Saturday, November 24, 2012

Parental smoking causes allergies in children

Swedish scientists believe that parental smoking affects the development of allergies in children. Scientists came to this conclusion by studying the profiles four thousand families. It turns out that 12% of women smoke more, to know that she is pregnant. But the researchers could not find a relationship between this process and allergies in children. Dangerous was the situation when the child had to act as passive smoking. In the experiment, the children whose parents smoke are allergic to animal hair develops twice as frequently. In addition, the children absorb their parents smoke, 50% more likely to suffer from food allergies. Some scientists argue that talk of the dangers of smoking, while others on the benefits. Experts have found that to cope with the help of cigarettes people with fatigue and even with the strongest stress. The researchers are working on this problem is that the reason for the popularity of tobacco multiple stressors caused by the violence. It turns out that 40% of women physically abused by men. Among married women, 19% complained of frequent beatings. Also, scientists say that if you. Met a woman in the family, she and her "tormentors" increased craving for smoking The researchers noted that the financial situation does not matter, in couples with low income is still money for tobacco. Thus experts concluded that smoking was almost the only way to keep the stress in families where there to defuse violence.

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