Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Show violence reduces the control of aggressive feelings

View of video scenes with elements of violence reduces the activity of certain brain regions, according to U.S. scientists. The experiment consisted in the fact that the subjects saw a couple of clips from popular movies to show that violence. At this time their brains scanned scanner. The researchers observed a decrease in activity in the lateral part of the orbitofrontal cortex of the right hemisphere and the amygdala. These brain structures are responsible for the repression of unacceptable and illegal behavior. Their parallel inhibition reduces the control of aggressive behavior. Orbitofrontal cortex is a part of the frontal lobes of the brain. In the orbitofrontal cortex, where traces of paralimbicheskih associative and limbic areas of the cortex, experts say. In addition, the researchers found that a decrease in activity in this area constantly in subjects that symptoms of aggression in real life, reports observed. Confirmed this feature of their behavior through psychological tests. No changes in brain activity does not occur if the subjects considered other equally interesting clips. No scenes of violence For example, extracts from the "horror" or demonstration exercise. To this experiment, which supports the opinion of experts, the theory that watching scenes of violence reduces the brain's ability brake control processes behavior.

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