Reuters Health reports that are allergic to cow's milk can be stored for much longer than previously thought, and most people get it at school age, research shows. According to Dr. Robert A. Wood (Robert A. Wood), is the assumption that children outgrow allergy to milk products after 3 years, is not entirely true. He and his colleagues found only 19 percent of the children grew allergic to milk at the age of 4 years. In addition, some children outgrow allergies as a teenager was previously thought unlikely. His team has shown that at the age of 8, 12 and 16 years of overgrown allergies 42, 64 and 79 percent were. Researchers examined the medical records of 807 children in the pediatric clinic, the patients seen treated with allergies to cow's milk. Children, as expected, tolerance was acquired, if they have already been vaccinated study. They were able to drink milk during the last years, the response has not been observed and the level of immunoglobulin E is not greater than 3 kU / L. The higher the level of immunoglobulin E in the blood - greater allergic reaction, so a high degree of antibodies supports not only the disease, but prevents them escalate or prolong the process by Wood.
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