Sunday, September 15, 2013

Melamine found in popular Chinese sweets

Substance has been melamine in infant formula in powder form, which has found thousands of affected children, also found in Mahjong candy, made in China, according to the Hong Kong authorities. Banned chemicals in the milk candy White Rabbit sreamy sandy beach that are produced in Shanghai for the last 65 years and found good for several generations of Chinese art. It is known that in 1972 the then Premier Wu Yi Zhou Enlai this "brand" Chinese delicacy U.S. President Richard Nixon, who flew treated to a visit. At the time of this brand candies are available in more than 40 countries. In connection with a scandal in China about melamine in dairy products, these products will slowly disappear from the shelves. During the last year, the Philippine government to import four types of candy in China, including the "White Rabbit", which states that they should identify the toxic formaldehyde. As we already reported, such as melamine found in Nestle milk powder.

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