Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The child is only suitable baby toothpaste

Children to brush your teeth in early childhood should be used and only used for this special toothpaste for children, say dentists. To date, the pharmacy or toy store to pick up a toothbrush, even for one year old baby. In appearance it is usually as a toy with a soft brush, not the allergies. However, how to choose the right toothpaste for my child? Some parents struggle with the fact that the child does not use pasta, pasta and infant foods to eat sweet and tasty, they teach it to your teeth with a paste to the teeth adults, which has a bitter taste, clean brush. According to experts this is not done in any case, because the toothpaste for adults contains a large amount of fluoride. Moreover, it is not appropriate for them to swallow. But younger children are often accidentally swallow 20 to 30 percent of the paste. It is known that the lack of fluoride to the development of caries leads. However, an excess of it, especially in children, you hurt your teeth at least, they appear bright spots melovidnye. Those children who have grown up permanent teeth is fluoride necessary, but in small quantities. Experts advise parents to be careful in the choice of noodles for the child.

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