Saturday, September 14, 2013

Failure to gain weight for men in the future leads to osteoporosis

Subject to men who had a low birth weight in middle age, osteoporosis and fractures in old age, Norwegian researchers reported. Numerous studies have shown that obesity and weight gain leads to an increased risk for many chronic diseases. But the scientists were surprised when the results of a recent study showed that the lack of weight can have negative consequences. Scientists are invited to participate in the study in 1476 men who were studied in the period from 1972 to 1975. In 2000-2001, the participants re-examined, including for osteoporosis. The results showed that almost a third of the participants who were lean and quickly lost weight in 1970, in 2000, suffered from osteoporosis. Again, among the participants who had more weight, no one confronted with the problem of osteoporosis. Despite the obvious benefits of the large bones of the body weight, the researchers recommend for a stable healthy weight. This study once again showed that extremes in any way harmful to the health, if not the heart of the spine.

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