Saturday, September 7, 2013

Vegetarianism reduces the mass of the brain

Vegetarianism, maybe not useful, as previously reported by British scientists. Scientists from Oxford University, in a study which. Involved more than a hundred patients aged 16 to 87 years Participant observation was carried out in six months. The subjects had to eat foods of plant origin. According to scientists, the most significant changes were observed in the age group 61-87 years. Here basic research have been carried out, the results of which were: reduction of the activity of the brain, memory loss, in addition, the tomograms have been recorded, in order to reduce the mass and volume of the brain. According to experts, the deficiency results in diet foods such as meat (especially liver), milk and fish to a deficiency in the body of some very important nutrients and vitamins. One of the most serious weaknesses researchers called a deficiency of vitamin B12 animal origin. Lack of this vitamin leads to anemia and damage to the cells of the central nervous system. British experts say that some patients will be followed for 5 years and definitely say that the rejection of animal products has a negative impact on the brain, and in extreme cases lead to serious disorders of brain function. Also identified another side effect, provoked a decrease of brain mass, which leads to a disorder of metabolism and increased body mass index of 7-13%, experts say.

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