Saturday, September 28, 2013

Anxiety and false fears to a wrong choice of contraception lead

Many women do not use the best form of contraception because of false fears, say Scottish scientists. The scientists conducted a survey of 55 women and found that most of the respondents refuse to long-acting hormonal contraception for fear of being overweight. The study was published in Family Planning magazine. In return, the spiral is not because of the need to protect the medical procedure and the associated discomfort. Many opt for tablets because of the simple method of using said Professor Anna Glasier, who studies sexual health issues. Many problems arise in the head of a woman in the choice of contraception. Many people think that long-term contraceptives affect the weight, and the use of instruments such as the coil must also intervention of a doctor, which is not very convenient. According to researchers, the Ministry of Health in Scotland is to actively promote long-acting contraceptives, as they are more reliable and have fewer side effects. Poor awareness on this issue leads to the wrong choice of many women, experts say.

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