium reduces the risk of cerebral palsy in preterm infants
Pregnant women, the magnesium sulfate can protect up to 50% of premature babies from cerebral palsy, according to scientists. Scientists conducted a study in 2241, which was attended by pregnant women with ruptured membranes. Women, the magnesium or placebo. The gestation period it 24 to 31 weeks had. A full term pregnancy is 40 weeks. Premature birth can cause damage to the brain and other organs of the child, as well as lead to cerebral palsy. According to the study, women taking magnesium, cases of children with cerebral palsy was 4.2%, compared with 7.3% in the placebo group. According to Professor John Thorp, not exactly clear how magnesium acts, but it is able to normalize the blood vessels in order to prevent the negative effects caused by lack of oxygen, and to prevent brain damage.
Sugary drinks can lead to gout
Wave of gout have been the consumption of sweet drinks brought in large amounts in connection to the BBC. Men who consume more than two servings of soft drinks per day increases the risk of gout by 85% compared with those who drank less than one serving a drink in a month, the researchers said. During the last decade, cases of gout have doubled. British scientists believe that the reason for the fructose contained in beverages. They recommend that people avoid suffering from gout, you. Sugary drinks from your diet Over the past 30 years the number of people who rose from gout in the UK of around 1.5%. Gout - a form of rheumatic disease of the joints, which is caused by the deposition of uric acid (urate). Gout affects all joints: fingers, hands, elbows, knees, feet. In most cases, suffer from gout ankles feet. The disease is based on physical examination, the study of history (history) and a blood test diagnosed estimate the concentration of uric acid. The doctor may also with a needle to obtain a sample of the joint (synovial) fluid and check for the presence or absence of crystals under a microscope. A previous study also confirmed that fructose increases uric acid levels in the blood. According to U.S. and Canadian scientists, is the growth of the disease with the increased use of non-alcoholic beverages.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Factors influencing suicide are the same all over the world
Teens, single, female, poorly educated or people with mental illness, regardless of where they live the same inclination to suicide, said an international team of researchers. Scientists surveyed 85 thousand people from developed and developing countries, and found a certain pattern. They found that 9.2% of people surveyed said seriously considered the possibility of suicide, and 2.7% said they had made a suicide attempt. According to the WHO, the suicide rate increased by 60% in the last 45 years. For persons aged 15 to 44 suicide deaths is a big problem. In every country of the world, scientists have observed a significant increase in suicidal thoughts among people in adolescence and early adulthood. According to Matthew Nock, the most dangerous suicide attempt is a period of one year after the person starts thinking about suicide. This occurs in 60% of cases in each country. According to researchers, most suicidal people in the world aged 18 to 34 years are old, female, poorly educated and those who are not married and people with mental disorders. These people are in danger, which often require additional help from psychologists, psychiatrists.
Gentle massage to help the ears dealing with stress
Can affect the nervous system and help themselves to get out of the stressful condition simply massaging the ears, scientists say. Impact on certain points the ear to treat a variety of diseases as well as on the surface of the ear about 120 different points to support the reflexive relationship down to all organs and body parts. Point number one Chinese called "divine goal". Modern scientists call it the anti-stress. Point number 2 is included in the middle of the ear and is a universal control. Action it will go to sleep in case of insomnia, and in the case of fatigue - again liveliness. Austrian scientist Ulf Bemig recommends a point number three, near the base of the ear placed (in the corner of the mandible) to combat the melancholy associated with painful memories and bad thoughts. According to scientists, these points should be massaged into the evening, before bedtime. This ensures a peaceful sleep, vigorous revival and good humor throughout the day.
Scientists have grown in a test tube "female sperm"
Get a team of researchers at the University of Newcastle succeeded sperm progenitor cells from stem cells in female embryos, reports Telegraph. The experimental results open the way for the development of in vitro fertilization techniques, which do not. Participation of men To turn now head of the research project, Professor Karim Nayerniya prepare an application for the experiment of sperm in the bone marrow from female donors. Since some of the genes that control the process of spermatogenesis is the male sex chromosome, many experts maintain doubts about the possibility of the male sex from the cells of the female body expressed. New experiment proves that it is possible in principle. In the future, grown in the lab, can "female" sperm for artificial insemination is used. In this case, the biological "father" of the resulting child is a female donor cells from which sperm were to be preserved. However, scientists have not capable of the female cells mature sperm in a position to receive a fertilized egg. Recall that in the record of the professor Nayernii there are many high-profile and successful research. Last spring, his team sperm progenitor cells obtained from bone marrow cells of male donor. A year earlier, the researchers were able to impregnate bred, female mice sperm from bone marrow of male mice. As a result of the experimental animals showed viable offspring.
Passive smoking status in cystic fibrosis
The condition of people with cystic fibrosis is, while passive smoking in the presence of a particular gene, doctors told the magazine American Medical Association. Cystic fibrosis - an inherited chronic disease that contributes to the sticky mucus in the lungs and leads to life-threatening lung infections and digestive problems. Researchers retrospective analysis of lung function was performed for a combination of environmental and genetic factors, said Garry R. section of Baltimore. Scientists examined 812 persons, of which on average 19.5 people were sick, and found that those exposed to secondhand smoke was reduced lung function by 10 percent. American scientists have found that passive smoking and the presence of TGFbeta1 gene doubled negative effect on lung function and worsen the condition of patients with cystic fibrosis.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
The risk of diabetes depends upon the size of the breast
Risk of diabetes of the second type of a woman depends on the size of her breasts in his younger years, say Canadian researchers. According to them, women with larger breasts are often ill with diabetes, says the Canadian Medical Association Journal. The study, which was conducted by researchers at the University of Toronto (University of Toronto), about 92 thousand women involved. The participants, whose average age was 38 years, presented the size of her breasts at the age of twenty. Then watched the women, fixing newly diagnosed cases of diabetes. Comparing the data, the researchers found that women with a bra size of less ill with diabetes. Women with magnificent breasts and bra size B ill with diabetes more often by 32% with a size S - were 58% more than women with a bra size of A. These results control - 71% more often, and with the size of D factors are known to receive, the risk of diabetes, and in particular inheritance and obesity. Diabetes type II diabetes (insulin) is associated with decreased sensitivity of cells to insulin, and usually develops in people over 40 years old. In the UK alone, 1.8 million people with diabetes mellitus type II causal link between large breasts and type II diabetes is not known. Scientists suspect that the most important role played by adipose tissue of the breast, the excess of which increase the resistance of cells to insulin.
Mercury preservative in vaccines can not cause autism
Mercury preservative in vaccines can cause autism, because they do not have the time to build up in the body of the child. American scientists have found that the half-life thimerosal is much shorter than previously thought, according to the journal Pediatrics. Researchers from the University of Rochester (New York) observed 216 children in the Argentine Gutierrez Children's Hospital (Buenos Aires). According to the immunization schedule for children administered vaccine that was in the preservative thimerosal, which contains ethyl mercury. In newborns, and two and six months old - before and after shots - ethyl mercury content was determined in the blood. It was found that in all age groups, the half-life (the time during which the concentration of a substance in the body is reduced by 50%) is less than four days of ethyl. For comparison, the half-life of other mercury-containing substances - methyl mercury that occurs in marine fish, about ten times longer and is 44 days, the researchers reported. "Until recently it was believed that both types of mercury have a large half-life Now it is obvious that the short half-life of ethyl mercury prevents the accumulation of toxins, too, he was quickly withdrawn..", - Said the head of research Michael Pichichero ( Michael Pichichero). The scientist said that the blood of children aged six months mercury concentration before the next vaccination (in the course of their lives was the largest number of ethylmercury has introduced) about the same as that of the two-month child was.
Soccer game increases the risk of heart attacks
Observation of a football game fans can not only cause heart problems in a metaphorical, but in the literal sense, according to Reuters. During the 2006 World Cup was announced that German men increased risk of heart attack or other heart problems more than three times during the game the football team. For women, the risk increased by 82%. According to Dr. Ute Wilbert-lamps from the University of Munich, the most dangerous time for a few hours after the game was observed. Put on your mind connected to the football game, doubled the risk of heart attack, researchers reported the publication of the New England Journal of Medicine. Scientists suspect that other sports can also cause a similar effect. According to researchers, is the main reason that leads to heart problems, not the result, but the intense stress and strain during the game. To reduce the risk of heart attacks and other heart problems between sports scientists, doctors recommend the dose of medication for patients with heart disease and behavioral therapy to help increase, with fear.
Vitamin B9 (folic acid) reduces the risk of premature birth
Scientists have found that women who use folic acid to reduce for a year before pregnancy, the risk of premature birth, according to Reuters. Folic acid (vitamin B9) to prevent serious birth defects associated with brain and spinal cord of the child. The study found that vitamin B9 another positive effect, whereby. The risk of affecting the premature birth, due to which the child must develop less time in the womb, and it faces serious challenges in terms of health The study of 35 thousand pregnant women in the years 1999 to 2002 involved. Scientists have found that women who reduce folic acid for a year before pregnancy, by 70% the risk of preterm birth in the period from 20 to 28 weeks of gestation. During this time, there is great danger in the form of complications of cerebral palsy, mental retardation, and chronic lung disease in children. Even women who folic acid for a year before becoming pregnant, there was a reduction in the risk of preterm birth during pregnancy from 28 to 32 weeks and 50%. In most cases, the gestational weeks over 40. Are premature, the more than three weeks before that date. According to scientists, the positive effects of folic acid to facilitate the use by women during pregnancy to reduce the likelihood of premature birth and the future health of the newborn.
