Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to treat fatigue

Chronic fatigue syndrome - the last time the term more frequently mentioned in our industrialized societies. Fatigue - disease that attacks the human body in the same way as the flu or viral infection in the different seasons. True, beats, especially on the nervous and immune systems. The main symptoms: 1 Decreased performance. (Every day, yes, did not want to do the work of a ghost cause choking). Second Sleeping (or, if the person is not getting enough sleep, it is not shocking to work hard like all thoughts -. How quickly crawl into bed, perhaps trying in this way to the natural, somehow protect the body from the man himself) 3 (The body wants to rest for a bit, here and gets in this way) reduced immunity. 4th Irregular heartbeat. 5th Violation of appetite (sometimes overcomes this apathy and a piece that does not go down your throat, some, but will firm ingrained habit "stick" stress you devour everything). 6th Decreased sex drive (by the way, the most important indicator, a sort of "litmus test" of the human bioenergy). Suffer from chronic fatigue, especially people of brainwork. They are specialists, accounting, management, financial and banking crisis, executives, managers from different rows represent. Sometimes the victims of this disease and workers have become. Most likely to develop are: 1 Overly responsible workers who have developed a number of cases, drew this car so far fall over dead. And then no salary and no bonuses to compensate for losses undermine health, which, incidentally, does not worry most bosses on high steeple. The average executive rather plausible pretext to fire the man, the less work and setting new was what is going to his problems. They Shoot Horses. Second Those to ignore the rest. One of my friends stewardess tried to be safe for all occasions (and most of the leaders - terrible reinsurer, make no mistake) is extremely reluctant to release their employees on leave for two weeks - the maximum, and then, after much persuasion. It is not clear that it should benefit from it. Deceive the human body - a thankless job, let alone do it again and again - and desperate. Employees of the department, namely the boss, sick several times a year. Someone who rarely sick over the holidays, often often takes. The fear that in the absence of something happening, what in the fact that people do not work on holidays for years, really half-heartedly. Third Anyone who is regularly in stressful situations. A separate stress usually not included in significant harm to the body. The situation is different when the accumulated stress. This is where they begin their destructive work. Unfortunately, many groups of workers are stress - quite common. How to detect and treat ustalostNepravilnaya Labour Organisation, the adverse psychological climate in the team provoke stress. Plus boss believe sincerely that more productive under the lash of his employees. As a result, many of them, only to come to work, like a rat who feel cornered. 4th To persons permanently experience negative feelings such as anger, envy, dissatisfaction with their social status and position in the team. No visible positive outlook, tire constant dissatisfaction with life nervous system, sometimes as much as over-voltage schedule. So, what to do? A. The very first thing to do when you feel this fatigue accumulated in you - how to get enough sleep. Often this is enough. If a person is not cheesy enough sleep is, what type of holiday at all? Second Need to revise the regime of work and rest. In no case should not be neglected holiday. This is like a neglected. Inability to relax is just as bad as the inability to work. On vacation, many do just that with a laptop and cell phone trying to solve the production. Different from the first day of the holiday switch to family problems - repair homes, agricultural work in the village or in the country, the preservation of vast quantities of food for the winter. It is also not a solution. Changing the nature of the work - it certainly is not bad, but do not give your body a break opportunity. It is not necessary, away to faraway exotic islands. Afford to travel to the Canary Islands - and, no - in the Crimea, in Odessa or the Carpathians also nice to relax. Third If you feel tired, but not be able to completely relax, then you need to reduce the activity. Review your plans. Do all cases into two groups: The first group - the things that needs to be done, and the second - those that can currently be ignored. Remember - you are not Cinderella and do not have to do everything for everyone. Particularly many used it very quickly and look like a given. 4th It should be supplied in full. When the current from the equilibrium, the body is to recover much more difficult. Reducing agents are fine honey, pollen, citrus fruits, fish and seafood. 5th Sex. Deal with it, there is absolutely no desire? So you need to really take a break, I mean, a good rest. I do not want to have sex - and what does not. Not yet. And if such a desire to appear - well, then you are rested and ready to return to a great sex. In this difficult time than ever before, not just be able to make a career, earn money, the right to build relationships with people, but also be able to appreciate and take care of yourself. Remember - the people who created the created nature of its parts.

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