Sunday, September 1, 2013

Scientists have found an effective way to fight cancer

Scientists from the University of Yonsei (South Korea) have created to destroy a virus, the cancer cells without affecting healthy cells. Scientists conducted an experiment in a laboratory, in which, as the killer of cancer cells was normal adenovirus, which is often chosen in a cold winter. But for him to play a different role in the body, the researchers added a new piece of its genetic code - human DNA that codes for the synthesis of the hormone relaxin. As a result, when injected into a cancer virus began multiply actively and cancer cells. While healthy cells modified virus is no risk, experts say. Researchers from South Korea reported that disappeared after a series of injections into the brain, liver, lung and uterus experimental mice, the animals are more than 90% of cancer cells. These amazing results, as if they have the same rights, the fight against the disease, which claims the lives of millions, can be very effective.

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