Friday, December 28, 2012
Cranberries - the perfect solution for the treatment of influenza
Why cranberry juice - the perfect remedy for the treatment of many illnesses, including colds and flu. It helps in reducing heat, detoxifies, and especially, the effect of drugs (antibiotics and sulfonamides) increased several times to wash the medicine because so useful cranberry juice. And all because the cranberries - the master of the tannin. He has a special ability to collect, has different bacteria and pull it out. How cranberry juice? Squeeze 2 tablespoons cranberry mash in a mortar or in a blender, and pour the juice into a bowl of non-oxidizing. Skins cover in a pot with two quarts of water, bring to the boil and simmer for 4-5 minutes bring. Broth merge, filter, dilute it 1/2 cup honey and 1 tablespoon of sugar, add the stored juice. Stir and let cool.
Gene found nicotine dependence
An international team of scientists has genes that could contribute to the development of nicotine dependence. The discovery was made as a result of a large-scale study of 14,000 persons. Previous studies of twins have shown that the development of the heavy reliance on tobacco (smoked more than a pack of cigarettes per day), the important role played by genetic factors. Scientists estimate that the risk of becoming a heavy smoker, a person, about 60% is determined by the genes. Scientists from the U.S., Canada and Italy have studied the DNA of six thousand people. After analyzing over 500 thousand varieties of genes, they found certain variants of two genes. Most common in heavy smokers These genes encode proteins, so-called alpha-3 and alpha-5 subunit of the nicotinic receptor. According to the researchers, these proteins serve nicotine with brain cells that bind involved in the development of nicotine dependence. DNA analysis of the other eight thousand confirmed evidence that genes alpha-3 and alpha-5 nicotinic acid receptor sub-units play an important role in the development of nicotine dependence. They may be a new point of application of the anti-smoking drug, the researchers believe. In addition, recent data can help you select the optimal method can be used for the treatment of nicotine dependence in the individual patient. The study was published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry.
The electrical stimulation of deep brain regions improves memory
The electrical stimulation of deep brain regions leads to an improved memory, scientists say. In the course of treating a human patient obesity by electrical stimulation of the deep brain regions, the Canadian team accidentally discovered the effect of improving memory. Electrical stimulation resulted in the fact that to experience the patient is able vivid memory of the past. Scientists have tried to help the 50-year-old with obesity, diabetes, and a second group of sleep disorders, which could not help, nutrition, medication and psychological help. He refused to reduce the stomach, and the doctors came to the conclusion that may be able to help him with the help of electric deeper regions. This procedure was tested the effect on appetite in animals, but not in the treatment of obesity in humans. This method was used for the treatment of chronic pain, headaches and even depression, but was not very effective. Called electrodes inserted in the area of the brain hypothalamus, which is likely to regulate appetite. During the stimulation electrodes by electrical impulses the patient began a feeling of deja vu experience. When the intensity of the pulse, the moments of the memories was clearer and brighter. According to scientists, to make the results it is possible to assume that the use of electrical stimulation of deep brain regions can improve memory and can be the basis for the treatment of diseases such as Alzheimer's be.
A program for weight management for people who are on psychiatric treatment
People who are on psychiatric treatment and to participate in the regulation of weight, less weight and the amount of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, to such a conclusion after a group of Canadian scientists. It is very difficult to get people with some type of mental illness, there is less movement and if the treatment helps to increase the appetite and fatigue. The disease restricts social activities for people, scientists noticed. In an attempt to these trends, Dr. Angelo Tremblay encounter developed a weight management program that includes a 90-minute lesson on proper diet and exercise. And 60-minute sessions twice a week, includes exercises for cardiovascular and strength training, balance and flexibility training. Scientists have created two groups, the majority of people who have suffered similar mental disorders, obesity and type II diabetes. Within 18 months, a group used in addition to the treatment program Tremblay, another group performed the usual treatment. The results showed that losing the group with the program for weight control, people weight and cholesterol levels in the blood, and in the control group showed the opposite trend: increasing the weight and cholesterol levels. According to the scientists Tremblay and his colleagues, the results of the research, the importance of weight control, including an exercise designed specifically for patients undergoing psychiatric treatment for the best possible care for the health of these patients.
Flu vaccine will be administered without injections
South Korean scientists have suggested abandoning the traditional injectable flu vaccine, replacing them with their reception on the tongue. Have conducted their experiments on animals showed that. This method of administration of the vaccine is not only free of unpleasant side effects, but also the efficiency in conventional injections Scientists from Seoul National University injected mice living under the tongue and killed influenza vaccine. A few weeks later, the animals were inhaling deadly concentrations of influenza virus. According to study leader Cecil Cherkinskaya all mice were protected against the virus. Furthermore, under the tongue vaccine stimulates not only the general immunity (due to the formation of protective antibodies in the blood) was introduced as an injectable vaccine, but also has a local protective effect (leading to the formation of antibodies in the respiratory tract). The latter is particularly important for the prevention of the disease in its earliest stages, because flu viruses enter the body through the respiratory tract, said Cherkinskaya. Vaccine under the tongue eliminates the need for painful injections and prevent complications such as inflammation at the injection site. Furthermore, this method allows to immunize more people, especially in remote areas, and does not require the presence of a medical officer, says the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Effect of blood thinning medications
At Kantonsspital Myunsterlingena (Switzerland) doctors conducted a study to determine the level of INR (International Normalized Ratio) in the group of patients receiving oral anticoagulants. The aim of the study was to determine the optimal average time interval between the control measurements at the level of INR (INR), reported anticoagulation (blood thinners) are often prescribed by doctors around the world in conditions such as atrial fibrillation, venous thromboembolism , congestive heart failure, the risk of myocardial infarction. Anticoagulation with fenprokumona and other vitamin K antagonists provides an effective therapy for the prevention of thromboembolic events. Risk of embolic stroke with atrial fibrillation - the most common symptom of the disease - reduced by about 65%. However, there are side effects Anticoagulants - bleeds. Extensive bleeding occur on average at 1.5 to 4.2% of patients on anticoagulants and cerebral hemorrhage in 0.3-0.6% of patients. But older people are at risk of bleeding is obtained significantly higher undisputed benefits of oral anticoagulation. Swiss doctors was a prospective study of practices and the quality of anticoagulation for a period of 20 months in patients receiving oral anticoagulants. Determining the level of INR (INR) was carried out with an interval of 23 days, which have later than performed sufficiently long interval.
Reheated food is injurious to health
Scientists are strongly recommended to use only freshly prepared food. Argued the results of experiments carried out on animals. For the experiment, the researchers took three groups of mice: the first fed only freshly prepared food, the second - the heated immediately after cooling, the third - heats the food, five hours after cooking. One month later, all of the third experimental group were killed. Some of them have fallen hair. Some died without apparent external cause. But after dissecting the pathological changes were found in the esophagus, and kidney. Mice in the second group lived longer - 3 months. An autopsy revealed that the gastrointestinal tract. The processes of decay and fermentation Mice that were fed a freshly prepared meal in three years were healthy. I must say that stale food affects not only the animals but also for humans. Although in most cases, people do not associate their health problems with the use of the heated food. Very often housewives cook food for two or three days or even a week. Such food is not useful. The fact that the food it takes to restore the body's cells. Required only in fresh food for this substance. They break quickly and easily in food that was stored for a few hours. Considering these factors, you can be one conclusion: it is necessary only freshly cooked food. If because of the employment there is no way to cook fresh food, you have to try to replace it with fresh fruit and vegetables, the researchers suggest.
Testosterone has no effect on the risk of prostate cancer
Male testosterone levels does not affect the risk of prostate cancer, as previously assumed. This should be the scientists to take a fresh look at the problem of the origin of the disease, the researchers reported. Scientists have conducted numerous studies to find the relationship of testosterone with the risk of prostate cancer. As a result, they found no significant association with the disease in hormone levels. The study included 3886 men suffer from prostate cancer and 6,438 healthy men. Prostate cancer - a disease that usually affects older men, is the second biggest killer after lung cancer. The researchers examined blood samples from people before they had cancer, and those who are not sick, to compare the level of testosterone. After a comparison of the blood samples of the two groups, the researchers found no significant association between testosterone levels and the risk of developing the disease. The reasons that scientists believed that testosterone increases the risk of prostate cancer, due to the fact that the hormone promotes the growth of tumors, researchers say. But the latest research, the scientists ought to new risk factors that seek to influence the occurrence of the disease, researchers say.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
In Ukraine, the number of flu cases increased by 25%
Ukrainian Center of influenza is in the permanent monitoring of the epidemiological situation in the ten test cities. And if in the second week of the year more than 36 thousand patients were respiratory tract infections, but now they have more than 49 thousand, ie, the number of cases increased by 25.7%. According to Professor Frolov, infection rates are fast enough, despite the fact that it is Christmas weekend and winter holidays. He also reported that. Incidence of SARS among leading Ukrainian cities Vinnitsa Next, Lviv, Kiev, Chernigov, which has not yet seen but comes as the epidemic threshold, so that Ukraine is not in the phase of the epidemic. We also know that children's groups in the incidence of SARS -. A bit higher, so that in some cities of Ukraine has announced quarantine holidays Recall that the peak incidence of influenza and acute respiratory viral infections in Ukraine doctors predicted at the beginning of February 2008, warned the people of the capital to three strains of the influenza virus, of which there are a new named Solomon Islands.
