Friday, May 17, 2013

Diet for the brain - how to eat during the session

Depending on the quality of the power of intelligence proved. Extensive studies reliably confirmed that maternal malnutrition during pregnancy and poor nutrition of the child in infancy virtually irreversible negative effect on brain development. It is clear that need for the normal functioning of the brain specific nutrients. We usually get it from the starchy carbohydrates - such as bread, as well as concentrated carbohydrates - sugar. So, the breakfast of starchy carbohydrates - ensures the long-term brain needs food - bread or cereal tselnomolotogo. Pure sugar rushes immediately into the blood, and it is clear in a minute of the head. But that is only a short-term effect. Before a rapid rise in blood sugar levels body "Devourer of Sugar" raises - insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas), and after a few minutes blood sugar level drops. This can lead to a substantial reduction in mental capacity, inexplicable, seemingly, a feeling of weakness. So you should have no illusions about the sugar "dope". Far better, timely moderate meal with bread, nuts, rice, cereals or beans. They contain sugar complexes called polysaccharides. They are slow, only about 15 minutes blood sugar rises gradually released and people feel happy and fresh. And in the process of spiritual work much better than eating sweets biscuits or crackers. But the fat, which requires a certain amount than the body prevent the excessive consumption of the absorption of sugars. All the unkind words spoken by nutritionists on fatty foods, you can use the fact that it inhibits the mental performance. Experiments Canadian scientists have shown that animals that learn on a diet rich in fat grew not in a position to the tasks for which easily handles their slender peers. This pattern also applies to people, both in the long and short term. Adult volunteers after a week foods saturated fats as much as 30% lower predictive tests. If you are on a balanced supply back to normal and the intelligence quotient return. To preserve the clarity of thought and the body needs protein. He needed to produce chemical substances - such as dopamine and adrenaline stimulates the brain speed, reactions and thought processes, increase mental energy. Eat so the student has a little protein plant or animal origin. Therefore, experts advise to bread, pasta and porridge, add a serving of meat, dairy products, beans, beans. That nothing difficult processes in the brain, essential minerals and vitamins. Body's need for them is higher, the more hard work ahead. And in the full diet contains enough, no need to fill the lack of artificial agents. Zinc - improves memory. Improves concentration, which is especially necessary for people "intellectual" professions - programmers, human, legal and accounting services firms, teachers, students, scientists, etc. The easiest zinc in marine fish, legumes, bread, Turkey included. Bor - although this trace element present in food in trace contents, if it is lacking, reduced brain activity. Boron is found in apples, pears, grapes, broccoli. Calcium - important for the normal functioning of the nervous system (it plays an important role in the transmission of impulses between nerve cells, the brain). Calcium is found mainly in dairy products, as well as oranges and apricots. Magnesium - such as calcium, is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. Contained in peanuts, bananas, skim milk, wheat germ. Iron - is required to maintain the ability to remember and concentrate. Its sources - liver, fatty meats, dried fruits, beans, green vegetables. Vitamin B1 - is involved in the release of the nerve cells of chemical substances that affect the mind. Most of the vitamin in wheat bran, nuts, grains, lean meats. Vitamin B2 - found that those foods that are rich in this vitamin, such as eating. Fat milk and its derivatives, flour products complete meal - have better on tests of memory test Vitamin B12 - an increase in the dose of the vitamin prevents fatigue and improves the ability to memorize. Mainly contained in meat. An important requirement is proper nutrition. The work is supported by the brain through its circulation. Digestion also requires a blood supply, so that the active digestion caused large amounts of foods increase blood flow to the digestive tract and, accordingly. Their outflow from the head The consequences of this can be seen in everyday life: after a heavy meal, mental activity slows, comes relaxation. People do not expect to eat dense, creative solutions and original finds. Therefore, to maintain mental alertness desirable dose to the digestive system. But many people's lives are organized so that most of their daily food rations to consume at once. During the experience discomfort caused by simple reason - the hungry, and then catch up all at once and are capable enough to productive activity. To avoid this, the food business operator shall be consistent. Let's start with breakfast. In anticipation of the working day, many prefer to have breakfast tight, so you do not think about food. According to the above reason, this decision can not be considered valid. Not successful and traditional cuisine. Many start the day with a meal containing carbohydrates, such as sweet rolls. Sugar and starch in the composition of a substance in the brain increases serotonin, a calming effect. As a result, the required force is not in the morning. (This property is useful to have sweets in mind in case of stress: sometimes sweet or donut has a soothing calming pills.) Traditional foods for breakfast - eggs, butter, sausage. They are rich in fat and cholesterol, slowly digested what. Blood flow to the brain This man feels like a long time is not fully awake, and begin active work requires much time and effort of the will. According to scientists, a good breakfast should consist of foods low in fat. This can be a lean ham - in any case, not sausage or bacon, low-fat cream cheese or cottage cheese instead of butter, fresh fruit or juice instead of sugar-containing products. One or two cups of coffee or tea stimulates mental activity due to the content of tannin and caffeine drinks. However, these substances have a positive impact in moderation. Drinking three to four cups of coffee, you risk losing a good response and clarity of mind. Moreover, it is known that caffeine has a significant diuretic activity. And even a small (within two percent) Dehydration reduces concentration and irritability. To compensate for this coffee lover should drink plenty of water. By the way, according to recently published data of particular importance for the mental activity is not so much food as to drink. According to the observations of American experts that the students during the school day free access to the tanks with clean drinking water has led to a noticeable increase in power. Lunch can undo all hope of success in the second half of the day, if it mostly foods with carbohydrates. As a small part of the potatoes and pasta are acceptable, but the main course may cause drowsiness and relaxation, so out of place lead in the middle of the day. Sweet dessert only exacerbates this effect. Therefore, the researchers recommend for lunch foods rich in proteins. Meat, poultry or fish fill promote blood amino acid that stimulates the activity of the brain. At dinner on the contrary, do not eat foods high in protein, like steak or fish (of course, if there is no need to stimulate the energy for spiritual work at night). Instead was good carbs that are the beneficial effect shortly before bedtime. Not all dietary recommendations should be unconditional. So, people are looking around the world from your diet foods that exclude to improve cholesterol levels. Low cholesterol actually protects against atherosclerosis, but is a threat to the psyche. That is the conclusion U.S. experts surveyed more than a thousand men, aged between 50 to 89 years. Men with low cholesterol in the blood more likely to suffer from depression. The fact that cholesterol - the base material of the "isolation" of our nerves. It is not surprising that many supporters of the trendy diets can not boast of a good mood.

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