Thursday, September 5, 2013

Healthy lifestyle can double the death rate among women

Women can reduce their risk of premature death in half if they adopt a healthy lifestyle, scientists say. Experts believe that the rejection of cigarettes, regular exercise, proper diet and weight control, reduce to 55% of deaths from chronic diseases. The study involved 80 thousand women. Participants completed a questionnaire on regular habits, exercise, nutrition and weight loss. The study was conducted over 24 years. The study was published in the British Medical Journal. During the study, participants People 8882, 28% of deaths for which the result of years of smoking, and 55% had died - the result of smoking in combination with obesity, poor diet and lack of physical activity, the researchers reported. Experts have noted that compliance with all four elements could prevent 44% of deaths from cancer and 72% - of cardiovascular disease. According to experts, the study confirmed conventional wisdom about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. But also for professionals, it was surprising that such a large percentage of people who die as a result of the irresponsible attitude toward their health.

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