Active life slows down cell aging
Physical activity has a direct influence on the rate of aging of the human body. People and lead a sedentary lifestyle, age, on average ten years earlier than their active counterparts, say British scientists. In a study by experts from King's College London (King "s College London) implemented measures in 2400 twin pairs. Participants completed the questionnaire, which was the frequency and intensity of physical activity and a blood test. Lead author Lynn Cherkas (Lynn Cherkas) and her colleagues measured telomere length of chromosomes in the cells of the blood of the participants and compared the figures from the survey data obtained telomeres -. terminal fragments of chromosomes will not carry genetic information as an early indicator Their main function is to cellular DNA to protect from strains and injuries telomeres with each cell division ... sinking aging According to researchers, the telomere length is reduced annually by an average of 21 pairs of nucleotides - .. the elementary structures of the DNA molecule, however, the participants, the significant differences depending on the level of physical activity on average telomere length in people with minimal physical activity (16 minutes per week) was at 200 nucleotides shorter than that of most physically active (199 minutes per week.) In other words, the most active people had telomeres the same length as those who were 10 years younger led, but a sedentary lifestyle, the researchers reported. This difference was particularly clear when comparing twins with different activities.
Smoking marijuana is more dangerous than smoking cigarettes
Smoking a cigarette smoked marijuana the equivalent of 20 cigarettes normal tobacco. The risk of lung cancer several times of marijuana than tobacco, say researchers. So far, scientists have proven that marijuana contributes to lung cancer, but few were able to establish a causal relationship between marijuana smoking and lung cancer. Was published in an article in the European Respiratory Journal, the researchers found that marijuana is more harmful than tobacco, because marijuana smoke contains twice carcinogens than traditional cigarettes. Marijuana smokers consume five times more carbon monoxide than tobacco smokers, said the head of the research group of Richard Beasley. The researchers asked 79 people with cancer and trying to understand the main factors influencing the risk of lung cancer, such as smoking, marital status and physical activity. Members also the question about the use of alcohol and marijuana. The study found that people who smoke marijuana once a day for 10 years or two times for 5 years the risk of lung cancer by 5.7 times. According to the scientists in New Zealand, the use of marijuana is responsible for a. In 20 cases of lung cancer In the near future we will be able to observe the "epidemic" of lung cancer associated with marijuana. And it is likely that increasing the risk of the disease in countries where marijuana use among young people and the older generation, this is one of the most important issues will be of public health, scientists say.
Increases the risk of snoring chronic bronchitis
People, snoring during sleep are more prone to chronic bronchitis, the occurrence of which are often associated with smoking and air pollution, scientists say. According to Korean scientists, the cause of snoring can lead to bronchitis, still not quite clear. The scientists observed the 4270 people in the period from 2001 to 2006. Here you will find information about the participants and snoring during the four years the emergence of cases in which the participants developed bronchitis have seen. After studying computer science about smoking and other factors that could influence the occurrence of the disease, they concluded that people who snored five nights a week or less, the risk of bronchitis by 25% compared to those who still never got no snoring. A 68% increased risk in those who snored 6-7 times per week. The scientists believe that their findings suggest the relationship with the occurrence of snoring with chronic bronchitis. Possible with snoring vibrates the upper airways, which contributes to the inflammatory response and, as a consequence, the development of bronchitis.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Improving memory is not difficult
Memory problems - one of the most common complaints. In many cases this is due to hormonal deficiency, especially deficiency of thyroid hormones. With a deficit of hormones brain responds as follows: in the gray matter, where an idea starts, the blood flow to slow. Less oxygen and nutrients to enter the cell, one begins to think and move slowly. In the complete absence of these hormones, a person loses the ability to think, remember, and experience emotions. If time does not improve the situation provokes hypothyroidism rapid aging of the blood vessels of the brain, whose work will be disturbed due to atherosclerosis. Hormone reduces the number of connections between the cells. This not only leads to the slow motor function and thinking, but also to the loss of memory, difficulty in concentration. Sun Thyroid hormones are simply necessary for the mind and a good memory. Studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of androgens on the memory card, melatonin, cortisol vazopresina. For example, melatonin protect the brain from the development of free-radical reactions. The brain is very sensitive to such attacks because of it. Due to its chemical composition of brain cells more susceptible to oxidation and free radicals than any other organ Melatonin - one of the strongest substances that neutralize these aggressive compounds that aging produces more our body. Melatonin is at least twice as active vitamin E, an important antioxidant that is five times more neutralizing active glutathione of hydroxyl radicals - the most active of all the free radicals - to almost 500 times stronger than the best synthetic antioxidants, which are traditionally used to to protect the radiation.
How many diseases can be acquired from the television?
More than 90% of the civilized countries give preference to relax watching TV. For ten years of TV people are so used to them, they know not to do with himself if he fails. Psychologists and doctors believe that we have not realized the true extent of the devastating television. But to understand the fact that it is now about the effect of television on human enough known that it is harmful. First, it takes away the need for people to "entertainment" for the brain, looking for the latest set of nature: read books, draw, design, to study something, go to theaters, museums and the like. The problem is that television can not meet the physical needs of the "gray matter." Finally, he offered ready resentment, formulas, patterns. Brains need to think, to analyze, and the like. Only if it develops. Passivity atrophy and causes degradation of brain tissue. Suffers not only the intellect, but also the overall development of the person. When reviewing the TV people for the most part in the same position. This leads to atrophy of the muscles and joints. Since the initial lag, and the second - deaf. Without a constant exertion of the muscles ligaments, weakening its link with the nervous system and they do not respond to their impulses and the team. The risk of cardiovascular disease, arthritis, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease and other diseases significantly increased in the case of lying on the couch watching TV.
Caffeine raises blood sugar levels in diabetics
Reduce caffeine intake can help people with diabetes to regulate blood sugar levels, the researchers reported. The study found that a small group of people with type 2 diabetes. According caffeine level of glucose in the blood during the day, especially after meals Were given on days when participants equivalent four tablets with caffeine of four cups of coffee, the average blood sugar level for the day increased by 8% with the days when the same four participants placebo pills over, took the researchers reported journal Diabetes Care According to James Lane, caffeine appears to alter glucose metabolism, which. detrimental to the health of people with type 2 diabetes However, contrary to the latest research findings of previous research on caffeine and diabetes. In an earlier study, the researchers say that the more people caffeine to consume the lower the risk for type 2 diabetes. According to the scientists Lane, the study was to show that people with type 2 diabetes who regularly drink coffee, raise blood glucose levels compared with those that contradict its use. He also noted that various studies show different effects on the human exposure. For example, recently the American researchers found the risk of miscarriage in pregnant women who consume more than two cups of caffeinated beverages. Other American researchers have shown that caffeine reduces the risk of ovarian cancer.
In California, there are vending machines for marijuana
In the near future on the streets of California cities machines that sell marijuana, for use in medical applications be determined. Drug can be purchased only with a prescription and a special ID card. U.S. federal law considers marijuana as a narcotic drug and prohibits their storage and use in all situations. At the same laws allow 11 states, the therapeutic use of marijuana by people suffering from a number of chronic diseases and cancer. In most cases, use of marijuana for pain relief and to improve the appetite and nausea in patients undergoing chemotherapy. The first two special machines have been to Los Angeles. To use them, you need to have a special ID card. You can get through a prescription to take a picture and passing a fingerprint. Photos and information about the owner of the prints are placed on the map and checked with every purchase.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Pollution effects on the human body over the years
Pollution causes harm to the body, which appears after a long time, according to media reports. According to scientists, the problems that arise, as we expect, due to aging may be related and occur in reality because of the pollution. Animal studies have shown that chemical exposure, the young mice were minor changes in adolescence and adulthood. Was much more dramatic effect of age, when they are disturbed functions of movement and perception. Scientists explain this by the fact that at a young age in the event of a few brain cells use the reserve until the moment when it is depleted with age, this may be symptoms such as forgetfulness and tremors (twitching). According to the scientists Schwartz mercury and pesticides have a similar effect on the human body. Delayed effects, effects on the body have been seen by tobacco and asbestos, which can lead to cancer.
A quarter of the diseases caused by environmental factors in the world
A quarter of the world's diseases caused by air pollution, soil and food. This is especially true for respiratory infections and intestinal disorders because of climate change make the subsequent effects of pollution is serious, especially in poor countries, the WHO. Needed to significantly reduce the impact of bad civilization on the environment, they say. The health of people in the world is in danger. Hurricanes, floods, forest fires, new infections, diseases of the upper soil: First, we look forward to changes in nature, talk caused by natural disasters. All this in the intensity, scope and regularity of the distribution of many known diseases resist, said Professor, Australian National University, Tony McMichael. American Geophysical Union and a statement that the unnatural changes in the Earth's climate: by changes in temperature, sea level and precipitation, according to scientists, the increased concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Moreover, scientists have to reduce CO2 emissions by more than 50% in 2100, although this time, the Union called a conservative view.
LSD back in the official medicine
Psychedelic drug LSD in Switzerland back in medicine, the website At the very least, health officials now allow physicians to conduct experiments with LSD in patients with critical stages of cancer and other deadly diseases. This is the first study in 35 years, the government has approved the therapeutic potential of the positive properties of LSD. Lysergic acid diethylamide, or LSD (in Soviet times was called LDK) is known for its hallucinogenic effects, but also a means to certain diseases in psychiatry combat (obsessions, addictions, etc.). Association for Psychedelic Studies contributed to this experiment 150 thousand U.S. dollars. Directs the research of Dr. Peter Gasser from the canton of Solothurn. "I am convinced that LSD be a good tool in psychotherapy, - he said -. Places people standing in the face of death, their anxiety, even panic you look at his life in search of spiritual meaning, and that LSD can help. " . January begins a three-month experiment: 12 patients doses of LSD, to give 200 mg or placebo. While hallucinations patients lie quietly and listen to music. The effects of the drug usually lasts about 8 hours. "My personal opinion is that once LSD is a drug like morphine, but only in the hands of trained professionals," - says Gasser. Former drug LSD in such experiments because of its ability to change, the feelings and perceptions of the human condition involved.
