Saturday, September 21, 2013

Business e-mails often contain fraud

In a business e-mail, people often deceive, say psychologists from Lehigh University, Rutgers University and DePaul University (USA). According to experts, people do not feel almost guilty about cheating in business correspondence. The temptation to lie consciously, is to write business correspondence with the lack of observation of non-verbal behavior and reactions of the other person. For the same reason, the recipient of the e-mail is often interpreted incorrectly the content of the letters, noted scientists. People are often deceived into working mail correspondence - even more than in the traditional paper letters and contracts. In e-mails can often deception (average 50%) as written in his hand. In addition, the researchers found that the more familiar the staff of the various companies, the more they will lie to each other. Sending e-mail over the Internet In a professional sense, this type of communication, the feeling of trust and cooperation reduces contributes to a negative result. E-mail has been in business correspondence since 1994, but so far remain the organizational norms regarding their use is uncertain. According to experts, it is socially acceptable way of virtual communication, but not at work.

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