Thursday, September 12, 2013

Basil slows the aging process

Scientists have the healing properties of holy basil is growing in India confirmed. Basil has a very useful feature of the human body and slows the aging process, experts say. First Indian pharmacists had a formal investigation, which examines the properties of basil. The results showed that the extract of a certain type of basil, known as holy basil (Ocinum Sanctum), protects against the occurrence of free radicals - chemicals that can cause cancer in various organs, as well as your genes and neurons. According to experts, the holy basil that grows in India and some other parts of Asia for many years in Ayurvedic medicine as a means to recover and regenerate used. The results were presented at the British Pharmaceutical Conference in Manchester. The authors believe that proved that they believed the ancient physicians. Food holy basil in food by the various courts that he give a nice spicy flavor, experts recommend.

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