Salt leads to disastrous consequences
Parents worried about salt content in food that children consume, reports the BBC. Experts conducted a survey of 2000 respondents that less-fifth of the parents knew, found that sugary foods, the salt content may be higher than usual in the salty snacks. Activists are calling for a healthy diet to reduce by more informative labeling parents salt intake in children's diet. The experts from the Association of Food Standards believes that a high intake of salt in children may worsen diseases such as osteoporosis, hypertension and asthma. Adult daily intake of salt is 6 grams, the dose for children. 1 g of sodium corresponding to 2.5 g of salt - an important comparison, as part of a product marked sodium. According to Professor Wiseman, salt is bad for health and spoil the taste of the food but also because of the use of salt in food manufacturing companies food on the table, we have a very large number.
Breast milk helps prevent asthma in young children
The study found that can protect babies breast milk of allergic reactions such as asthma, reports BBC. Female rats allergens they can directly pass on to their offspring through the milk, French researchers reported the publication of Nature Medicine. Prove According to experts, not yet. Ratio of breastfeeding co reduced risk of childhood asthma Asthma attacks occur as a result of the immune response to the normal harmless substances in the environment as well as foreign and dangerous. Inhalation of substances such as dust, for example (and it is quite rich in houses and villas), can they cause inflammation of the respiratory tract, throat and what. To difficulty breathing The scientists used the French Institute allergen ovalbumin - a protein found in egg white. They made it possible protein female rats is slow and not allowed to inhale, breathe proteins to their offspring. Tests confirmed that the allergen in the offspring has been through breast milk of rats transferred them to develop immunity to allergies allowed. The effect was independent of the mother's immune system. According to researchers, there are large differences in the responses of humans and animals, but this study can be used as platform to serve new opportunities, the development of allergies create combat.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Created a helmet for the treatment of dementia
University of Sunderland "specialists will soon begin testing innovative methods of treating Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia. Normalizing go the brains of older scientists with infrared radiation. Adopting about the healing properties of infrared light on laboratory studies in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease in performed the same university was. According to the researchers, short sessions led by radiation to a partial recovery of cognitive function in laboratory rodents. the observed positive effects of the researchers explain the ability of infrared radiation increases the metabolism and regenerative processes in aging neurons. device for the treatment of people is a helmet with multiple emitters, infrared radiation transmits in the transparent areas are the bones of the skull., the inventor of the device, Dr. Gordon Dougal (Gordon Dougal) believe that, to improve the condition of patients with early-stage dementia enough four-week course of treatment lasts up to 10 minutes per day. Dr Dougal stressed that a similar infrared transmitter that it created earlier, already in British hospitals for the treatment of herpes virus infections. The first phase of testing healing helm for this summer planned .
In Ukraine, for the sale and storage of Tramadol sentence of imprisonment for up to 10 years
Up to 10 years imprisonment may be for sale and possession of tramadol. The law was taken at the end of last year in operation. Despite this, in Makeyevka remains illegal to sell the drug. On the square in 5 minutes Makeyevka Grebenichenko crew collect 30 empty packs of tramadol. Tramadol added dependent alcohol, phosphorus, iodine crystal or hydrochloric acid to a so-called "hair" or "screw" to obtain. To date, the young often prefer to tramadol, because it easy to buy and it does not leave marks on the body. According to the doctor drug treatment clinic in Donetsk Volodymyr claws, tramadol causes seizures, destroys the central nervous system, as a result of its admission violate traffic and people are disabled 1-2 groups. From the beginning, law enforcement authorities found Makeyevka County 120 cases of trafficking. This included and tramadol. Senior Investigator Central City RVVS Makeevka reported that Makeyevka guy tries not only the tramadol, but markets across the city. For two or three days, he sold 200 packs. Prosecution has to establish his monthly party. For such a business, he runs up to 10 years in prison. According to the law is not as tramadol drug. Previously convicted of marketing with a fine of $ 100 USD. Currently, criminal liability. If you are 10 to 100 packs of drugs - convicted face up to five years in prison.
Do not be afraid, Sex During Pregnancy
Pregnancy changes the state largely women, both physically and mentally. Change and its relation to sex, as is hormonal changes in the body. In general, to women during pregnancy experience more sexual pleasure than usual, and the woman is sexually attractive. For many men, unexpectedly pregnant woman may be more desirable. Damage fears of an imaginary danger to the fetus during sex is not justified, especially if the pregnancy is uncomplicated. In addition, a pregnant woman need more affection, she needs to feel wanted and loved, and if in response to her husband wakes up sexual desire, then there is to be no reason for sex. Besides the good feeling that the expectant mother, orgasm, and useful to the fetus preserved as sexual intercourse increases the circulation of blood through the placenta, through the. The child in the oxygen and nutrients Sex can even help in such situations, if the delivery is delayed, because some components of the male sperm can soften the cervix and help it develop. In addition, the baby receives in the womb a massage, but at the expense of the walls, and not by the movements of the penis, as some think. But in the first and the last 2 months of pregnancy sex life is better, the number and especially the women, limit their pregnancy with complications ahead, according to Women's Health.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
The first case in the world has changed as a result of transplantation, blood and immune system!
Australian girl was the first patient in the world, the reported post-transplant blood and immune system, Reuters has changed. Demi-Lee Brennan, the 15-year-old girl, the liver transplant at age 9 years was. During take immunosuppressants to prevent rejection of foreign tissue, altered their blood group of the first to the first negative-positive. Stem cell donor liver suggest a bone marrow girl changed her immune system so that she could do without the drugs to prevent rejection. Your immune system has changed and adopted the immune system of the donor. "This is unprecedented, and we can not find an explanation to him," - said Dr. Michael Stormon. According to Stuart Dorney Brennan treatment can cause great achievements in the field of transplantation, as is usually the recipient's immune system attacks the implanted tissue. Need to understand the causes of the incident on the application of this method in the future. As previously reported study, researchers the ability to create a process, not by the need to take lifelong immunosuppressive drugs. This girl has got it of course, so this case is very important and requires a detailed study.
Morphine leads to increased pain sensitivity in infants in the future
In premature infants, injections of morphine, pain sensitivity is increased, researchers came to this conclusion. Researchers found that rats that are treated with morphine immediately after birth, must relieve a higher dose in the future pain symptoms than rats that received placebo. Morphine is used for premature babies when the pain manipulation necessary for the treatment and investigation. The examined University of South Carolina researchers newborn rats in the first 9 days of life, which were injected with morphine and. Their sensitivity to pain Rats are born so immature that their early development is comparable to the development of premature birth. After six weeks, the rats reaching the age corresponds to human adolescence. Rats received injections of morphine were more sensitive to pain than patients receiving placebo. According to Professor of Pediatrics Malcolm Levene, an interesting and incredible fact, but if morphine leads to an increased sensitivity to pain, then you have to understand the process, that in no case will not hurt the baby.
The myth about the dangers of microwaves scattered
According to American scientists by microwave ovens in the United States, the number of patients with decreased gastric cancer, because cooking does not require the addition of fat. In return, the Spanish scientists broccoli cooked in the microwave, losing up to 98% of the useful features. In 1989, Swiss biologist Hertel had cooked with Professor Bernard Blanc low-budget study on the influence of food in the microwave, on human health. Since research is not assigned the money, they will eat in a guinea pig, eat again on the stove and limited cooked in the microwave. Next, examine the patient, the researchers claimed that it increases the levels of white blood cells that can lead to cancer of the blood, if you constantly eat food cooked in a microwave. This year, finally, the World Health Organization's judgment states that the microwave radiation is used that. No harmful effects on humans or food The only problem is that pacemakers are sensitive to the intensity of the microwave current. The WHO therefore recommends that people give up with a pacemaker to the use of mobile phones and microwave ovens.
Birth control pills for 30 years reduces the risk of ovarian cancer
Birth control pills protect women against ovarian cancer for 30 years after discontinuation of medication. Thanks to this might today about 100 thousand deaths to prevent ovarian cancer, British researchers reported. The longer the period of taking the pills, the lower the risk of developing the disease. Often in women over 50 years For example, women who take the pill for 15 years, reduce the risk of ovarian cancer by half, researchers reported the journal Lancet. As a result, the women who might pills to prevent 200 thousand cases of ovarian cancer and 100 thousand deaths in the world, said Valerie Beral of Oxford University. Based on these results, the researchers concluded that the benefits and protection of the pill takes a lot longer than people previously thought. The study found that reducing the use of the pill for 10 years, the risk of ovarian cancer in 12 out of 1,000 women aged 75 years. And 7 out of 1000 women reduces the risk of death from ovarian cancer. The study also showed that the factors of ethnicity, education, marital status and other no effect on reducing the risk of ovarian cancer when taking pills. According to researchers, the exact cause of the protective function of the pill is not yet clear, but it is certainly clear that. The overwhelming risk of ovarian cancer in women, this medication
Friday, December 21, 2012
Found "telepathic connection" between DNA molecules
DNA with a similar structure in a position to recognize each other without the help of proteins and other biochemical compounds. These results are the authors of a study published in the Journal of Physical Chemistry. According scientists discovered mechanism allows for the homologous recombination of DNA, which plays an important role in the development of the species. Universal carrier of genetic information, DNA molecule consists of two chains of purine and pyrimidine bases, the coding sequence of amino acids in proteins. Asexual cells of most living organisms (homologous) a double set of DNA molecules consisting of a pair of similar structure. The staff at Imperial College London, the Russian scientist Professor Alexei Kornysheva led studied the behavior of DNA molecules in solution, the other organic compounds deleted. As it turned out, was the DNA and interact with each other, and these interactions have been observed twice as often between homologous molecules. Previously it was thought that the choice of interaction between homologous DNA molecules only possible. With the participation of proteins and other chemical compounds The mechanism of the "telepathic" communication between the DNA is not explained, but scientists suspect that "recognize" these large molecules to each other on the distribution of electrical charges. The probability of such detection increases with the length of the DNA strands. According to the researchers described their interaction used mechanism of homologous recombination - the exchange of genes between similar DNA molecules.
