Sunday, May 12, 2013

The secret to increase libido in men

It turns out the whole thing in a healthy diet. To stay in shape, and Ramses II was the sun god on earth, he was eating a lot of garlic and herbs. Garlic Research is the engine of the blood, it increases blood flow and improves potency. For women who want their men strong, salad recipe below is presented by Pharaoh. Including it in your diet, forget the strong half of mankind about impotence, daily fatigue and remember the fire of passion. Salad "Men stronghold" as the Japanese say: "The main thing in the diet - the mood." Cooking begins with a smile on his face. To do this, remove the parsley, dill, lettuce, add the cauliflower, already cooked and all the small disks. We also deal in garlic, but in no case the grated three since lost all the vitamins. Then mix all the ingredients and pour sour cream, and sprinkle the top liberally supported hazelnuts, walnuts can. Sleight of hand, a little time and a salad ready. And now sufficient to begin a meal. Do not forget to thank your favorite, a dish is with the hope of preparing your erotic exploits. Do not be afraid that after a salad with garlic spice up bude smell. To handle with such a simple little thing. Simple advice before meals drink a spoonful of olive oil. For the salad, you can get the fish, meat, seafood, taking into account the "golden mean". Remember, your digestive system does not waste pit, and the "way" in life. Said knowingly in Russia: "I will protect the stomach", ie the value of life.

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