Friday, September 13, 2013

Lost his leg due to the fault of the doctors patient received two million rubles

A resident of Novosibirsk, who had a leg amputated due to improper treatment received two million rubles moral harm. This decision was made by the District Court of Novosibirsk Kalinin, according to "Rossiyskaya Gazeta". In July 2004, Oksana Kondrashkina got in Novosibirsk city hospital number one with a dislocated knee after a car accident. After skeletal traction on the leg was put in plaster. After applying a plaster began Kondrashkina severe pain, but the doctors do not pay attention to their grievances. A few days later, the patient developed gangrene due to thrombosis of the popliteal artery. Doctors had to amputate his leg. Medical City Hospital № 1 argued that complications occurred by chance, but two independent study in Tomsk and Omsk, done came to a different conclusion. After graduating thrombosis was triggered by the imposition of the occupation, and the patient lost her leg due to a number of medical errors. After the trial lawyers city hospital confirmed that the right treatment is considered spent, and we intend to appeal the court's decision Kalinin.

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