Friday, May 31, 2013

Statins can help prevent caesarean

The use of statins, a class of drugs for lowering cholesterol reduces the risk of the need for caesarean section, say scientists. According to scientists from the University of Liverpool, can reduce high cholesterol spasms, making it impossible to birth naturally. The study included 4,000 pregnant women. Experts have found that obese women are more caesarean sections, as they are mostly weak contractions are seen. Laboratory testing of samples taken from muscle tissue of obese women in claim confirmed that a weak muscle contraction jeopardize birth naturally. In further analysis researchers have suggested that this may be due to the reduced flow of calcium into muscle cells. Researchers believe that the cause. High cholesterol, which is destroying the cell membranes Statin class of drugs commonly used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system. Scientists suspect drugs reduce women in the last three months of pregnancy, the risk of a cesarean section.

Tempered it sexy?

What is it - a fault or normal? Yes, and if sex in middle age? From a medical standpoint? Sexologists believe that sex plays an invaluable role in the human body. This increase in hormones needed to ship and a great psychological relief that is necessary to load at any age. Sexually active people are generally healthier and live longer. A healthy male sexual function may be to old age. With regard to the sex therapist is not a physical reason for her dismissal. In most cases, sexual weakness occurs in adulthood absence of testosterone, the male sex hormone. For 45 years, the level begins to drop. Check it can be a special blood test, and if it is small, it is possible to add, and then the men leave the success of the most visible way. Can soak up not only people who are just a sexual disorder, but also people who only feel worse in sex life. Erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. can start with provocation - heart disease, vascular disease, prostate cancer or nervous system stress, and then grow into an independent disease. Sexologists found that. Only 10-20% of cases of male sexual problems caused by psychological factors associated with an unsuccessful sexual experience or disappointment In 80-90% of cases the reasons - more seriously: vascular, endocrine and other diseases. Also sexual drain is one of the symptoms of disease, such as heart, prostate.

Depression leads to diabetes

People often suffer from depression tend to rise diabetes, the researchers reported. Scientists believe that people with type 2 diabetes is associated with obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. Not only that diabetes can also lead to depression. The researchers also found that there is an inverse relationship, and depression, in turn, increases the risk of diabetes. A team of U.S. scientists led by Dr. Sherita Hill Golden led the study conducted, which monitors the health of 5,000 men and women from different ethnic groups aged 45 to 84 years. The study lasted for about three years. Experts have found that people with symptoms of depression by 42% higher risk of diabetes and the more severe symptoms of depression, the greater the likelihood of diabetes. Scientists believe people with depression less physical activity and eat high calorie foods, which leads to obesity, and the likelihood that this group of people engage in smoking. Try all these factors increase the risk of diabetes, they generate each other, to live a healthy life, and it will significantly reduce the risk of disease, the study authors suggest.

Prevent the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes

To date, the market offers a beauty, our attention a lot of money to care for the skin around the eyes. With the moisture of the skin are an excellent job cosmetics that contain vegetable oils such as jojoba oil, shea butter, etc., various extracts such as cucumber, magnolia, chamomile, hibiscus, etc., vitamins C and E. You should only choose a high quality cream and apply it on the eyelid skin twice a day - morning and evening. When choosing a cream should be given to its consistency, like thick cream is absorbed poorly, and kept the make-up badly on this basis. If you noticed the appearance of first wrinkles and loss of elasticity of the skin, then you should pay attention to the special masks for the eyes. The concentration of the active ingredients in the masked as in creams, and consequently the effect of the different maximum efficiency. On the regularity of the mask should be no more and no less than once every 7-10 days. Before their application should thoroughly clean the skin and apply the medication for about 15 minutes or 20, after the mask is removed, you need to use a moisturizer. Very good, if the mask antioxidants, such as vitamin E, natural oils, extracts, and other useful minerals. Demand is new to the makeup of algae that not only normalizes metabolism, but also deeply moisturizes the skin.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hold its third successful operation of a face transplant

The third successful operation led to a face transplant, according to the surgeon of the National Cancer Institute of Egypt. In Egypt, the transplanted face have a five-year-girl, cancer of the skin. Was used for the first time in the world as a donor trasplantant offered a real person - young patient mother, doctors said. The first successful face transplant was performed in France in 2005. Then she got a new face, whose face was disfigured by a dog bite. In 2006, China became the face hunter who transplanted suffered from a bear attack.

Ginkgo biloba is not effective in the treatment of dementia

Treatment of Ginkgo biloba extract, which use about 10% of people with dementia (dementia), is ineffective in this disease, said UK scientists. Ginkgo biloba is often used to improve memory. Some studies have shown beneficial effects of this plant on the human body. But a six-month investigation, in which the researchers observed in 176 people with mild symptoms of dementia showed that. No significant difference in health status between patients receiving 120 mg daily of ginkgo biloba, and those who used a placebo The results are published in the current issue of the International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. According to scientists, the results of this study are important because the treatment of dementia drugs with ginkgo biloba, are quite expensive and not affordable for many retirees. You give all the money in the hope of treatment that does not bring any results, in fact, said Professor Clive Ballard of the Alzheimer's Society for the fight.

Hashish smoking during pregnancy interferes with fetal brain

Hashish smoking during pregnancy harms the fetal brain development, say British scientists. Scientists from the University of Aberdeen (Scotland) found that some drugs given to combat obesity, can also influence the development of the fetal brain. The researchers focused the study of molecules produced naturally in the brain. And draws attention to the interaction between the neurons of the brain. Endocannabinoids - analogs of active ingredients of cannabis, is naturally produced in the brain is also of hashish smoking, which uses the same receptors and affects produced on the same areas in the brain. As a result of fetal exposure in utero cannabis disrupts the natural processes of the formation and functioning of the brain. According to Professor Tibor Harkany, the study shows that such external influences can cause serious brain damage in the future.

Polish woman gave birth to a girl drunk

A resident of Poland, which was the influence of alcohol at the time of birth, a little girl. The blood alcohol level that was nearly 15 times the permitted level of driver, according to AFP Doctors from the hospital Otwock, a suburb of Warsaw, called the police after a drunken woman came to them on the eve of the birth. According to a police spokesman Dorota Tets (Dorota Tietz), the amount of alcohol in the blood 38-year-old woman 1.2 g / L was (1.2 ppm), drinking a bottle of wine or two liters of beer for an adult equivalent. Alcohol is redistributed through the placenta, which was born in a child with a blood alcohol level of 2.9 g / L (2.9 ppm). For comparison, the maximum permitted level of blood alcohol concentration in Poland is 0.2 g / l Immediate danger to the girl's life is not provided, but the doctors are concerned that alcohol affect the future growth and development. The girl's mother faces up to five years in prison for what they endanger the lives and health of their child. Fatal blood alcohol level for an adult is 5.5 to 6.0 g / l for children, especially young children, is a mortal threat significantly lower quantities of alcohol.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Coffee extends life for women

Long-term and regular consumption of coffee, do not appear to increase the risk of early death, and even reduces the likelihood of death from heart disease, say scientists. A team of scientists led by Esther Lopez-Garcia of the University of Madrid (Spain) led watched the 84,214 American women from 1980 to 2004 and for the 41,736 American men from 1986 to 2004. The researchers found that regular coffee drinking (up to 6 cups per day) is not associated with an increased risk of death in middle-aged participants. One woman was even seen a small reduction in mortality from cardiovascular disease. The study found no association between coffee consumption and cancer deaths, the researchers reported. According to Dr. Esther Lopez-Garcia, the study shows that long-term consumption of coffee can not be a negative effect of the body of both sexes, and even have a positive impact. For example, the researchers found that women who are two to three cups of caffeinated coffee per day were drinking, the risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 25% compared with those who did not drink reduces this refreshing drink. Among the men who drink coffee regularly, scientists have observed a statistically significant trend to reduce the risk of death from cardiovascular disease, but the damage from the use of this drink was not determined.

Brain gays and lesbians working on a model of the opposite sex

Gay men and women with the innate properties of the brain that is connected to emotional reactions and aggression. This conclusion Swedish scientists from the comparative study of the results of the MRI scans of gay, lesbian and heterosexual persons. In a study conducted at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, employees took 90 volunteers - 25 heterosexuals and 20 gays of both sexes. Screening for MRI confirmed the evidence that lesbians and heterosexual men is slightly higher than the right hemisphere in relation to the left, while in women, the usual orientation and homosexual dimensions hemispheres were about the same. Then using the method of positron emission tomography, which allows to observe changes in the activity of different regions of the brain in real time. They focused on the amygdala - the department responsible for the aggression and anxiety. As it turns out, the women are heterosexual and homosexual men with amygdala activates regions of the brain which are often associated with anxiety, depression and phobias. At the same time, heterosexual men and lesbians in the amygdala body sections, connected to the sensory-motor functions, through the quick and active response to impending danger. As the author of the study explained, Ivanka Savic (Ivanka Savic), the results suggest that the brain work of homosexuals and lesbians in certain situations on the model, typical of the opposite sex.

Gum - a cure for the nerve

...constant chewing helps to get rid of muscle tension and stress. Since 1939, even chewing gum is a ration of U.S. Army soldiers. Cud ... cleans teeth. Solicitation cleaning properties gum led many to replace their toothbrush, not only when it is not available, but if they eat in their own kitchen. For the lazy way to the bathroom, then they pay the dentist's office. The fact that chewing gum actually cleans the teeth by excessive salivation, accompanied the process of chewing, but not all clean, but only the chewing surfaces of teeth. Restored ... the acid-base balance in the mouth. Sounds nice, but the pH is only those products in which sugar substitutes used in place of sugar, reduces. Sugar, on the contrary, creates a haven for bacteria. ... Strengthens the gums. Chew it really helps, and strong gums - the enemy of gingivitis and periodontitis. Chew bad because ...... cud provokes excessive secretion of gastric juice, it is better to chew after meals for 15-20 minutes, but not on an empty stomach, not to get gastritis. ... You can not only strengthen the gums, but also the jaw muscles that you develop can look like the Terminator. Moreover, the constant chewing affect the status of the temporomandibular joint and cause inflammation. ... Allergic reactions and changes in the function of the salivary glands, leading to a constant dry mouth. This in turn affects the digestive system, which begins in the mouth.

