Friday, November 23, 2012

Tea and coffee reduces the risk of kidney cancer

Scientists believe that. Tea and coffee lovers lower risk of kidney cancer, according to Reuters Health The results, which are based on an analysis of 13 previous studies have shown that coffee and tea may have a protective effect on the kidney cancer, while juice, soda and milk of no effect. The study did not find the content of what is said specific component in tea and coffee reduces the risk of kidney cancer, but there is reason to believe in the healing properties of these drinks, the researchers. You agree that tea and coffee to increase the sensitivity of the tissue to regulate the level of sugar in the blood hormone insulin, the level of activity that involve the risk of kidney cancer. In tea and coffee also contains a blend of antioxidants, which protect cells against cancer. Drinking tea and coffee reduces the risk of kidney cancer, including those that are in danger of conventional ideas - smokers, people with obesity and high blood pressure.

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