As a result of Botox injections, 16 people died
Botox is widely used in cosmetics, and similar injections should be accompanied by more detailed warnings. Was recorded 16 deaths after the botulinum toxin is introduced into the body, said the organization on consumer protection in the U.S.. Botox is known as a remedy for wrinkles and is approved for medical use. Is used for cervical dystonia or stiffness in the neck muscles to treat. Mioblok only used to improve the physical condition of the neck. Both are types of injections of botulinum toxin blocks the nerve impulses to muscles, causing them to relax. Organization that protects the rights of consumers in the United States examined 180 reports of people who were given botulinum toxin. The reports describe the cases of muscle weakness, difficulty swallowing, or cases of aspiration pneumonia. According to the Organisation for the Protection of Consumer Rights, sixteen cases, the Office of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have been reported, were fatal, four of the dead were children under the age of 18. In addition, 87 people were admitted to hospital after the injection. Dr. Sidney Wolfe of ogranizatsii consumer protection that such problems can spread because of the toxin from the injection site to organs such as esophagus, is partial paralysis. Proper identification of the presence of all the warnings to doctors and patients to increase the likelihood of earlier medical intervention in the event of a negative response to botulinum toxin, which can have serious consequences, including preventing deaths, said organization for the protection of consumer rights in the use of the FDA.
Scientists have extended the lives of 10
Californian scientists have created genetically modified organisms that can live 10 times longer than it should be. It is the greatest extension of the life that has been achieved to date, the researchers investigate the mechanisms of aging. If you succeed always, use this method to humans, then one day they can grow up to 800 years old. But if this is realistic? Valter Longo - one of a small but influential group of specialists in the field, that life is 800 years to believe not only possible, but inevitable. It was his work at the University of Southern California led to the creation of a strain of yeast fungus that can live for 10 weeks or longer, during normal fungus lives maximum weekly working time. Deletion from the genome of the fungus, two genes and place it on a low calorie diet Longo was able to extend use to ten times the life of the most common yeast cells by bakers and brewers. The results will be published this week in the journal Public Library of Science Genetics. Of course, the difference between a yeast cell and a man is huge, but that has stopped Longo and his colleagues say that their respective investigations with the problem of aging and longevity in humans. "We are laying the foundation for reprogramming the body to a healthy life if we can figure out how the longevity mechanism works, it's for all the cells of every living organism can be applied." - Says Longo. "We are very, very far from it, to extend the human life to 800 years - adds Longo -. I do not think it will be difficult to extend the life up to 120, while maintaining good health, but at a some point, I think it will be possible to prolong the years of people's lives to 800
Light therapy - an effective way of depression and mental illness
Light therapy is not only able to cope with seasonal depression, but also to treat serious mental illness, according to U.S. scientists from the University of Pittsburgh. According to the study, doctors gave patients special lamps, they must be turned on daily at 15, 30 and 45 minutes. The experiment was carried out in the chambers of the nine patients. Four stations are LED lights in the morning, and the rest - in the afternoon. The experiment showed that the most beneficial effect of light therapy day. The recommended duration of this process is 15 minutes per day. Also, doctors have found that light therapy can not only help in the fight against depression, but also effective in the treatment of severe mental disorders, such as affective disorder biopolyarnoe used as manic-depressive psychosis.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
In Ukraine this week flu sick more than 44 thousand people
Over the last week 44,136 people sick, the proportion of children under 14 years (45.93 per 10 thousand of us.) - 45.6% (20,117 sick children). Compared to the previous week on the incidence vyrola 19.75%, 15.79% in children in. The proportion of children up to 2 years was 29.9; 3-6 years - 37.2, 7-14 years - 32.9%. 256 people were hospitalized, including - 233 children (91%), the proportion of admissions 0.58. Selected Meanwhile in Ukraine for the period of intensification of respiratory infections influenza strain. Morbidity especially parainfluenza, adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial defined. Influenza Vaccination on. Vaccination against influenza in Ukraine more than 440 thousand people. Warned the specialists of the Ministry of Health that in the beginning of February in Ukraine flu epidemic expected.
The infant mortality rate in the world fell by a quarter
The infant mortality rate in the world between 1990 and 2006, almost a quarter. In 2006, at the age of five died 9.7 million children. Cpasenie large number of children was made possible through the strengthening of national health systems and the development of targeted strategies. It's about a new report from the Children's Fund (UNICEF), "The situation of children in the world in 2008." UNICEF Executive Director Anne Vinniman said that can secure the necessary community for mothers, newborns and young children as well as the continuous improvement of national health systems, the lives of many of the 26,000 children who die every day to store the age of five. Anna Vinniman drew attention to the fact that in China in the past 16 years, the infant mortality rate fell by 47 per cent in India in the same period - 34 percent. Worldwide, since 1990, child mortality fell by a quarter. The authors of the report, UNICEF said that with the strengthening of national policies in 2015 the infant mortality rate to four million euros per year are reduced. Currently, in the developed countries, the age of 5 die every six children in 1000 and in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS countries - 27 babies in 1000. In sub-Saharan Africa under the age of five die every six children.
Scientists have secured the Ebola virus
Deadly Ebola virus able to ease by removing a single gene. Opening of the American scientists the requirements for increased safety and study the virus in normal laboratory conditions by the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Investigator Yoshihiro Kavaoka (Yoshihiro Kawaoka) and his colleagues at the University of Wisconsin (University of Wisconsin) Madison deleted gene of Ebola virus VP30, arresting its reproduction in normal cells. The gene controls the production of proteins. For viral replication In the next step, the scientists monkey kidney cells are modified, thereby producing a protein necessary for the replication of the virus. Thus, the experts to investigate an opportunity to replication of the virus in a safe environment: Ebola virus multiplies only in monkey cells with a protein essential for it, but not reproduced in normal cells. Ebola fever, weakness, muscle pain and headache, diarrhea, renal dysfunction and liver manifested. The Ebola virus is transmitted easily from person to person and causes death in about 80% of cases. Currently, studies of the virus only be done in a higher level of security in a specially equipped laboratory. Specialists are required to wear special protective suits, and the space is maintained to prevent the reduced air pressure to "leakage" of the virus.
Obesity surgery helps fight diabetes
Surgical interventions in the fight against obesity to help cure diabetes, a statement by Australian scientists. Subjecting patients have surgery to reduce the size of the stomach, 5 times more likely to be able to diabetes cure in the next two years than those who were treated in the usual way, say scientists . The study involved 55 people with obesity and diabetes of the second type, with an average age was 47 years. One of the patients had surgery, laparoscopic gastric banding. This is a fairly effective method for treatment of nourishing anti-constitutional obesity, so that to reach the vast majority of patients adequate weight loss. Other patients advice on diet and increasing physical activity. The scientists observed the patients for two years. During this period, patients who had surgery for weight loss, lost an average of about 21 pounds, while patients in the control group lost weight by 1.5 kg. Blood tests showed diabetes remission in 22 of the 29 participants who had undergone surgery, and only one of 26 participants in the control group. According to researcher David Cummings, offer doctors used to treat diabetes, a chronic, progressive disease, but these operations real hope of cure for many patients with diabetes.
Can not after organ transplantation
Scientists are one step closer to the possibility of not taking medication for life after a kidney transplant, reports the BBC. The results of two independent studies in the U.S. was conducted, showed that patients recover, the kidneys were transplanted without the need for potent drugs that cause many side effects, including the risk of cancer. When an organ is transplanted from non-identical twin, is the body's response rejection of the organ as a foreign body. To start this process, it is necessary for the life of immunosuppressants may increase the risk of infectious diseases, to take your blood pressure and cholesterol levels, to facilitate. You can even lead to certain types of cancer. Scientists have for years been working on this issue in order to reduce side effects and the need for medication. While most people have, the transplants in the UK were able to reduce the medication by 50% in the last 5 years the risk of dangerous side effects is still great. In the first study at Stanford University, a man who had received a kidney brother no medication for about two years after the exposure to prevent doctors on the immune system to the response of the body to produce antibodies. The patient is then introduced his brother's blood cells. This combination therapy, it has become possible to use a type of immune cells, which create in the position in order to prevent rejection of the foreign body.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Even for a small fee, women do not go mammograms
Even at lower pay for mammograms, there is little likelihood that women undergo this procedure on a regular basis, according to scientists. Breast cancer is difficult and expensive to treat in the later stages of the disease. So in the future they want to make a free mammogram. Breast cancer was diagnosed in 178,000 American women in 2007, and died of his more than 40 000 women according to the American Cancer Association, which recommends regular mammograms for women over 40. The researchers found that among 366 thousand women from 65 to 69 years since mammography screening, 4 percent less educated than women with low income and poor, and those who had to pay part of the costs. Scientists was the rising trend in mammography visits among those who paid full price by 3.4% lower in women who pay some of the costs, had seen up 5.5 percent. But it is also a large percentage of women who do not need a mammogram just because you have to pay for it. Scientists believe that mammograms should be free and hope for the awareness of the women who make decisions, often to the detriment of his health, refuses timely mammograms.