In Spain, depending on the phone treated in a psychiatric hospital

Two children in Spain, had been treated for addiction mobile phones in a medical facility for people with mental illness, Spanish media reported. Children between the ages of 12 and 13 years old was taken to hospital, the parents, after which their child might not most ordinary activities, not with a mobile hand. Children are at school and at home, spent vymanivaya money on their phones. According to Dr. Maite Utges of mental health for children and young people in Spain, this is the first case where the children were treated in hospital addiction to mobile phones. Within three months, the boys learned cope without phones. Both children were to appropriate behavior, which created difficulties in their normal lives, the doctor said. Phones in children for 18 months, dependent to the moment when the parents do not see the children on how it turned out, being consoled unsafe.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Not feed the baby powder!

There were 200 randomly chosen packages dry baby food, examines different combination of dry baby food. 20 Powder contain dangerously high levels of bacteria dozen varieties, including - what meningitis. By the way, a meningitis outbreak in children's hospitals in Europe and the U.S., where the mortality rate is as high as one third of the infected (and dependents receive brain damage), and the subsequent investigation led biologists manufacturer of children's dry mixes. Although officially no manufacturer can not guarantee the sterility mix - many doctors and parents believe that it is a matter of course. But it is not. Iversen also conducted experiments and found that at room temperature in a dilute mixture, ready to use, the number of bacteria doubles every half hour. In the fridge - every 10 hours, although it is better, but not good child promises. This means that in order to raise the powder immediately before feeding the baby, and you never - in advance.

Piercing - nice, but not sure

Body piercing is becoming more popular, but not many with the essential requirements of hygiene and safety, what to attend to serious consequences, representatives of the British National Health Service. Researchers found that almost one in 10 adult women and half of the teenage girls punctures on, other parts of the body than the earlobe. The same tendency is, the number of girls with piercings evident increase in Russia, especially in Moscow, St. Petersburg and many spa salons Moscow and other cities offer similar services. Many make punctures in the home, on the help of friends and relatives, but it leads to a greater risk of complications related to health, the researchers said. Such attempts can lead to infection of various dangerous diseases such as hepatitis. Researchers from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine studied 10 thousand people at the age of 16 years to pierce all parts of the body other than the earlobe. Experts also found that respondents encountered complications after puncture. It turned out that about 10% of respondents had piercings. Among them, a quarter of people reported that they. Complications after a puncture in the form of swelling, infection and bleeding Half of the respondents also faced with serious complications and a small percentage of respondents reported that they had to be hospitalized. Four of the five holes were made in stores, and in this case was the presence of complications is less likely.

The maniac there is no reaction to the fear

Was in the control of people condemned repeatedly for serious crimes such as murder and rape, have found that they do not. Reaction to fear, according to scientists from the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College London According to the scientists increased the common man, which shows the terrible picture, the blood flow in certain parts of the brain. In condemning the tests psychiatrists and watched the horrific images, there was no reaction. Forensic experts deny that psychopathy and criminal tendencies not only determined by biological characteristics, but also by social factors, such as domestic violence. But according to scientists, this discovery could identify risk and to provide all possible assistance to prevent a possible outbreak of aggression.

In Ukraine, there is a regular growth trend of drug addicts

In Ukraine are registered drug addicts and other pharmacies 99800 173 thousand people are drug users. These data, the deputy head of the struggle waged against the illegal drug trade treatment of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He said the number of people who use drugs regularly, compared to the previous years had increased from 50 thousand a steady upward trend in the number of people who use drugs. According to the deputy of the department, is a major concern of drug users in rural areas: To date, 41 million or 23% of the total number of drug addicts only inhabitants of the border areas. Talk about the trends in drug use, said a police spokesman Colonel, that the fear of the public AIDS, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted infections among young people now prefer drugs and psychotropic substances in the form of tablets.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Died as a result of bleeding after abortion girl

And delaying the process of blood transfusion teenage girl died two weeks after an abortion, said. Investigation team in Bristol In the eighteen-year students after surgery (abortion) started to bleed. She was hospitalized, then two weeks later she died. Doctors Hospital, where she was admitted for a student to the hospital, have been very busy for the support that they need medical care. The investigators believe that this is one of the saddest cases he had ever seen in 40 years of practice. As a result, the investigation revealed that she was a Christian and led an active social life, often attended church. With its decision to terminate the pregnancy forced encountered problems with her boyfriend and his parents, who had a different religion, they were Muslims. The girl's mother said her daughter Llywela Jones wanted to keep the baby, but the circumstances so happened that because of religious differences, she was forced to have an abortion. After the operation, Miss Jones went on vacation for 2 weeks, although doctors advised her not to do it. She had to cut his trip back to Bristol steadily deteriorated as their health. The girl was taken to hospital. According to the examiner, the analyzes made by the girl's hospitalization, were not in a position to contribute to serious attitude on the part of doctors. Led the investigation revealed that she just needed a blood transfusion.

Ukrainians measles can infect the whole world?

Case for vaccine suspended today because you have to study all the implications. But we can already say that the Indian vaccine against measles were applied for 340 million people, around the world there stood the test passed at the highest level with the participation of the World Health Organization, added Prodanchuk. The situation with the vaccine used for political purposes. But no one has said that in 2001, measles deaths of 11 children, and each year kills 5.6 children - said Mr. Lazoryshynets. - Vaccination is necessary, we need to understand that in many countries have eradicated measles, but the disease returned. Because in Ukraine, a new variety, the dissemination of our citizens, the country is left. It was an international initiative of the vaccine, so that we are no longer a nation that measles and rubella is available in all corners of the world. Recall that the 29th order of the Cabinet of Ministers of May Prodanchuk from the post of deputy head of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine dismissed. 13th May schoolboy from Kramatorsk after vaccination, the day before he died in the emergency room. 19th May Health Ministry stopped mass vaccination campaign of youth against measles and rubella.

Diabetes increases the risk of liver cancer

Diabetes increases the risk of liver cancer in patients with chronic hepatitis C and cirrhosis of the liver by Dutch researchers. Scientists at the Medical Center at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam examined data from 540 patients with chronic hepatitis C and cirrhosis. 85 patients in the study group were diagnosed with diabetes. The likelihood of developing diabetes was. Greater in patients with advanced forms of liver cirrhosis These patients were followed for 4 years. During this period, 11 patients with diabetes and was not in 27 patients with diabetes, diagnosed with liver cancer. And 5 years after the start of the study, the incidence of liver cancer was 11.4% in patients with diabetes and 5% of the participants, which is not the disease. The scientists also found that men are more mature risk of liver cancer was significantly higher than the other study participants. According to scientists, the mechanism of the cancer process in diabetes is not only set, there must be more in-depth study.

Acid content of brain cells influence the occurrence of seizures

Increase the acidity of the ion channels of the brain reduces the activity of seizures, say scientists from the University of Iowa. Experts study more than 80 years. Clinical trials in the first half of the 20th Century revealed that the decrease in seizure frequency activity contributes inhalation of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide), which leads to an increase of the acid in the brain tissue. Seizures reduce the acidity of the nerve tissue. The modern discovery of ion channels responsible for the acidity helped complete the picture of the missing parts. These ion channels are not responsible for the occurrence of seizures, and for the termination of seizure activity, said study author Adam Ziemann. Scientists conducted an experiment in mice, so that the spasms are usually stronger and takes more time in mice that have little of ion channels found (and the gene responsible for their education). Block channels also leads to a prolongation of convulsions and increase the severity of their flow. Stimulation of ion channels provided protection against seizures in mice. Usually the cause of the seizures is is a violation of the synchronous operation of the brain cells. This leads to cramps and spasms. Most seizures stop on their own, but if not, develop life-threatening condition called status epilepticus.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to have a beautiful baby?

For example, in some Eastern European countries practiced permanent stay pregnant women to delivery to special pensions, on the picturesque banks of a lake or river. Where women enjoy the singing of birds, landscapes have miluyutsya, embroider, paint, listen to the opportunity to good music and enjoy life. After the fourth month of pregnancy, the old woman does not, but the mother and the child is there a. Emotions women passed by the hormonal system, the baby, and vice versa. Say, a man brought his wife flowers - just because he loves her, because she had such a unique (attention, future dad!). Obviously she has blossomed smile: it - happy. And only a few minutes, the baby felt began to move actively: endorphins (pleasure hormones) rose from the mother's blood in his bloodstream. And sometimes, the woman noticed a strange change in mood - was fun and suddenly wanted to cry. This means that the child is sad. Why? - Maybe the child is not like the other person, or a record that you set - your mood was spoiled at the links that we can not comprehend. So what if it - your old friend, try to limit contact with her to listen to another tune - in short, to do what you want. After all, change your taste -. Neither more nor less than the will and the needs of the baby He dictates the mother who obtain maintain a relationship to see what movies, what to do. On the other hand, give him a wide selection - visit exhibitions, museums, theaters (remember the placenta - no obstacle, and the head of the child receives the information from the mother).

And whether their vitamin supplements benefit?

