Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Drinks with probiotics can help prevent hay fever

Daily consumption of beverages with probiotics to prevent the occurrence of hay fever, according to British scientists. Allergic rhinitis or hay fever - an allergic condition caused by pollen from trees, grasses, shrubs, etc. Currently, hay fever in Russia are up to 15% of the population, is the most common allergic disease. With hay fever is an inappropriate response of the immune system to the pollen of various plants. Pollen from the air settles on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and mouth, occurs in the bronchial tubes, in contact with skin and sensitive to their people, the symptoms of allergies. The main cause of allergies - British scientists have a small study that the daily consumption of beverages containing probiotics can modify the immune system in response to pollen was carried out. Probiotics - a substance or nemikrobnoy microbial origin, has a natural way with the introduction of a positive effect on homeostasis by normalizing the balance of microflora in the gut. Probiotics, for example, we can meet in yogurt as Lactobacillus. People carry a lot of bacteria in the gut that affect digestion and the immune system. And they can use the "bad" bacteria that compete cause disease. Effect of probiotics vary the response of immune cells to pollen, states involved in the study, Dr Kamal Ivory. However, the researchers cautioned that the study was small and the results may be inaccurate. Do you plan to further research in this area.

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