Armed with a loved one physical damage
Ucheny found that since the quarrels in married couples - is not only emotional distress. Stress after an argument with a loved one to a slow healing of wounds. Scientists have found that half an hour can dispute the body's ability to regenerate itself, at least delay for one day. Couples where the constant hostility, the time needed for healing doubled. Accordingly, the hospital knowing psychological tests for patients on operations in advance how long they need to ask to stay in bed, scientists say. Because under load decreases, the immunity and level of cytokines, which contribute to the healing of wounds. Such findings by scientists after examining 42 pairs living in a marriage average of 12 years. It is important that people psychologically for the operation, which also contributes to a harmonious relationship in a pair prepared. Physicians should ensure that reduce stress before surgery.
The Japanese have found the cause of the break
According to a recent study by the British, when a woman is exposed to some of the states of stress, then it is in danger of excessive hair loss. Scientists claim that modern British women often in dangerous stress, the influence on the beauty and luxury of their hair. In addition, the researchers argue that women lacked accurate information and specific guidelines for maintaining healthy hair. Specialist cosmetics company Kao Corporation isolated a gene of aging hair. The extent of its activity is in inverse proportion to his age. It is assumed that the opening is more effective to slow down the process, so keep the elasticity and shine to shag to old age. Taken after the analysis of hair samples from the 127 girls and women, age varied from 11 to 70 years, found that over the years, falling activity of the VEGF gene, and with it the deteriorating condition of the hair. We also know that this gene is involved in the mechanism of the formation of blood vessels. From these specialists Kao concluded that helps by stimulating blood circulation, nourish the hair root the gene necessary nutrients to sustain their growth and strength upright. Sun affect gene can slow the aging process and prevent hair baldness. But now it is necessary to wait for the experts to find the appropriate lever. By the way disturbs, women hair loss problem to eight times more often than men.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Scientists Create directory genotypes people
Thousand people cardholders their genotype. This will allow scientists to track how a person's genes influence the predisposition to certain diseases, reports BBC. Genotype could explain why two genetically similar to 99% of the people alone, for example, more inclined to sexually transmitted diseases. The possibility to create directories genotypes have led to the discovery of more than 100 fields of genetics. Genotype - a set of genes in an organism that determines the phenotype (what it would be to see the body, a lot of their external characteristics). With the help of maps genotype Scientists want vulnerabilities predict disease in individual cases, such as the possibility of diabetes, breast cancer or rheumatoid arthritis. "The dream of the people working in this field in order to obtain a complete picture of all the parts of the human DNA, and also get the opportunity to see different genotypes of people," - said Dr. Richard Durbin (Richard Durbin). According to him, 1,000 volunteers will help them track the sequence to detect a difference between the people at the genetic level and to establish a fund for the future of human genetics.
British surgeons treat cardiac stem cells
Researchers at Bristol University have received permission to perform repair, an experiment on the use of stem cells damaged heart tissue from patients. The study will have 60 patients injections of stem cells during bypass surgery. Circulatory disorders in chronic heart disease and stroke, resulting in the death of the heart muscle areas, which are replaced by connective tissue. The scientists hope that stem cell injections lead to the restoration of function of these sites. Stem cells can rotate in myocardial cells are extracted from the bone marrow of the experiment participants. The use of the transplant patient's own cells would reduce the risk of rejection by the immune system. Want to participate to this experiment scientists patient to win with extensive tissue damage of the left ventricle of the heart. During surgery, each of them will receive 15 injections of stem cells. 6 months later to assess the condition of the damaged areas of the heart are participants MRI. As expected, the experimental treatment will lead to improve a complete recovery of cardiac pump function and significantly improve the quality of life of patients.
Wild birds, dead in Sevastopol, not die from the flu
Dead wild birds in Sevastopol influenza A virus is found, the press service of the State Committee of Veterinary Medicine. According to the report, recently received information about the death of wild birds in the vicinity of the village of Balaklava (Crimea). Selected were patmaterialy dead birds and sent for analysis to the Republican State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine. As a result of the investigation 8 samples espertizy patmateriala dead wild birds for avian influenza A was detected. According to an UNIAN correspondent, Balaclava (Sevastopol) found 12 carcasses of dead birds: 6 dives and 6 cormorants. But in one of the courtyards in the village of Rivne region Krasnogvardeisky ARC last week discovered the bird flu. The Court was disposed of by incineration of almost 25,000 birds. Monitored. In other regions of the Crimea bird flu has not yet been found.
Vitamin E can help older people maintain physical activity
According to scientists, by vitamin E older people can save energy and physical activity, according to Reuters. The researchers measured levels of certain vitamins in the blood of 698 people aged 65 years in Italy. Then spent three tests: a short walk, balance and rise from a sitting position to secure their condition. After the tests, the participants exercise with a low content of vitamin E less than those with concentrations of vitamin E were higher. The values of other vitamins: folic acid, B-6, B-12 and D had no effect on the test results, U.S. researchers reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The scientists have found that a low concentration of vitamin E is associated with reduced physical activity. Vitamin E is the most active antioxidant that protects cell membranes from free radicals is that. Damage to cells, tissues and organs Vitamin E is also in the formation of red blood cells. But some studies carried out earlier showed that the consumption of vitamin E in large quantities can cause the risk of death. Scientists say that the next study, they try to determine the optimal level of vitamin E for the elderly to maintain their physical activity.
Monday, December 17, 2012
Consumption of red meat and soda leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system and diabetes
People who eat two or more times per day, red meat have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, U.S. researchers reported. Eating two or more servings of red meat increases the likelihood that the risk-group, known as metabolic syndrome by 25% for those who ate red meat for food twice a week, in comparison, the researchers reported in the journal Circulation. Are symptoms of the metabolic syndrome: excessive fullness around the waist, high cholesterol, high blood sugar and high blood pressure. Also, the survey found that the consumption of diet soda was associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Scientists study was conducted with the participation of 9,514 people. The participants were divided into two groups and two different diets: "Western-style" with a lot of meat, fried foods and "useful" with lots of fruits and vegetables. After nine years, 40% of participants, there are three or more factors that are associated with the metabolic syndrome. It was clear that in addition to food influenced by the factors of smoking and physical activity. According to scientists, causing a lot of meat, fried foods and diet soda in the complex cardiovascular disease, and this sposobstuyut fast food and unhealthy lifestyle.
Hand washing saves from diarrhea
Washing hands properly is to reduce the risk of diarrhea by 30%, said the scientists Nigeria. Review of 14 different studies showed that in rich and poor countries alike, in schools and hospitals, as well as in other places, to wash their hands -. An easy way to prevent infectious diarrhea The challenge is to find a way of influencing the habit of washing your hands to good practice is part of the way of life to be found, said Dr. Regina Ejemot the University of Nigeria. According to the Ministry of Health of diarrhea kills 2.2 million people per year. Observed the highest level of deaths from diarrhea in the middle or low income in young children. Germs that cause diarrhea in the gut and found spread through fecal contamination of hands and water. Washing hands after using the toilet will help reduce the occurrence of diarrhea, said Dr. Ejemot. Just a simple hand washing reduces the risk of the disease by 30%. The problem is to find an effective way of stimulating people to wash their hands properly, scientists say.
Stress at work can kill
Work really can kill you. According to the study, stress at work increases the risk of cardio-vascular disease. By destroying the body from the inside, according to Reuters In the long-term study involved 10 thousand British officials met with the causes of stress at work biochemical changes in the body and cause more damage than previously thought, said Tarani Chandola epidemiologist at University College London. This is the first study, the population of this size, the. Daily effects of stress at work addresses in the cardiovascular system People were skeptical and did not believe that stress can really serve the development of biochemical changes in the body, said Chandola, who led the study. Heart disease - the leading cause of death worldwide. This is caused by deposits of cholesterol, to a loss of elasticity and block arteries and high blood pressure that can damage blood vessels and other factors which. The researchers measured the pressure of public servants and questions about the demands of their work, how much control over their work, and how often they had broken. A group of scientists was held on 7 stages of investigation for the 12-year period. Among the participants were people with chronic stress at work, where the risk of cardiovascular disease was increased by 68%. A very close relationship of work stress to heart disease was in people under 50 years.
Medicinal plants are on the verge of extinction
Hundreds of species of medicinal plants are threatened with extinction, and it can prevent the creation of drugs for many diseases. With such a warning was Botanic Gardens Conservation International, reports BBC. About half of the drugs issued on prescription contain ingredients from wild plants. The deforestation of many valuable plants are on the verge of extinction. List of the 400 plants that are threatened, has put together 600 experts from around the world and a major university. They concluded that most threatened the four plants. Primarily, yew bark in the production of paclitaxel, one of the most commonly used drugs for cancer and cactus Hoodia, which promised to create medicines for weight loss is used. Half of the species of magnolia is also in danger. Magnolia is used in Chinese medicine for the treatment of cancer, dementia and heart disease. After botanist who reproduced valuable constituents of plants that were found, in most cases, is in the laboratory, but the rapid extinction of wild plants could jeopardize future discoveries. Moreover, in those countries, developing countries are left as 5 billion so far mainly on traditional medicine with its dependence on medicinal plants.