Developed popular vitamin supplement for diabetics is not as effective as in the abstract told her told Belgian investigators. Scientists conducted a study and found that benfotiamine - a synthetic derivative of vitamin B1, not actually penetrate the cell membrane. These results highlight the problem widespread, non-prescription, medicines. Since the drugs are not appropriate, the information on them. Vitamin B1 or thiamine plays an important role in the structure of cells. Previous studies have shown that diabetics are deficient in this vitamin. Experiments on mice have shown that vitamin B1 can help prevent damage to blood vessels in diabetic patients. But, according to laboratory tests solve benfotiamine, which is solved to lipids, insoluble in organic solvents and oils. This means that benfotiamine, which is sold as a lipid-dissolving drugs, actually not the case. Many people are misled when purchasing the drug. According to scientists, it is necessary to review the medications that are available for sale, as people spend money and lay false hope that these types of medications that do not get the right result.

Timely mammography helps you live longer

Women whose breast cancer is detected at an early stage after the mammogram, can live as long as those who never had the disease, researchers say. According to experts, the discovery of the disease in an early stage is crucial. A total of six of the nine women whose cancer detected early have not survive from healthy women. Experts say that many women avoided by mammography. It is not worth it, as such a process may contribute to the early detection of cancer and. A complete picture of the results of treatment About 61 percent of cancers are found after a mammogram, doctors give a good prognosis for treatment, based on the size and extent of the tumor. After the treatment, on average, these women still life is the same as before the illness. According to scientists, when breast cancer is detected at an early stage almost guarantees a successful treatment. Experts advise women not to be afraid and take a mammogram at least once a year. The sooner you learn about the disease, the easier and more efficient to treatment, according to doctors.

Scientists have shown that the failure to consider - a disease

Failure to do mathematical calculations and computations (diskalkulyatsiya) is a hallmark of the disease. After a British neuroscientist Brian Butterworth Professor Butterworth, a study surveyed 1,500 children in Cuba. He found that the problems faced by the account of 3 to 6% of children. While the problems with reading have an average of 2.5 to 4.3% of children. According to the researcher dyscalculia is not sufficiently addressed by the teachers and the Government and is rarely diagnosed in children. If dyscalculia and recognized as hard to help students, for charities that help patients with this disorder, no. According to scientists, this issue is very important, as there are the inability to perform mathematical calculations can seriously hamper a person's life and his career.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

17 Reasons infidelity

According to the therapists, spouses change their spouses, most often due to not because of selfishness or immoral motives, but for the reasons listed below. Firstly, by Mira Kirshenbaum, married to change, to find themselves. "For a long time in your life it forces that prevent you to be yourself, to express yourself and be betrayal - it's the best way to understand how to be who you really are," - says the therapist. The second reason for treason - a random link. If a person can not do it, but was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The third reason for treason - sexual panic. "Do you feel that your sexual power dwindles to show panic and crank lover that you do not become weaker in bed" - the author explains. The fourth reason is adultery in a marriage where the partners 'kill' to decide their relationship. "Is the idea that we know about the change, and it is a marriage strike, either destroy it or lead to stronger," - says psychotherapist, adding that the crisis in marriage is also the reason why people change . The sixth reason betrayal - they try to sell high. "Your life goes on, and the spouse behind - says Kirshenbaum -. Having an extramarital affair that to someone who you think is the best meets your position." The desire to warm up old relationship in a marriage - is another reason to change, as well as the usual excuse to try if you are, then, get yourself a little pleasure, says psychotherapist.

Invented a new and effective vaccine against avian influenza virus

A bird flu vaccine, using monkey cells, not birds, are as safe and effective, the researchers reported. The vaccine was developed by Baxter International. This is the first vaccine used in monkey cells. Tested in relation to the safety of the vaccine in 250 subjects. As a result of a strong immune response in vaccine those participants caused in the experiment, which were administered two doses. Progress report researchers in the New England Journal of Medicine. At the moment 16 companies are trying to create a vaccine against the H5N1 virus cell-based poultry. Nobody knows whether they can create a complete protection against the virus, but research in this area should continually be capable of a pandemic, if necessary. The limiting factor in the production of vaccines are fertilized eggs are birds, which are used to produce a vaccine, since it. Only in certain seasons Deadline is a negative factor in preparing for a pandemic, said Dr. Peter Wright. Since it is impossible to verify whether the cell-based vaccine prevents infection monkeys is effective, the researchers measured the levels of antibodies in the experiment participants. The researchers found that the vaccine causes the immune response, similar to a natural defense against viral infection.

Frenchman alive during an operation to remove

45-year-old Frenchman came when surgeons began the operation for the removal of organs for transplantation. It was thought dead after all attempts at resuscitation with extensive myocardial infarction were not successful, reports Telegraph. Anaesthesia bag and tried to save a patient was declared dead and called transplant. Wait for the arrival of the surgeon, they are continued within half an hour CPR to maintain the viability of the organs. If the transplant, the man suddenly began to breathe, to feel pain, and his eyes were starting to react to light. After struggling for a few weeks with severe complications of myocardial patients began to walk and talk. It led to a new wave of debate on the ethical aspects of transplantation. Last year, France has decided to fence organs after cardiac arrest without final confirmation of brain death. Suggests, according to Professor Alan Tenalona (Alain Tenaillon), responsible for an organ transplant in the Biomedical Agency of France, all available medical literature that when CPR is not effective within 30 minutes after it stops, brain death occurs. There are exceptions that do not allow to develop a clear framework for action in this situation. Currently in France, the rule by which any person is an organ donor after death, if there were no objections from relatives to donate or in vivo failure of the person.

Vitamin D and fresh air - the best method for the prevention of type I diabetes mellitus in children

Prevents daily to fresh air and appropriate dose of vitamin D that children of type I diabetes, according to U.S. experts. Scientists at the University of California analyzed the prevalence and incidence of diabetes in children with type I diabetes. Found that children who live in the vicinity of the equator, and the stay in the fresh air and sunshine throughout the year, others are less at risk of type I diabetes were. As you know, the sun's rays fall on the skin, promote the production of vitamin D. The content of this particular vitamin in the body affects the development of type I diabetes mellitus in children, says Professor Cedric Garland. Is for the prevention of type I diabetes mellitus children should take daily vitamin D in high doses of 1000 IU, and stay in the sun in the afternoon at least 5-10 minutes a day, says the professor. The results of this study show that the development of type 1 diabetes can be prevented in children. Prophylaxis in the form of sun and vitamin D will save the children of the many complications and manifestations of this disease.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Smoking can help prevent lung cancer and fruit tea

Tea and fruits rich in flavonoids may reduce the risk of lung cancer in smokers, according to U.S. scientists. Scientists conducted a study of the diet of smokers, lung cancer, and those who do not suffer from this disease. It was found that flavonoids and soluble plant pigments antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that have prevented the destruction of tissue. The most useful and effective for flavonoid content were: strawberry, black and green beans, Brussels sprouts, apples, beans and onions. This study is of great importance in the prevention of lung cancer, since in 90% of cases the cause of the disease, smoking. Dr. Zuo-Feng Zhang, a professor of epidemiology and social medicine at the Cancer Center at the University of California, said it was too early to give people specific advice in relation to nutrition. This requires more and larger studies to confirm the results obtained. But a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, may be useful in any case, the researchers reported.

Binge drinking is dangerous for the people around the alcoholic

Binge drinking increases the risk of injury, not just around for the alcoholic, but also for the people around him, they say. According to the researchers, one is connected to two of the 75 thousand deaths in the U.S. in conjunction with alcohol, binge drinking character. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention presented epidemiologist Timothy Naimi, almost half of all cases of binge drinking in public places happen anyway. In two thirds of cases the course is beer, the cheapest alcoholic drink as including a small. Scientists conducted a study, interviews 14,150 people with the appropriate dependencies. The results showed that many respondents sat behind the wheel after drinking, and thus endanger not only themselves, but also all the others. In addition, many of them reached the age of majority, however, said 20 percent of young respondents are free to buy alcohol. According to Dr. Naimi, alcoholism is a problem every since you can not abuse alcohol, but suffer from the hands of an alcoholic. For this reason, the researchers propose to increase the price of alcohol and tighten the control over the sale.

IUD reduces the risk of uterine cancer

This form of contraception, such as the coil, reduces the risk of uterine cancer in the presence of a high risk of the disease, say scientists. Scientists have to study for 4 years among women with uterine cancer risk was more than 60%. According to experts the spiral is a hormone, which reduces the thickness of the walls of the uterus, may stop the growth of malignant cells. The diagnosis of cancer of the uterus down 6,000 women each year in the UK alone. IUD is a popular contraceptive. However, many women begin to use it in a more mature age. Experts advise earlier with a spiral in the prevention of cancer of the uterus, as well as unwanted pregnancy.

Bright lighting can delay the development of dementia

According to Dutch scientists, the light therapy to slow the progression of dementia. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 189 people in nursing homes. The rooms of the participants were the lamp. Clock working from 9 to 06.00 clock Some of the participants were in addition to lighting is more melatonin - a hormone that is produced primarily in the night and influenced many important bodily functions. Bright lighting by scientists. Patients sleep better, mood and reduce aggressive behavior and thus influence the circadian rhythm ("internal clock") patients Since the circadian rhythm (jet lag), which regulates the daily cycle of biological processes, which. Difficulties in patient care dementia The study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. As a result of the study, the researchers found that the effect of melatonin and contributed little light to improve sleep, but depressed the mood of the participants of the experiment remained. At the same time, if the patient treated and melatonin and bright light came problems with mood. But the presence of bright light without melatonin slows the process of dementia by an average of 5% and reduced depressive symptoms by 19%, the researchers said.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Fish - the best food for eye health

A diet rich in omega prevent-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, may be the most common cause of vision loss, scientists say. One of the most common causes of vision loss age-related macular degeneration (AMD). It is a progressive disease, which affects the central part of the retina (macular), which leads to a gradual loss of vision. In most cases, the disease in the elderly is widespread. People diagnosed with GMR lose the ability to see fine details, and in some cases had a total loss of vision, though. Still a small percentage of peripheral vision Scientists from the University of Melbourne (Australia) reviewed the results of nine previous studies and WMM. In total, the study 88,974 participants, among which 3,000 people are diagnosed with WMM. Previous studies have related omega-3 fatty acids has been shown with a variety of positive effects on the health of the body, was the most important. Of which the prevention of cardiovascular disease The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on the health of the eye. As you know, found a lot of omega-3 fatty acids in fish. The studies by scientists found that eating fish twice a week, the risk of weapons of mass destruction reduced about 38%. The results of this study were published in the journal Archives of Internal Medicine.

