Monday, September 30, 2013

Of lung disease in China, 83 million people could die

About 80 million people in China in the next 25 years die of lung disease, according to U.S. scientists. The staff at the Harvard School of Public Health (The Harvard School of Public Health) examined data for the last 5 years and predicted the situation in mortality from lung diseases in the next quarter century. The issue of smoking in China is becoming more acute as the number of smokers is growing daily. Also cause lung disease are especially cooking and heating homes with coal and firewood. Scientists estimate that in 30 years China will die an early death of some 83 million people because of lung disease. It is known that respiratory diseases are the leading cause of premature mortality in the country today. But this time, the researchers warn that the death toll will continue to rise at an alarming rate. It is emphasized that the majority of early deaths are preventable. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, now in China smokes about half of the male population, and there are concerns that increase greatly the number of smokers among women.

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