Sunday, December 16, 2012
In Britain wants junk food ban online advertising
British Heart Foundation (BHF) and baby food company calls for a ban on surrogate advertising of foods in the online games, reports the BBC. The ban on advertising during TV programs targeted for children under 16 is already there. As we know, the children are more and more time to not watching TV and online from the internet. Since different kinds of promoting products and services online - search ads, banner ads, articles published, the information for potential customers cover a growing share of the audience over time, and an audience of 16. In this connection, experts are concerned about the control of advertising and its impact on children, young people. According to the government, we had time to assess the impact of the applicable law advertising ban before adoption. BHF, a survey of 1,069 parents with children aged 7 to 14 years. It was found that only 30% knew that the manufacturers of junk food, the. The Internet and online games on advertising and children's attention 52% of parents do not realize that in turn advertising game also appears on the labels of foods and beverages. The representative of the Ministry of Culture said, Media and Sport, the need to properly assess the impact of the new rules, which are among the strictest in the world, before further restrictions. Federation of Food and Beverage Industry in the UK (FDF) has unreasonable restrictions on the advertising solution.
Scientists have a gene that can turn off pain found
U.S. scientists develop the use of gene therapy in the treatment of pain in people with serious illnesses, reports the BBC. Researchers in the cerebrospinal fluid of rats introduced a disabled virus with a gene that promotes the production of endorphins, thus reducing or total removal of the painful effect. The effect of such an injection was observed for up to 3 months. Therapy had no effect on the rest of the nervous system, including the brain, no. That side effects during drug exposures How severe drowsiness, hallucinations and dark state - After the scientist Andreas Beutler, patients are not satisfied with chronic bouts of pain on the actions that the painkillers because of the ineffectiveness of their effects or severe side effects. He also said that some patients refuse the drugs, and endure pain in order to remain in clear consciousness. There is also the risk of dependency. Scientists have tried for years to use gene therapy to relieve pain, but faced with various problems. "The results of an exciting and promising, but it's too early to talk about the final value" - said Professor Turo Nurmikko, Director of Pain Research Institute in Liverpool. According to the professor, scientists were able to demonstrate in laboratory animals chronically sustained improvement can only then can we talk about the great advances in medicine.
Caffeine reduces the risk of ovarian cancer
Caffeine, presumably to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer in women, U.S. researchers reported. The biggest advantage of caffeine offered women who had never used oral contraceptives and not hormones during menopause, wrote researchers in the journal Cancer. "With the increasing consumption of beverages that contain caffeine, observed a decrease in the amount of ovarian cancer," - said Shelley Tworoger of Harvard Medical School. World fiksirutsya about 190 thousand cases of ovarian cancer each year. In most cases, cases occur in women after 50 years. The symptoms can occur only from the time when the disease begins to progress. A team of researchers, a survey in 121 million women aged 30 to 35 years on health. Scientists have not drink a significant association between smoking and alcohol and found elevated levels of ovarian cancer disease. Despite the fact that the previously reported increased risk of cigarettes one form of the disease. The study found that caffeine reduces the risk of diseases. Decaffeinated coffee is not useful in this regard. According to scientists, the ability of caffeine to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer, particularly in women who were not on hormones, is intriguing and warrants further investigation.
American patent for a printer to print human tissue
Three-dimensional structure of tissues and organs reconstructed using three-dimensional printing, are U.S. inventor. He patented three-dimensional printer uses ink instead of living cells and their growth-regulating substances. Create a multi-layered structures in living cells at the Institute for Regenerative Medicine at Wake Forest University (North Carolina), James W (James Yoo) proposes to use an inkjet printer, so. The biological material on the basis of collagen fibers The printing process can also growth factors. Proliferation and differentiation, as well as special pigments that are used to regulate more intuitive spatial structure As stated in the patent, with the device already succeeded a few three-dimensional objects of different types of mammalian cells is obtained. In the future, a similar technique may be used to virtually every human tissue are new - from the skin to nerve, pancreas or bone safely Yu
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Americans have learned, muscular dystrophy treated with stem cells
Models of Duchenne muscular dystrophy - American scientists have full muscle fiber formation is introduced from embryonic stem cells in the muscles of mice. This is the first successful application of stem cells in the treatment of muscular dystrophy. Attempts to treat various forms of hereditary muscular dystrophy with embryonic stem cells were previously made, but every time no results. The fact that immature cells in the theory can be used in muscle following injection into cells of various tissue types transformed turn, form a potentially malignant tumor. To avoid this, preactivated experts Southeastern Medical Center, University of Texas at stem cell gene Pax3, involved in the formation of muscle cells. Thereafter, a part of the cell precursor cells of striated muscle - myoblasts. Researchers could it out from the crowd of other cells with fluorescent substances. Selectively to the cell membrane, which is characteristic for muscle Selected cells thus led to the muscles of the hind legs of rodents. A month later, they spread the muscle tissue, the exchange and the creation of new muscle fibers. The tests were conducted in rodents, the experimental treatment recorded a significant increase in mobility of the hind legs. They have also significantly improved motor coordination. Three months after the injection, the animals were observed for any signs of tumors.
Snoring can kill
After 30 years, one in five people is snoring in his sleep of 65 years seen this problem in more than half of the population. From 2 to 5% of all adults suffer from obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (a disorder of sleep apnea). Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) - a disease that is characterized by the presence of snoring bear, sometimes the upper airway at the level of the pharynx and the setting of pulmonary ventilation, reduced blood oxygen level, coarsely fragmented sleep and excessive daytime sleepiness. In patients with impaired breathing during sleep observed surface restless sleep, sweating and frequent need, in the night, fatigue and headaches in the morning, urinate severe daytime sleepiness, irritability, loss of memory and attention, impotence. Disease increases the risk of high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction and stroke. Up to 30% of sudden deaths during sleep may be associated with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The number of traffic accidents increased by 8-10 times in patients with severe disease is the cause of them asleep at the wheel. To stop snoring, you need to strengthen the muscles of the soft palate. This can be done through the following exercise: try to make a sound "and" greatly strain the muscles of the pharynx, soft palate and sometimes neck. It is desirable. For conducting this exercise 25-30 times in the morning and in the evening The result you will feel after two weeks.
Scientists have six genes erythematosus the risk of disease transmission with systemic lupus
According to scientists for a long time it was thought that the development of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) has been influenced by both genetic and environmental factors. Scientists United States, Europe and Scandinavia had to understand 4 studies in an attempt to the causes of the disease and the results published in Nature Genetics and the New England Journal of Medicine. The study identified six genes that increase the risk of SLE 25 to 200 percent. Separately or together, the genes affect the ability of the disease is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Thus, the gene is located on chromosome 16 ITGAM; BLK on chromosome 8; KIAA1542 on chromosome 11, rs10798269 in chromosome 1; PXK on chromosome 3 and BANK1 on chromosome 4 The study involved over 10 thousand people, 13 different genes were examined. The scientists studied the DNA of more than 6,700 people, including those suffering from SLE disease activity, their families and the people without the disease. The study found that most of the increased risk of diagnosed disease in women and mostly in the birth of their children. According to scientists, the new data can be helpful in identifying people who are prone to develop the disease. In addition, based on them are new treatments, by blocking "bad" genes with drugs. The latter is particularly important because the FCC is currently considered incurable. Researchers believe that the next step is to find out the influence of environmental factors such as viruses and pollution on the incidence of SLE.
People from different cultures, different ways with their intellectual abilities
In the perception of the same things that people from different cultures, their intellectual skills to use in different ways, the conclusion of U.S. researchers. U.S. researchers found that people in East Asia use their intellectual capabilities, unlike the people of American culture in solving mental tasks in a simple visual perception. Previous psychological research has shown that the American culture on the personality and values of independence focused while East Asian culture is more focused on the community and highlights the vision of the people and things in their context. The study for the first time made it clear that the difference in the cultures of the potential enhanced activity of the brain. The study appears in the January issue of the journal Psychological Science.
Friday, December 14, 2012
The study of twins has helped discover to the causes of leukemia
Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia - Scientists at the University of Oxford, the cells responsible for the occurrence of the most common cancers found in children. The discovery was made by a pair of four-year study of identical twins, according to the journal Science. One of the girls was Isabella Murphy (Isabella Murphy) healthy, and her sister Olivia (Olivia) was diagnosed at age two with leukemia - malignant disease of the blood-forming tissues. Was discovered in a study of Olivia chromosomal abnormality manifested fusion of two genes - quite often found in patients with leukemia. Study leader Tariq Enver (Tariq Enver) and his colleagues have identified a group of cells that fused together the genes contained, and a small number were transplanted into immunodeficient mice. In mice, there was such a disease leukemia. The researchers concluded that they had found, the cell is a stem cell leukemia. In the next phase of the research scientists who track the origin of the stem cell leukemia, until they transform cancer. For this purpose, they examined healthy sister Olivia - Isabella. In the bone marrow Isabella showed a small number of cells also contain fused genes. However, these cells were found in immature precursor leukemia stem cells in Olivia. Enver referred to them as "preleykemicheskie stem cells." Scientists have followed the path of these cells and found that they were in the body of the sister Isabella in utero, from a common fetal membranes.
Cell phone use leads to sleep disorders
The use of a mobile phone in front of the leads to a disruption of sleep, sleep scientists Karolinska Institute in Sweden found, together with scientists from Wayne University in the U.S.. The study, funded by the mobile phone company found that cell phone use can cause insomnia, headaches and anxiety. And can also change the deeper stages of sleep. The study included 35 men and 36 women from 18 to 45 years. Some of which are the equivalent of the radiation from the use of a mobile phone, while others in the same conditions, but were "false" energy. People subjected to the radiation took longer to enter into the deeper stages of sleep, and they spent less time in the deepest stage. The study found that the effect of in vitro affected 884 MHz wireless radiation sleep that we need to recover. This is presumably due to the fact that the radiation. The hormone melatonin, which is for internal rhythm of the body According to Alasdair Philips, deals with the effects of electromagnetic effects on human health, gave the study to understand that if you want to make an evening of conversation, it is better to use a landline phone, and it is advisable to not turn your phone on to leave the bedside table. Scientists also do not rule out the possibility that long-term use of mobile phones increases the risk of cancer.