In the restaurant chain McDonald stopped with fresh tomatoes

Due to the outbreak of salmonellosis company McDonald is forbidden to use fresh tomatoes in its restaurants in the United States. Growth of the disease is already registered in 16 states. Experts believe the onset of an acute intestinal infection food not heat-treated tomatoes. This was informed McDonald spokesman Denia Proud. Denia clarified that the prohibition applies only to fresh tomatoes, which are used to cut and serve as a filling for sandwiches. Salad with tomato "cherry" are still on the menu McDonalds. Salmonellosis - an intestinal disorder that causes a person has fever, vomiting and diarrhea. C such symptoms were admitted to 23 people at the age of 82 years to the hospital. Doctors and specialists federal trying to establish the exact cause of the outbreak. Experts suggest that the infection occurs through the tomatoes, but any kind of guilt or seller, until there are no reasons. USA grow these vegetables at home and imports from Belgium, Canada, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Israel and the Netherlands.

Alcohol addiction can be beaten

The drug, which is commonly used to treat epilepsy may help get rid of alcohol addiction, said UK scientists. Experts claim that the drug "Topamax", which is commonly used to treat epilepsy helps reduce dependence on alcohol. Scientists conducted a study of 370 people with a strong addiction to alcohol. Participants were given along with the drug pill placebo "dummy". After 14 weeks, the results showed that the participants who took the drug to take less about alcohol and had the general improvement in health. The patients were seen improvements such as the stabilization of cholesterol, the pressure and liver enzymes. According to Professor Bankole Johnson, the drug weakened not only the desire to drink, but also improves overall health. But we should not forget about the possible side effects, as it can be very serious, the scientists said.

Trendy bags are harmful and dangerous?

Often the large bag she goes to work, weighs three to four pounds. Carry That Weight - not meaningful occupation for a woman. If the bag has a long belt and starts, the load of a weight similar to, dangling from a fragile female shoulder. Long belts increase the load, and then the fashion bag becomes a serious health spine. According to Jane Sadler, a family physician practicing in Baylor Medical Center in Texas, complain more and more women who prefer large bags on long straps, the persistent headaches and neck pain. William Case, a physical therapist in private practice in Houston (TX) added that can back problems wearing such bags. According to doctors, heavy bags, briefcases shoulder greatly alter normal position torso. And he provoked dizziness and pain in the spine. Certainly recognized for the health of doctors handbags, weighs less than two kilograms.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Smoking and obesity leads to hearing loss

Two of these factors, such as smoking and obesity can lead to hearing loss problems, scientists say. Scientists at the University of Antwerp believe that obesity and smoking hurt the flow of blood in the ears, resulting in deterioration of the hearing, but the highest risk factor is still a work in connection with the high noise level. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 4,000 men and women aged 53 to 67 years old. All participants tested the level of hearing and interviewed about their lifestyle. Experts have noted that the ability to hear high-pitched sounds in smokers and obese people was broken, but the largest proportion of hearing was with people whose work associated with high noise levels associated. According to researchers, hearing loss is proportional to the length of service smoking and body mass index. Hearing starts at an average of one year regular smoking worsens, experts say. But the problem is that if the hearing took place, the damage is irreversible.

Scottish girl was in the hospital because the parents vegetarians

12-year-old Scot, who planted by her parents on a strict vegan diet, was hospitalized with a severe developmental disorder of the bone to the hospital. Your spine like a spine 80-year-old woman to Times Online. Exclude the girl's parents of the birth of his diet of meat and dairy products. Due to a lack of vitamin D, found in liver, fish and dairy products, the child develops a severe form of rickets, a degeneration of the bones and therefore susceptible to fractures and spinal curvature what. The attending physician girls Faisal Ahmed (Faisal Ahmed) from the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Glasgow, declined to express not the case, noting, however,. Risk of strict vegetarian diet for children's health Currently, social workers understand that the place is child abuse. This case - not the first. For example, last year in the United States vegetarian couple to life imprisonment was brought his six-week child hunger sentenced.

Eggs are good for the prevention of breast cancer

Nutrient choline, which is found in large quantities in eggs may reduce the risk of breast cancer, say researchers at the University of North Carolina (USA). According to the study, experts found that a high intake of choline reduces the risk of breast cancer by 24%. On average, a large amount of choline by the number 455 milligrams or more was determined. Doctors claim that choline is important for normal cell function, including the function of the brain and nerves, a good memory, heart health and optimal metabolism, regardless of your age or gender. One egg contains 125.5 mg of choline, or roughly a quarter of the recommended daily allowance, so that eggs an excellent source of the substance, experts say. Choline is exclusively in the yolk. Other sources of choline - liver, wheat and cauliflower. Oncologists advise women to prevent breast cancer every day, eat 2-3 eggs.

Lack of exercise intensity reduced our lives

A large number of people around the world suffer from a lack of physical activity. Scientists are sounding the alarm, for every year of inaction kills nearly two million people. Scientists predict that the situation is very worrying and the mortality associated with physical inactivity, will continue to grow. Experts argue that the lack of physical activity can lead to fatal diseases. Physical inactivity - disorder of the body (muscle, circulatory, respiratory, digestive) with reduced physical activity, whereby the force of muscle contraction. The prevalence of physical inactivity is increasing due to urbanization, automation and mechanization of labor, strengthening the role of the communications media. According to doctors, physical activity can significantly reduce no less than half an hour per day, the risk of developing some of the most common non-communicable diseases. Doctors believe that common diseases such as hypertension, diabetes occurs in overweight people is not so much because of obesity, but due to inactivity. The complete automation of the man lost the need to move your body. The man is going to be running out of time and to give your body at least some exercise. This can be considered the real "disease of civilization." Will

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Hungry people often make hasty and detrimental solutions

Lack of food leads people to make bad decisions, say British scientists at Cambridge University. The researchers studied the behavior of 20 volunteers. As an experiment, the participants had a situation in which a person has a different division of the money, and unfair hit. Under the terms set by the scientists, when the offer was accepted, both players receive their part, but if the offer is rejected, no one will. The first study was conducted in the afternoon, and most participants were offended that she was treated unfairly, and dismissed suggestions about a third of the other players, but in this case, both players were left without money. Scientists conducted a similar experiment with hungry participants. It turned out that the number of errors has increased to 80%. According to scientists, eating does not lead to lower levels of serotonin in the body - a substance that is known as the happy hormone. Due to lack of serotonin are aggressive and impulsive. Thus the absence of serotonin increases the likelihood that a person takes impulsive adverse decision. According to experts, the source of the hormone of happiness is the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in many foods - such as meat, dairy products, nuts, cereals, bananas, soy products, and fish. > Br>

But according to the results of another study showed that the sudden solutions are often the best, long-term thinking and the same can be the entry into the brain to prevent other useful information.

Medical Card online - cheap and fast access to information

Microsoft and Kaiser Permanente (the largest U.S. companies to support health problems) in an information exchange program, which is the patient better control of their health is involved, according to Reuters. The efforts of these companies will allow people to get all the necessary information on matters related to their health, in real time. This means that the Internet store information relating to human health, which can use it forever, if necessary. The information will be kept confidential, and it is only with the permission of the owner is available. According to experts, the network is to keep personal records of the state of health, as well as reports on visits to the doctor and test results. This allows people greater control of their health and patients be free access to their medical records. Such a possibility of placement information will significantly reduce the waste of time and costs associated with health problems, experts say. It should be noted that similar processes in online information are not unique to the West. Developed such an initiative for institutions in various fields in Russia as part of the FFMS revelation.

Scientists have found a gene that increases the volume of the heart

Scientists say they have developed a new genetic basis for why some people are predisposed to increase the volume of the heart, leading to heart disease and heart attack, found by the BBC. The increase in heart disease may be associated with high blood pressure and obesity. But the role played in this process played by genes, are more known. An international team of scientists says they first tied the increase of cardiac genes. The study appears in the journal Nature Genetics. The researchers conducted a study in rodents, as well as a 30 patient volunteers. It was found that the gene Osteoglycin (Ogn) which previously been linked to heart disease, which affects the growth of the left ventricle. As a result, when a person is an interrupt that particular gene, which leads to an increase of the left ventricular mass, which in turn interferes with the normal functioning of the heart. These changes contribute to the development of heart disease and heart attacks. According to scientists, the discovery osteoglitsina effect on the incidence of cardiovascular disease, it is possible to create new drugs and preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Train the mind, increases intelligence

This conclusion Swiss researcher Susan Jaeggi and Martin Bushkyul. Psychologists treat intelligence as a universal psychic ability on a genetically determined property of the nervous system, based around information at a certain speed and precision processing. A person can acquire the knowledge and develop the skills, but assimilate the speed and the ability to make the best use, that is, the intellect, according to most scientists, are inherited. According to the report of the National Science Foundation, USA, researchers looked at the University of Michigan (USA), found the dependence of the intellectual abilities of the store and that one of the components of the IQ can be improved by training. Crystallized and flexible - most IQ tests are based on the measurement of the two kinds of intelligence-based. These concepts were introduced in psychology in 1971 by Raymond Cattell. Fluid intelligence is the ability to find solutions to new and unexpected problems while crystallized - the ability to use existing knowledge and experiences. Swiss psychologist study found that flexible intellect are trained. Scientists have gathered four groups of volunteers and trained their short-term memory with the help of special exercises. Group of subjects for a half hour a day for 8, 12, 17 and 19 days practicing. For each of these periods, researchers tested the change in fluid intelligence of the participants. The longer the participants trained in short-term memory grew, the greater their performance in the test for flexible intelligence.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Was detected in the markets Hong Kong bird flu

In the markets of Hong Kong discovered the H5N1 avian influenza virus. The government ordered the viral testing birds in 2700, reports Reuters. Officials said that the ban on imports of poultry from China to Hong Kong is not imposed for 21 days, will be delivered to the bird market at this time and from local farms. These officials are taking steps to positively identify the source of H5N1 infection. Furthermore, the authorities added in Hong Kong, found that among the not a single case of infection with the H5N1 virus in the city Shui, which is found in the markets of the infected bird. This is not the first infected bird H5N1 virus, discovered in the area in 2007, experts say. According to experts, the H5N1 virus has 214 people in several Asian countries in the period killed since 2003. While most people who are infected with the bird flu had direct or indirect contact with poultry, experts still pay attention at all times ensure that the virus will mutate and spread from person to person. Can take in the event of change of the bird flu virus, millions of lives around the world.

