12-year-old Scot, who planted by her parents on a strict vegan diet, was hospitalized with a severe developmental disorder of the bone to the hospital. Your spine like a spine 80-year-old woman to Times Online. Exclude the girl's parents of the birth of his diet of meat and dairy products. Due to a lack of vitamin D, found in liver, fish and dairy products, the child develops a severe form of rickets, a degeneration of the bones and therefore susceptible to fractures and spinal curvature what. The attending physician girls Faisal Ahmed (Faisal Ahmed) from the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow, declined to express not the case, noting, however,. Risk of strict vegetarian diet for children's health Currently, social workers understand that the place is child abuse. This case - not the first. For example, last year in the United States vegetarian couple to life imprisonment was brought his six-week child hunger sentenced.
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