Caffeine increases the risk of miscarriage
Caffeine in early pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage in women, according to U.S. scientists. Food Standards Agency is currently set a limit caffeine pregnancy is 300 mg per day. But an American study found that even women. Use of 200 mg of caffeine per day, the risk of miscarriage is increased by half compared with those who are to refrain from drinking Consultant obstetrician and a representative of the Royal College Pett O'Brien (Pat O'Brien) advises women of caffeine during the first 12 weeks of the vote. In his view, the first 12 weeks is very dangerous for the baby. The majority of women in early pregnancy, feeling the taste of coffee, can not refrain from their use. The period witnessed the highest number of abortions. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 1063 women, are on the first or second month of pregnancy. Women had a diary in which she recorded to keep the caffeine. The results showed that women who consume up. To 200 mg of caffeine per day, the risk of miscarriage by 15% to 12%, compared to deny its use Those who consumed more than 200 mg of caffeine per day increases the risk of miscarriage to 25%. According to researchers, the increased risk of miscarriage due to the direct use of caffeine, and not the other components of coffee, as was the same trend in the use of other beverages that contain caffeine, such as tea and hot chocolate observed.
13 ways to combat chronic fatigue
Chronic fatigue is a constant companion of the modern man is. This is due to the strong acceleration of the pace of life and an increase in mental and psychological stress. American doctors give you some simple tips to help you cope with fatigue. A. Movement. Try during the day, if possible, go longer. Even a 15-minute walk increases the supply of oxygen to the organs and the brain, you will be filled with energy and serve as an impetus for the production of hormones that contribute to the prevention of depression. Second Positive mood. If you think about how you are exhausted think it will only strengthen the feeling of fatigue. Try to optimize in a positive way. Third Naps. Short sleep affects encouraging. But if you oversleep more than half an hour, the body will fall into the deeper stages of sleep. If you cancel it, you will feel overwhelmed and not be able to resume normal activity until the end of the day. 4th Light load. A life without adventure is monotonous. A lot of stress you knock out of the rut, but the person is required to the amount of stress that determine the life full and colorful. You can artificially induce a voltage that stimulate, not overwhelm. For example, you can go on a journey. 5th Pleasant company. There are people that irritate and affect you depressing. In most cases, these people used to complain about and blame everyone else for their problems are. Try not to associate with such people. 6th Breathing through the nose.
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Found a new virus from skin cancer
U.S. scientists opened a previously unknown virus, which seems to cause the most dangerous form of skin cancer. The virus, called Merkel cell polyomavirus present in 80% of tumors of this type. Merkel cell carcinoma of an aggressive malignant tumor of the skin, especially the elderly and immunocompromised patients, especially AIDS patients and people who have undergone organ transplantation affects. Merkel cells are in the deep layers of the epidermis of the skin and are responsible for tactile sensitivity. The researchers examined tissue samples of Merkel cell tumors and found foreign DNA integrated into their own genome tumor. Study leader Patrick Moore and his colleagues found that the DNA previously unknown virus type polyomavirus belongs. This virus has been isolated from 80% of the added tissue samples of cancer, Merkel cells and 8% of control tissue samples from different parts of the body healthy. Scientists believe that the virus. A protein that promotes the growth of tumors, or the gene that affect to inhibit the growth of the tumor They suggest that the virus is one of the main factors that promote the growth of the tumor. According to Patrick Moore, the results can be the basis for the treatment of the disease and its prevention. Even the scientists said that the results are not conclusive and needs further confirmation.
Favorite music can epileptic seizures
Caused an operation on a brain woman epilepsy listen to your favorite music, doctors said from Long Iceland Jewish Medical Center. 25 years old Stacey Gayle, who supervised a safe banking and customer service bank in Canada, with up to 10 seizures a day, despite the fact that it was given to the treatment, which was to regulate the amount of drugs seized. Her condition was very serious, and she had to work and to leave the choir in which she sang. 18 months ago she began to notice that most of the attacks by listening to music and hip-hop reggae occur. Their suspicions were confirmed when she was in February last year, visited the medical center, and during the inspection music was included, after they suffered three attacks. According to Dr. Ashesh Mehta, it was a very interesting opportunity to examine a woman's brain and determine whether there is a relationship between music listening and seizures. During the first surgery, doctors have more than 100 electrodes in the right side of her brain, implemented to locate the affected area. In the second procedure, surgeons remove the electrodes along the part of their brain, which is supposedly the cause of seizures. Surgeons have the latest technology used to locate the affected area of the brain, and then took a four-hour operation. After she was released from the hospital, epilepsy are not repeated.
U.S. scientists have created an embryo from the skin cells of two men
Was created in an attempt to create stem cells for patients by U.S. scientists clone embryo of two men, reports the BBC. Scientists extracted DNA from a human egg cell and the DNA of skin cells from two subjects. You have created an embryo corresponding male genetic material, go no further procurement of stem cells. Thereafter, a group of researchers from five of these embryos produced 25 eggs. A DNA fingerprint was found that at least one of them is a clone. Team Stemagen Corporation of California believes that the study is an important step in the development of the production of embryonic stem cells for patients. Dr. Samuel Wood, who led the study, said that they are the first in the world, in fact, confirmed the possibility of the creation of embryos from human cells. Many scientists believe that the creation of stem cells obtained from an individual, may serve to prevent many serious diseases. According to Professor Jack Price from Kings College, London, this process is based on technological progress and shows the approach of the use of human embryos in the long term, which justifies the need for further research.
Scientists have five genes found for prostate cancer
More than half of all cases of prostate cancer are five genes responsible for this view came Swiss scientists. Scientists have analyzed the DNA of Swiss men, of whom 2893 patients with prostate cancer and 1781 without the disease. According to the results of the study, four of the five carriers of genes risk of prostate cancer by 4.5 times to those who compared not either of these genes. In the presence of all five genes and cancer relatives, the risk increases to 9.5 times. The average age of the men in the study was approximately 60 years. According to Dr. Jianfeng Xu, the study shows that the risk factor can be inherited by men. The traditional method of detecting prostate cancer - a blood test for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and a physical examination. According to Dr. Lilly Zheng, a group of men who were once their prostate is not worried, they at low risk of disease, particularly believe based on the analysis (PSA) may be a risk of transmission of one or more genes.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Ukraine has encountered a case of bird flu
According to the State Committee of Veterinary Medicine confirms the fact of detection of highly pathogenic avian influenza (virus type A subtype H5N1) in poultry PP "Lobzenko" with. Exactly Krasnogvardeisky region Crimea. As the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations 153 bird deaths from January 15 to 17 was added to the farm, with about 25,000 birds. In Crimea, a reserve of personnel and resources for quick response in case of complications epizootic situation. To prevent the spread of viral infections banned exports from the farm poultry and poultry products, imposed quarantine restrictions. Veterinary workers and specialists MOE by house-to all employees receive, on range, the dangers and risks of the spread of bird flu.
In Britain, the first license to create human embryos chimeras exhibited
British agency on artificial fertilization and embryology has granted the first license for embryos to produce chimeras, both human and animal genes. You have two groups of researchers from King's College London and the University of Newcastle. Cows or pigs - In June last year, the Commission on Ethics of the British Academy of Medical Sciences recognized the ethical acceptability of the use of hybrid embryos by introducing nuclei of human cells into animal eggs. These embryos can be an alternative source of embryonic stem cells, so close in its properties to be human. Want to use scientists from King's College London, the cells in chimeric embryos develop experimental treatments for Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other diseases of the nervous system. Researchers from Newcastle examine learn the processes of differentiation of stem cells into cells of various tissues, such as to reproduce this process in the laboratory. Using chimeric embryos allow scientists to them in the uterus of an animal or human implant, but they also need the latest on 14 Days of development may be destroyed.
Invisible part of the course of the ineffective action of antidepressants
Effectiveness of several known antidepressants was published exaggerated test results, according to researchers at the University of Oregon. Manufacturers of antidepressants published only positive test results, hiding about a third of the studies in which it was found that the drugs have no effect, was what. To an incorrect assessment of the drug by doctors and patients The researchers compared the published results of the effectiveness of drugs and the results in the public register of clinical trials included the U.S., and found that 12 of 74 studies of antidepressants, only 38 trials, the effective action of the drug showed. Published by the 36 studies with negative results were only three in the other 11 were distorted and published data indicate that the drugs are effective, has been mentioned the remaining 22 studies typically anywhere. According to researchers, incorrect publication of research results in the misallocation of doctors and the best effect on the health of patients.
Named enemies sex
Everyone knows that regular sex is the key to a healthy and happy relationship of the couple. It also helps get rid of man sex from many health problems. According to a recent article in Newsweek, regular sex can heal rejuvenate the flu, colds and headaches, to lose weight, stabilize the menstrual cycle and strengthening muscles. If, however, a healthy sex life helps healthy body, an unhealthy body makes an unhealthy sex life. If your sex life has turned into a disaster, may be the reason why a lot closer than you think, according to MSNBC. Bad Food: Fast food can not only order a few extra inches below the waist, but also add to problems of privacy. Especially dangerous unhealthy diet with age. During menopause, a woman's body is a drop in estrogen and thyroid hormone that causes the increase in the levels of insulin. Woman begins to eat more and spend less calories. A healthy diet and regular exercise are necessary at this age. Stress: The rapid weight gain can be associated with other hormone - cortisol, also known as the stress hormone. The increase in cortisol causes a lot of health problems, including increased abdominal fat. Cortisol is also known for its negative effects on libido known, so it is not surprising that the sex - the last thing a person thinks about a bad day's work.