American girl born twice

American Girl on 3 May was born a second time. Their first "birth" was the sixth month of fetal development, when surgeons removed it from the uterus to remove the tumor, and then returned, reports MSNBC. At 23 weeks' gestation, her parents decided Chad and Keri McCartney (Chad and Keri McCartney) to do with ultrasound to determine the sex of the child. The study showed that the fetus in the coccyx tumor the size of a grapefruit. Despite the benign nature, life-threatening fetal growth, because due to their size, "stole" him a large amount of blood. Obstetrician who led Carey, she sent to the Texas Children's Hospital in Houston. After the surgeon Darrell Cass (Darrell Cass) which operated Carey, this type of tumor - is not uncommon, but is generally small and has no effect on the fetus. This significant increase in tumors was observed only in one case, a 40 thousand births. Because of the threat to life, it was decided to operate on the fetus. For complete relaxation of the uterus during a four-hour operation required anesthesia seven times lower than the conventional methods. The uterus is completely removed Carey from the abdominal cavity, it can be opened without damaging the placenta. Away from the cut fruit with the tumor, so that only the head of the uterine cavity. The tumor is then removed, and the unborn child, put samples outside the womb for about 20 minutes back. The operation was successful, and after 10 weeks, a month ahead of schedule, Carey gave birth to a healthy baby, which she and her husband before the birth of Hope named Macy (Macie hope, the hope - in English "Hope").

Japanese doctors removed the tumor instead of a forgotten towel

Japanese doctors who operate on the patient, rather than the tumor discovered a forgotten surgical towel. It fell into the belly of 49-year-old man 25 years old, according to Fox News. The towel was forgotten by surgeons in 1983, when. Easy operation for stomach ulcers Until recently, it has not caused any problems, and the end of May, the patient felt pain in my stomach and turned to the Asahi General Hospital. The survey found vosmisantimetrovoe education has a tumor, and the Japanese in the operation. Hospital representatives Asahi reported that the towel was blue-green, although we are not sure what color it originally may say. The patient is not a hospital, whose leadership discussed the incident with him to sue for damages. Surgeons have caused the victim visit and apologized.

Glass, the recovery of the bone

Scientists from Imperial College London have a glass-based biologically active material that promotes bone growth created. This was said in the British Council for Science and Technology, interviewed with assistance. The new material - a bioactive porous glass - can help in the reconstruction of bone, particularly in elderly patients who could be spared in this case with the installation operations, bone grafts. One lesson from glass "works" as an active template for the growth of bone and dissolves in the body of the patient, without a trace. In the process of dissolution of the material releases calcium and other substances which stimulate bone growth. Glass genes activated in human bone cells that control the process of bone growth: it is the solution of the compounds of silicon and calcium ions at concentrations that "turn on" these genes would. Working with colleagues from the Universities of Kent and Warwick new material was tested ISIS neutron emitter. Experiment allowed us to determine exactly how calcium is released from the glass into the human body.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ukraine has recognized Tramadol Narcotic

In Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers has a list of tramadol drug. Action was taken at the last cabinet meeting, UNIAN reports in line with the government's decision, tramadol is included in the list of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors. The government also declared null and void the decision of 22 February 2008 № 89th "On the Approval of the quotas for 2008", in which the manufacture of the drug "Tramadol" regardless of its name, and the release form "

Alcohol reduces the risk of arthritis

People who regularly reduces alcohol, the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, according to Swedish researchers. Scientists at the Karolinska Institute, who led the study, which was attended by 2750 people. The experiment showed that people who drank more than five drinks a week, the risk of rheumatoid arthritis was 50% lower compared to those who did not drink alcohol. Rheumatoid arthritis - is a systemic inflammatory disease of the connective tissue, primarily the joints. More often (2-3 times) are ill wife. The causes of rheumatoid arthritis are not installed. Special macroglobulin, as defined in the serum is an important diagnostic test - Great emphasis is on an autoimmune process in which an autoantibody rheumatoid factor attached. However, experts warned that alcohol abuse leads to serious health problems.

With mercury fillings are dangerous to the health of the unborn child

Silvery metal used in dentistry for fillings in the world (for example, is a dental practice in Moscow) are used which contain mercury, which can cause health problems in babies in the womb, officials said the U.S. Office of the Food and Drug drug after a study this topic. The U.S. Department of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has reported that there is a potential risk to health when wearing fillings contain mercury. The introduction of more stringent restrictions on the release of mercury-containing products. To confirm this, the official site has information about the FDA concluded that dental fillings containing mercury can mix neurotoxic effects on the nervous system of the developing baby in the womb lead. Experts say that, pregnant women who have problems with their teeth, in any case, not to give up visits to the dentist and dental fillings, but you need to get your doctor to discuss possible treatment options without any harm to the child's health.

Obesity protects against severe malaria

Obesity hinders the development of a deadly form of cerebral malaria. This conclusion French scientists led by Robert Vincent (Vincent Robert) conducted experiments on mice. The experiments involved 14 animals, obese, and 14 - with normal weight. Obesity in animals is a mutation of the gene that "hormone saturated" the connected leptin. All mice were single injection of sporozoites (spore forms of malaria) Plasmodium berghei, which. Development of malaria in mice According to scientists, all laboratory rodents with malaria. Six days after infection, 8 out of 14 mice died of normal weight of a severe form of cerebral malaria (brain damage with the development of a coma). At the same time, none of the animals, obesity, symptoms of cerebral malaria were identified, the researchers reported. According to them, mice in this group died from severe anemia at 18-25 days after infection. The mechanism of the protective role of obesity in the malaria has not been demonstrated. It is assumed that a certain value may have decreased hormone levels leptin, involved in the regulation of hematopoiesis, or a high percentage of fatty acids in the blood (hyperlipidemia). Additionally protection against cerebral form of malaria with elevated levels of glucose in the blood of animals, which are associated to obesity. High blood sugar can make up. Its deficit (hypoglycemia), which often do serious and complicated forms of malaria, the researchers

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Set because of what happened, bedwetting

When the brain constantly receives signals from the bladder without special needs, at a time when the brain's response is really needed, it will simply ignore this signal, the scientists from Hong Kong. Scientists conducted a study known the number of active brain lesions compared during sleep in children with bedwetting, as enuresis, with a control group of children. They found that children who happen easily overnight, the number of sites of activation of the cortex twice as the children from the control group. The scientists found that in children with enuresis, a restless sleep. In this regard, the brain gets a lot of momentum, which is not at the same time be able to wake the baby. Researchers suggest that the cortex as a result of the signals coming from the bladder extended pacing pulses are blocked. In other words, the child is not able to wake up, in spite of the pulses from the bladder. Experts believe it. A certain age, after which the problem disappears All we know is that every year the number of children decreases with enuresis. Scientists have not been able to establish the exact cause of the disease. Heredity and lack of ADH: Nevertheless, experts have several factors that could contribute enuresis.

Abuse of marijuana helps poor memory

Abuse of marijuana leads to structural changes in at least two areas of the brain - the hippocampus and the amygdala, reported the researchers. Despite the day by day growing evidence of the harmful effects of marijuana on the brain, many people find it easy and relatively safe drug and advocate the legalization of marijuana after Yusel Murat (Murat Yücel), Doctor of Philosophy of the Research Centre, Melbourne , Australia. Scientists have the study, which was attended by 15 people who smoke marijuana often in the last 10 years, and 16 Non smoking participants. The study found that smoking significantly reduced the volume of brain tissue in the hippocampus and amygdala, and poor performance, the. The state of the memory The researchers found that the average size of the hippocampus, which is for memory, smoking marijuana at 12% less than those who do not smoke. And the average size of the amygdala, which is responsible for the emotional sphere, compared with 7% in smokers grass nonsmokers. The researchers also found that people who abuse marijuana, often with symptoms of mental disorders, although these symptoms do not meet criteria for mental illness. Also, we previously reported that marijuana increases the risk of stroke and heart attack.

Bunk beds are harmful to health

Injuries associated with bunk beds, which they say is not only for children but also for adults at a young age, scientists. Scientists conducted a study by the Centre for Research Injuries (Center for Injury Research), which means that about 75% of children injured in connection with a bunk bed, were found at the age of 10. To the surprise of researchers, the incidence of this type of injury is high, and people aged 18 to 21 years. The study found that in the age group 18 to 21. Twice the frequency of such violations, the same parameters in children aged 14 to 17 years Scientists attribute this to the fact that young people need to make more use of bunk beds. These beds are often installed in the hostels of educational institutions or in the army. The increased incidence of injuries in young people is also associated with their great height and weight compared to children in conjunction. According to statistics, a fall from the bed is the most common cause of injury associated with the furnishings are connected, for all ages. The fracture is the third most common injury from trauma.

