Friday, September 6, 2013

Roszdravnadzor concerned about the health effects of alcohol tinctures Russians

Roszdravnadzor concerned about the scale of illegal alcohol trafficking of drugs in Russia, the AMI-TASS referring to the press service of the Ministry. As it turned out produced as a result of extensive studies, the number of alcohol tinctures of hawthorn and cayenne pepper in pharmacies as officially on several occasions. The individual number of drugs official sales volume exceeded official data on production volumes from 1.5 to 14 hours. In addition, a number of wholesale organizations identified large pools of alcohol tinctures were expired. The true extent of the illegal production and sale of such products may be much higher, said Roszdravnadzor. At this point, in terms of monitoring more than 70 wholesalers were performed for the control measures. The results of the tests will be handed over to the police. As highlighted in the report, illegal alcohol, drugs not only endanger the health of the sick people who use them by a doctor, but also contributes to the spread of alcoholism and intensification of the Russian population. , The cheap spirits are in high demand among the socially maladjusted and needy citizens. In addition, the clandestine manufacture of such drugs cause serious economic damage to the state.

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