Saturday, November 24, 2012

Scientists closer to unraveling the causes of migraines

French researchers have discovered an important mechanism that plays a role in the development of migraine. They found that the attacks of excruciating headaches accompanied by an increased activity of the brain called the hypothalamus, according to the journal Headache. The hypothalamus performs numerous functions. This area of the brain that controls the regulation of vascular tone, sweat, metabolism and physiological responses to some of the factors that headaches, particularly trigger hunger. Scientists from the hospital Rango (Rangueil Hospital) studied the functional activity of the brains of people. From migraine without aura, the method of positron emission tomography Study with seven people was three hours after the onset of spontaneous (not provoked drugs) performed headaches. According to the scientists, they were able to record the activity of the hypothalamus is in strict compliance with these conditions. Artificially induced migraines, and the later stages of development is accompanied by enhanced activity of the brain stem and midbrain, and a thickener of certain parts of the cortex in patients, but had no effect on the activity of the hypothalamus. "We believe that the hypothalamus play a role in the start of a migraine attack," - said the head of research Denyuel Marie (Marie Denuelle). According to researchers, the discovery of effective drugs could lead to migraines.

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