Pollution in the air cause a heart attack

Short-term exposure, even small amounts of harmful particles in the air increases the risk of heart attack, according to U.S. researchers from the University of Michigan. According to environmentalists, the majority of the inhabitants of megacities daily inhaled dangerous substances which are potentially fatal effect on the heart. Most of the microparticles produced by the people in the workplace, chemicals and as a result of the movement of vehicles. Doctors found that when taking these tiny particles can be artificial or natural numerous health problems, suffer, and to develop the cardiovascular system. Scientists have investigated the effect of micro-particles in the air on the body for 4 years. As a result, they concluded that only a small number of contaminated air components of the blood supply to the brain injured, resulting in the formation of blood clots, stimulates contraction of blood vessels and increases the risk of ischemia (blood circulation problems), which can lead to stroke, heart attack.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Diet for the brain - how to eat during the session

Depending on the quality of the power of intelligence proved. Extensive studies reliably confirmed that maternal malnutrition during pregnancy and poor nutrition of the child in infancy virtually irreversible negative effect on brain development. It is clear that need for the normal functioning of the brain specific nutrients. We usually get it from the starchy carbohydrates - such as bread, as well as concentrated carbohydrates - sugar. So, the breakfast of starchy carbohydrates - ensures the long-term brain needs food - bread or cereal tselnomolotogo. Pure sugar rushes immediately into the blood, and it is clear in a minute of the head. But that is only a short-term effect. Before a rapid rise in blood sugar levels body "Devourer of Sugar" raises - insulin (a hormone produced by the pancreas), and after a few minutes blood sugar level drops. This can lead to a substantial reduction in mental capacity, inexplicable, seemingly, a feeling of weakness. So you should have no illusions about the sugar "dope". Far better, timely moderate meal with bread, nuts, rice, cereals or beans. They contain sugar complexes called polysaccharides. They are slow, only about 15 minutes blood sugar rises gradually released and people feel happy and fresh. And in the process of spiritual work much better than eating sweets biscuits or crackers.

Chlorinated water causes severe birth defects

Chlorinated water drinking during pregnancy can a child with serious birth defects, such as heart disease and brain lead born, say British scientists at the University of Birmingham. Experts examined data on 400 thousand babies to find out how. Eleven most common birth defects with high, medium or low in chemicals that appear in the chlorination of drinking water Chlorination - fairly common method of disinfecting drinking water. But one of the disadvantages of this process is the formation of by-products, most of which are so-called trihalomethanes, including chloroform, dichlorobrommethane dibromochlormethane and bromoform are. The study showed that high chlorination increased by-products from 50 to 100% risk of malformations three: septal between the ventricles (the hole in the septum between the ventricles of the heart, which leads to the mixture of arterial and venous blood and chronic lack of oxygen) , called a cleft palate, and anentsefalii (complete or partial absence of the skull and bones of a summary of the brain). According to experts, the biological mechanisms that lead to birth defects, still unknown. But the results of the study not only further proof that chlorination may cause birth defects, but it also shows that the presence of the by-products may be associated with some specific error, the scientists said.

The President of Ukraine is to bring information to the healthcare sector

Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko insists on detailed study and eliminate the causes which reported on the death of a 17-year-old in the Donetsk region, led UNIAN. This will be discussed at a meeting between the President and the Attorney General Oleksandr Medvedko. The main theme of the meeting, a state investigation and the death of 17-year-old boy from the Donetsk region, as well as the results of the inspection of medical and pharmaceutical institutions for immunization in accordance with applicable legislation, UNIAN reported. It is also planned in the meeting, given the uncontrolled sale of virulent drugs through pharmacy school. Along with the rest of the items to be discussed measures prosecutor response to individual officers who negligently or recklessly relate to his official duties in this area.

Cure for dengue create by 2010

According to the director of the Institute of Medical and Biological Research Izayasa Rau American development already successfully tested in rhesus monkeys and people who had never suffered from dengue. However, the vaccine has to be developed taking into account the specificity of Brazil, where many had been ill several times dengue fever and may have immune system functions. "The world already has at least two attempts to produce a vaccine against dengue fever, but they were ineffective We hope that we will succeed this time." - Rough Castle. Experts hope to begin commercial production of the dengue vaccine, which kills thousands of lives every year in tropical countries in 2010. Note that at the beginning of 2008 in Rio de Janeiro was the largest in the history of the epidemic of the disease recorded - from January to June in the Brazilian state, more than 162,000 cases of dengue, of which 123 cases were registered lethal. Dengue fever - an acute viral illness caused by mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Vector control can ill humans, monkeys, and possibly bats. Symptoms of dengue fever: high body temperature, severe general condition, bleeding in the mouth, stomach and intestines, liver and kidneys, and jaundice. In order of this deadly disease no protection date.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Staphylococcus aureus is able to kill

Germ that usually causes pimples and rashes on the skin, causing severe pneumonia in at least 24 young, healthy people, U.S. researchers reported. The primary cause of the disease was resistant to the drug methicillin, which is assumed in these cases. Many of the patients died within 4 days, and many initially not treated because the doctors are not immediately able to determine the cause. According to Dr. Alexander Kallen, the disease can be beat even very healthy people. In most cases, the disease occurs after a person was sick with the flu. A team of scientists led by Dr. Kallen studied cases of pneumonia caused by Staphylococci in the period from 1 November 2006 to 30 Caused April 2007 In general, this period has been reported 51 cases in 19 countries. The study was published in the journal Annals of Emergency Medicine. Scientists have found that more than 79% of people who experience the pneumonia, had been infected with staphylococcus. The median age was 16 years. 60% of patients with the flu before, but 40% of the victims were completely healthy ill. 24 patients who were diagnosed with pneumonia, died within 4 days. Experts have found that the risk of dying from pneumonia by infection with staphylococcus two times higher for those who have just been caused ill with flu. Staphylococcal infection is one of the most common infections. This is due to the extreme prevalence of staphylococci in nature.

Russia has banned celebrate Halloween, while the piercing

In Russia, the draft law "On the ethical and patriotic education and protection of children's rights in information," according to which all the requirements of information products will be divided into 4 categories. Access to each category will be determined by age. For example, a child under six years of talk about violence, but condemned the process. A literature that contains swearing, teenagers to only 16 available. Still planned to undertake mobile operator SMS from phones that belong to the children when they filter the mat. In addition the school to celebrate the ban "foreign" holidays such as Halloween and Valentine's Day. Do you want to prohibit minors tattoo and piercing. Children from the influence of the EMO and ready to be protected, so the authors of the concept, worldview imposed depression, suicidal tendencies and sexual deviation.

Cats, like the prevention of asthma

If children from an early age to live in pets, there is a high probability that the child does not develop allergies and asthma, according to researchers at Columbia University. Scientists conducted a study that children who have been from an early age in contact with cats that had the blood of high titers of antibodies against feline found antigens. Children aged three years in which antibodies are formed in early childhood, tend to suffer symptoms associated with asthma. And for five years at the same kids who grew up with cats, symptoms were observed less frequently. Scientists can not yet the exact relationship between this phenomenon. For this reason, can not advise cats start prevention of asthma. But also in order to avoid the contact with these animals is not reduced, the risk of developing the disease. If a child has a diagnosis of asthma and allergic to cats, pets, need to find a new home, well-known experts.

British scientists have defeated alopecia

British scientists have developed a new method for dealing with hair loss. He was initially able to artificially new hair follicles. After six months of study, 11 patients from 19 soon found new hair. Almost every third man, after 50 years of suffering from hair loss. Some of the problem is caused by burns or after chemotherapy. Currently, baldness cure with medicinal products that increase blood flow to the scalp and antiandrogens, and transplanting hair follicles from other parts of the body. But new hair is not created. Called on a new method, "the implantation of hair follicle cells," British company operates Intercytex. Specialists of the company believe that after five years of testing, they offer an unlimited supply of new health centers "hair cells". The so-called "dormant" cells from hair follicles are surgically removed from the skin of the head, were bred in the laboratory, if necessary - and cloned, and then implanted into the bald areas. Explains only a few volunteers willing to participate in the experiment, but most of them were satisfied with the results of the tests, say British scientists. "The new procedure -. A revolution in Trichology to our patients tell us your phone and go back to, say, two and get implants after 10,000 seeds hair," says researcher company Intercytex Paul Kemp.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wine protects the heart from aging

Substance that is a component of dry red wine may protect the heart from the aging process, according to U.S. scientists. Scientists conducted a study in mice. Specialists gave food with resveratrol in mice after 14 weeks and followed them for up to 30 weeks. It was found that this substance, the activity of a gene responsible for the aging affects, and can slow down the process. Moreover, when taking resveratrol the same effect as low-calorie diet was obtained, improving your heart. It would be very convenient because it does not have to be depleted diets, said Dr. Tomas Prolla. Scientists have been studying the effects of the substance on the heart, brain and muscles. The greatest impacts associated with the protective function of aging, resveratrol had. On the heart, although other tissues also an influence, but not as strong Scientists have high hopes that resveratrol will have the same effect on the human body. Possible with dry red wine can prolong life. But even in this case, do not abuse this liquor, the researchers stressed.

Scientists hope to have found a way to treat dementia

Possible to use the immune system to counter Alzheimer's disease, say scientists. Scientists conducted an experiment in mice and found that if you turn the device immune system, improve memory. Professionals looking for ways of destruction of amyloid plaques, which allow to get rid of dementia can. The study appears in the journal Nature Medicine. Experts believe that more research is needed, and learn how this method works in humans. People with Alzheimer's lose all their memories and unable to live a normal life. Brain damage associated with the disease, result from the formation of amyloid plaques that destroy brain cells. According to scientists, there are no medications that can cure Alzheimer's disease, so this discovery is very important. But you have to understand the problem, experts say.

