Saturday, May 18, 2013

Set because of what happened, bedwetting

When the brain constantly receives signals from the bladder without special needs, at a time when the brain's response is really needed, it will simply ignore this signal, the scientists from Hong Kong. Scientists conducted a study known the number of active brain lesions compared during sleep in children with bedwetting, as enuresis, with a control group of children. They found that children who happen easily overnight, the number of sites of activation of the cortex twice as the children from the control group. The scientists found that in children with enuresis, a restless sleep. In this regard, the brain gets a lot of momentum, which is not at the same time be able to wake the baby. Researchers suggest that the cortex as a result of the signals coming from the bladder extended pacing pulses are blocked. In other words, the child is not able to wake up, in spite of the pulses from the bladder. Experts believe it. A certain age, after which the problem disappears All we know is that every year the number of children decreases with enuresis. Scientists have not been able to establish the exact cause of the disease. Heredity and lack of ADH: Nevertheless, experts have several factors that could contribute enuresis.

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