Young children do not get enough vitamin D. A deficiency of this vitamin is found immediately to bone fragility and to a weakening of the immune system, according to U.S. scientists what. Scientists at the Hospital in Boston conducted a study, which was attended by 380 children aged 8 months to 2 years. It turned out that many of them have vitamin D levels below the optimal. According to scientists, the main reason for a lack of vitamin D in the blood of children, that they do not consume fortified milk. The study was published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. Vitamin D produced as a result of contact with the skin to sunlight. It is an important component to maintain strong bones and prevent chronic diseases. The amount of this vitamin in the body is important, but the deficit is not immediate, it is also a problem. Experts have found that the children who are breastfed have a deficiency of vitamin D, because although the mother's milk is very useful, but it is unable to compensate for the lack of this vitamin. Immunity is formed in childhood, so that the lack of vitamins is so important at this time. Experts advise parents and children to foods with vitamin D, as well as consume a safe tan skin clock, because you can damage, long sunbathing in the period of maximum solar activity (in the afternoon).
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