Scientists have created an artificial virus that can kill cancer cells

Created an artificial virus, entering a position in the cancer cells and deliver these anti-cancer agent - drugs and genes, say South Korean scientists. According to experts, the majority of lung cancer by genetic abnormalities in cells, mechanisms off destroy mutated cells, which control reproduction begins. You interrupt the proliferation of cells, but the main problem is how to. The drug into the nucleus, where its genetic apparatus together deliver Natural viruses are very effective in delivering genes into cells, but they can trigger an immune response and cancer. Specialists say that it has created an artificial virus no such side effects. The scientists used a new strategy that resulted in the creation of an artificial virus-specific size and shape. During the study, biologists used as a template protein structure, and protein "hand" holding the so-called spiral short interfering RNA. This type of RNA, according to scientists, has played a key role, as he turned off the genes in the cells, which was compatible. As a result of the synthesis of the corresponding protein was blocked, which is a promising technology in gene therapy. Scientists have also shown that it is created an artificial viruses able to. In the nuclei of cancer cells, to penetrate the DNA damage Making cancer drugs delivered directly into the nucleus.

Drinks with probiotics can help prevent hay fever

Daily consumption of beverages with probiotics to prevent the occurrence of hay fever, according to British scientists. Allergic rhinitis or hay fever - an allergic condition caused by pollen from trees, grasses, shrubs, etc. Currently, hay fever in Russia are up to 15% of the population, is the most common allergic disease. With hay fever is an inappropriate response of the immune system to the pollen of various plants. Pollen from the air settles on the mucous membranes of the nose, eyes and mouth, occurs in the bronchial tubes, in contact with skin and sensitive to their people, the symptoms of allergies. The main cause of allergies - British scientists have a small study that the daily consumption of beverages containing probiotics can modify the immune system in response to pollen was carried out. Probiotics - a substance or nemikrobnoy microbial origin, has a natural way with the introduction of a positive effect on homeostasis by normalizing the balance of microflora in the gut. Probiotics, for example, we can meet in yogurt as Lactobacillus. People carry a lot of bacteria in the gut that affect digestion and the immune system. And they can use the "bad" bacteria that compete cause disease. Effect of probiotics vary the response of immune cells to pollen, states involved in the study, Dr Kamal Ivory.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Vitamin D is important for us

Young children do not get enough vitamin D. A deficiency of this vitamin is found immediately to bone fragility and to a weakening of the immune system, according to U.S. scientists what. Scientists at the Hospital in Boston conducted a study, which was attended by 380 children aged 8 months to 2 years. It turned out that many of them have vitamin D levels below the optimal. According to scientists, the main reason for a lack of vitamin D in the blood of children, that they do not consume fortified milk. The study was published in the Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine. Vitamin D produced as a result of contact with the skin to sunlight. It is an important component to maintain strong bones and prevent chronic diseases. The amount of this vitamin in the body is important, but the deficit is not immediate, it is also a problem. Experts have found that the children who are breastfed have a deficiency of vitamin D, because although the mother's milk is very useful, but it is unable to compensate for the lack of this vitamin. Immunity is formed in childhood, so that the lack of vitamins is so important at this time. Experts advise parents and children to foods with vitamin D, as well as consume a safe tan skin clock, because you can damage, long sunbathing in the period of maximum solar activity (in the afternoon).

Food no longer smoke

The basis of the diet on the results of 13 years of research, in which more than 26,000 smokers Finnish citizens. According to scientists, smoking useful products with a high content of magnesium, only because they reduce the risk of stroke by 15%. As a source of magnesium, researchers propose using whole grains, beans, peanuts, broccoli, spinach, halibut and oysters.

Biologists learn to overcome to old age?

Senescent cells have "spoiled" genetic characteristics and secrete proteins that. Damage to the environment Researchers at the Mayo Clinic have to accelerate the American genes, and reverse the aging process are, according to a study in the journal "Nature Cell Biology". P16 and p19 - in the process of aging experiments on mice, biologists have the function of two genes investigated to suppress the growth of tumors. As a result, they found that p16 accelerates aging of cells, while p19 stops the process. "Scientists have aging mice derived lacked genes p16 or p19 under investigation, but these mice were not suitable for research, as they all died of cancer before the time to grow old. By crossing with other breeds of mice, the aging five times faster than normal was due to a mutation in the gene BubR1, we could do this was to get around, "- says the lead author of the study Darren Baker. Due to the fact that other genes are involved in the aging process, researchers have clearly established that p16 causes aging of tissues, whereas p19 counteracts this. It was completely unexpected, as experiments with tissue cultures showed that p19 contributes to aging, said co-author Jan van Derse. In this study, the researchers also found that the "start" and the development of the aging process, at least partially influenced by the accumulation of senescent cells in tissues and organs. These senescent cells have "spoiled" genetic characteristics and secrete proteins that damage to the surrounding cells, which. Malfunction of organs

The child is only suitable baby toothpaste

Children to brush your teeth in early childhood should be used and only used for this special toothpaste for children, say dentists. To date, the pharmacy or toy store to pick up a toothbrush, even for one year old baby. In appearance it is usually as a toy with a soft brush, not the allergies. However, how to choose the right toothpaste for my child? Some parents struggle with the fact that the child does not use pasta, pasta and infant foods to eat sweet and tasty, they teach it to your teeth with a paste to the teeth adults, which has a bitter taste, clean brush. According to experts this is not done in any case, because the toothpaste for adults contains a large amount of fluoride. Moreover, it is not appropriate for them to swallow. But younger children are often accidentally swallow 20 to 30 percent of the paste. It is known that the lack of fluoride to the development of caries leads. However, an excess of it, especially in children, you hurt your teeth at least, they appear bright spots melovidnye. Those children who have grown up permanent teeth is fluoride necessary, but in small quantities. Experts advise parents to be careful in the choice of noodles for the child.

More and more women are choosing late first birth

Greatly reduces the level of fertility in Denmark. According to statistics of the Northern Kingdom in 2007 were only 64 thousand babies light, which is the lowest level since 1990, according to scientists. The doctors are very concerned trend of the reluctance of most Danes and European women in general to give birth at a young age. Many of them decided to have their first child at the age of 29-30 years, researchers report. A late delivery, according to experts, are often accompanied by an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy and chromosomal abnormalities. Experts believe that the late delivery associated with the desire of the Danish women to a decent education, start a career and realize their professional potential pay, and then pay attention to the child's birth.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Preservatives cause hyperactivity in children

Foods with preservatives and artificial colors could learn a negative impact on a child's behavior, and have impaired ability to contribute to the development of hyperactivity, the researchers reported. The appearance on the child hyperactivity, impaired, as he feels the lack of attention and not to focus on learning something. Scientists at the University of Sydney proposes to delete from baby food with these chemicals and use this method as an alternative for the treatment of hyperactivity. Austrian researchers have the study, which was attended by 297 children aged 3 to 9 years. Experts analyzed the effects of artificial colors and preservatives. There were also taking into account the results of 22 studies between 1975 and 1994. The review found that 16 of them have shown a negative impact of artificial compounds in foods on the behavior of children. The current study also confirmed the relationship between the consumption of chemicals with hyperactivity.

Tests for the detection of anomalies in the chromosomes during pregnancy contribute to miscarriage

Detect test taken during pregnancy to birth defects in the chromosomes to double to an increased risk of miscarriage help, scientists say. A team of scientists at a European conference on genetics known that women need more information about what they are for. Potential risk during pregnancy For example, some analysis of the amniotic fluid can cause miscarriage, the researchers reported. According to experts, one of the most famous examples of chromosomal abnormalities - is Down's syndrome, in which the fetus has an extra copy of a chromosome. Down syndrome - congenital developmental disorder manifested by mental retardation, impaired growth of bones and other physical abnormalities. This is one of the most common forms of mental retardation. Thanks to modern medicine, people with this syndrome, more than 50 years. One way to identify the syndrome - is an amniocentesis. This method is to aspirate fluid (amniocentesis). In which the embryo in the womb, by piercing the amniotic bladder through the abdominal wall As a result of this test may also detect diseases such as Edwards syndrome and syndrome of Pato. But according to scientists, in about one in a hundred women by amniocentesis miscarriage.

Girls breast milk healthier than boys

Satisfies a positive effect on the health of girls than boys' health, scientists say. The researchers conducted a study of a group of preterm infants with very low birth weight. The trial was held in Buenos Aires. Experts examined the protective effect of breastfeeding against respiratory infections in infants. Scientists have found that breastfeeding has many benefits for the health of the child, such as feeding with formula milk. Scientists examined the incidence of bronchiolitis in infants - is a respiratory infection that occurs most often between the ages of 3 to 6 months and requiring hospitalization. The researchers studied a group of 199 premature infants who weighed about 1500 grams. These children are very susceptible to infections. The results showed that the hospital needed 50% of the girls who are fed artificial milk formulas, compared with 7% who receive breast milk. But among the young, this trend was not observed. Among the children fed and breast-milk and food, about 19% of the first hospitalization due to infection in boys needed. This trend continued in the first year of life in terms of appearance and other infections. According to Dr. Pollack, the precise causes of this pattern is not clear, but may be found in breast milk is something that activates the ability to deal with infections it girls. Doctors recommend that mothers feed their children at least 6 months old.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Pieces of Gold help cure AIDS

Chemists found by the University of North Carolina, that the addition of small pieces of gold weakened AIDS drugs takes its ability to fight the virus enters the body, the immune system, while scientists in New York created a substance far stronger and harder than conventional iron, the remains their properties even at high temperatures. This opens the door to a variety of applications, such as engine components, the high loads and high temperatures. Created by adding gold nanoparticles in a modified version of the drug in 1990 to fight AIDS - but rejected because of the harmful side effects - creates a substance that does not allow the virus exist in the cells, said Dr. Christian Melander, assistant professor of chemistry in the State of New York York. Component drug, called TAK-779 was originally found to the property of a point of the human T cells that block the penetration of the AIDS virus to bind the immune system. Unfortunately, the proportion of drug molecules, which makes it possible is the accession had harmful side effects. If the portion of the molecule - an ammonium salt - was removed lost drug's ability to attach. It was then that the scientists turned into gold. This element has. No reaction in the human body and is ideal as a platform for the attachment of drug molecules in the absence of the ammonium salt, which will keep the drug molecules and to strengthen it

Lung cancer in a blood test can detect early stage of development

Routine blood test can detect lung cancer at an early stage of their development, the researchers reported in the hospital in Cologne (Germany). Survival after lung cancer is about 15 percent. Lung cancer kills an average of 1.3 million people worldwide each year, as it often diagnosed in the later stages of the disease. The results were presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology. According scientists research, in the blood of cancer genetic profile, which can be detected by a blood sample with 88% accuracy. Analysis of blood from the finger is a useful tool to reduce the risk of lung cancer for two years prior to the diagnosis of the disease, said Dr. Thomas Zander of the University of Cologne. Detect cancer at an early stage in their development is a major challenge for effective treatment, the scientists said. Also, as we reported earlier, bicarbonate also help detect cancer in the early stages.

Brazilian court allowed experiments with cells from human embryos

The Federal Supreme Court of Brazil, received the decision, which opens the possibility of the country for research on human embryonic stem cells. 6-5 majority, the judges recognized the Constitution, a law of 2005, which legalized the use of cells for research "extra" embryos in the uterus after in vitro fertilization implanted. The court dismissed the protest of the former Attorney General Claudio Fontelesa demanded in the same 2005 repeal of the law on the grounds that it violates the right to life of embryos. Were proposed in the minority opposed to the legalization of the controversial final statement, the scope of the experiments allowed stem cell research, which does not limit the destruction of embryos. They also insisted on the introduction of additional procedures for the approval of each such study from the Commission on Ethics in Medicine. Biggest largest Catholic community in the world, Brazil has condemned the decision of the Supreme Court. According to the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, the legalization of experiments with embryonic stem cells is equivalent to murder, because the life of a person. According to the teachings of the Church, from the moment of conception In turn, the scientific community are hopeful that the long-awaited adoption of the Law Brazil brought a regional market leader in the field of biomedical research expressed. According to a press release from the Ministry of Health in Brazil allowed only for scientific purposes to be unsuitable for implantation of an embryo from the moment that has been frozen for at least three years.

The secret to increase libido in men

It turns out the whole thing in a healthy diet. To stay in shape, and Ramses II was the sun god on earth, he was eating a lot of garlic and herbs. Garlic Research is the engine of the blood, it increases blood flow and improves potency. For women who want their men strong, salad recipe below is presented by Pharaoh. Including it in your diet, forget the strong half of mankind about impotence, daily fatigue and remember the fire of passion. Salad "Men stronghold" as the Japanese say: "The main thing in the diet - the mood." Cooking begins with a smile on his face. To do this, remove the parsley, dill, lettuce, add the cauliflower, already cooked and all the small disks. We also deal in garlic, but in no case the grated three since lost all the vitamins. Then mix all the ingredients and pour sour cream, and sprinkle the top liberally supported hazelnuts, walnuts can. Sleight of hand, a little time and a salad ready. And now sufficient to begin a meal. Do not forget to thank your favorite, a dish is with the hope of preparing your erotic exploits. Do not be afraid that after a salad with garlic spice up bude smell. To handle with such a simple little thing. Simple advice before meals drink a spoonful of olive oil. For the salad, you can get the fish, meat, seafood, taking into account the "golden mean". Remember, your digestive system does not waste pit, and the "way" in life. Said knowingly in Russia: "I will protect the stomach", ie the value of life.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Secondhand smoke for children face more difficulties in the future

Children who are exposed to tobacco smoke, not only an increased risk of asthma and respiratory infections, but also to other major infectious diseases that require immediate hospitalization, according to doctors. Scientists conducted a study in 7402, which was attended by the child. The study lasted for 8 years. It was found that exposure to cigarette smoke, especially in the first months of life of children, it is very dangerous for the health of the child. Dr. Len Horowitz, a specialist in Pulmonary Diseases, New York Hospital, said that smoking is not only a nuisance to the bronchi and lungs, but also significantly inhibits the immune system of the child. According to the scientists' observations, the effect of cigarette smoke increased in the first half of the lives of children, the incidence of hospital admissions by 45%. And preterm cigarette smoke, the risk twice in comparison with the other children exposed in the hospital. Scientists have suggested that cigarette smoke inhibits the body's defense system, and children are more susceptible to a variety of serious infections. So, even if you do not stop smoking, you need to protect your child from the harmful effects of cigarette smoke. In no case do not smoke in front of the children, it is highly recommended specialists.

Lefties think faster than right-handers

Lefties can process a lot of information about right-handed, according to Austrian researchers. That is the conclusion of scientists came from a study they have conducted among the players. It was found that left-handers better than right-handed play. According to employees of the Austrian National University, the people who own the left hand is more perfect, can quickly process large amounts of information. They also found that left-handers are much better game play as right-handed, so they quickly analyze the current situation and react appropriately. According to scientists, these people are good, show up in the drivers, pilots and other representatives of the professions of this kind.

Measles vaccination in the Ukraine until the end of the life course

Ukrainian vaccination campaign against measles and rubella is only until the final conclusions of the Expert Commission investigated the causes of the death of a student in the Donetsk region, which was allegedly caused by a vaccination against measles and rubella resumed after According to Deputy Prime Minister for Humanitarian Affairs Ivan Vasyunyk, not enough to confirm the teenager's death and no connection vaccination. You need to get the output of experts, the reason why a child died, said Deputy Prime Minister. Answering journalists' questions, said Vasyunyk he would insist. Within the next two weeks that the expert committee concluded its work Vasyunyk said in an interview that the Ukrainian government are concerned about the negative information campaign in the press about the vaccination, and on its basis, a few subjective conclusions that otherwise go into a panic in the population.

Conditionally pathogenic bacteria produce a cure for inflammatory bowel disease

Substance that is produced by a type of symbiotic bacteria in the human intestine, can the new medicine for the treatment of inflammatory bowel diseases such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, according to Medical News Today. Researchers at the California Institute of Technology established under the direction of Associate Professor Sarkis Mazmanian (Sarkis K. Mazmanian) that the bacterium Bacteroides fragilis, inhabit the intestine produces a substance called polysaccharide A, which provides for the prevention of inflammation. Can this bacterium belongs to opportunistic pathogens so as a normal part of the intestinal flora, under certain conditions, causing illness. In the experiment, the normal composition of the intestinal flora of mice by introducing disease causing microorganism Helicobacter hepaticus, the disease caused in rodents like ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease has been disturbed in humans. Mice also entered Bacteroides fragilis, were protected from the disease. The same effect was in animals with the purified polysaccharide A. scientists mechanism such measures explain were treated such that the polysaccharide A stimulated lymphocytes CD4 + (helper T cells), anti-inflammatory protein interleukin-10 (IL-10), also as a factor , inhibits the synthesis of known cytokines (BVK). Thus preventing inflammation of the intestinal wall. According to estimates, affects inflammatory bowel disease, about one million Americans, and the number is growing steadily.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Swiss company announced successful tests of a vaccine against malaria

Swiss biotech company, announced today the successful completion of the first and second phase of clinical trials of a vaccine against malaria. When the advanced testing of a new drug in Africa confirmed its efficacy, its possible spread to 2014. According to a press release by the Swiss firm Mymetics, some time ago, bought the rights to an experimental vaccine PeviPRO from the company-developer Pevion, preliminary clinical studies in Switzerland and the United Kingdom are performed. Final testing of vaccine consists of two antigens malaria parasite, the introduction of which the production of antibodies causes these dangerous intracellular parasites. Currently, according to Managing Director Kristan Mymetics Rocha, in development are more similar products from other antigens. As expected, the final phase of clinical trials in the Swiss vaccine in an African country will take. Upon successful completion of the study Mymetics intends to resell the rights to the drug as a major international pharmaceutical company. Every year, the world will be fixed at 500 million cases of malaria and two million deaths from the disease.

The Mediterranean diet is a preventive against diabetes

It is known that the Mediterranean diet is a preventive measure against cardiovascular disease, but Spanish scientists say that it is also able to protect against the onset of diabetes. Scientists conducted a study that people lower in the Mediterranean diet, the risk of diabetes by 83% than in those who were not respected found. The Mediterranean diet is based on the national cuisine of the Mediterranean is based. This is a perfect example of a balanced diet. Secrets of the diet is very simple and easy: Remove fat dairy products, starch, excess animal fat and orient your diet for the most common vegetables, fruits, fresh fruit juices and seafood, and not to give up meat. According to Miguel Martinez-Gonzalez of the University in Spain, it was very surprising to scientists, has shown that such a diet is so high result in the prevention of diabetes. According to WHO, more than 180 million people worldwide have diabetes and this number is expected to double by 2030, as more and more countries adopt a Western lifestyle. Martinez-Gonzalez said that's not the fact that safeguard the diet, all groups of people from the risk of diabetes, so the elderly, smokers and people with a family history of diabetes, but it is a clear indication by the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk for this disease.

More children - less teeth

The Germans have a saying that every child's mother is a tooth. Paradoxically, in these words, a lot of truth, according to U.S. scientists. Scientists from Yale University (CT) performed a study. In 2635 with the participation of American women aged 18 to 64 years Low, medium and high income: The participants were divided into three socio-economic groups. The study found that women's social status played no role. Women who have lost a child, an average of two teeth, and a mother of four and more children on average lost five teeth. According to scientists, it had been thought that most women lose their teeth with little material wealth, because they are having trouble paying for dental services. But it turned out that this was not the main reason. The more children a woman has, the more likely the loss of several teeth, regardless of the financial situation, said Professor Stefanie Russell. Race of the study is not considered.