Sunday, February 10, 2013

Ukraine has one of the lowest birth rates in the world

In Ukraine, presented two studies - "Assessment of socio-economic performance and potential of Ukraine" - a warning of impending demographic situation in Ukraine, the low level of economic and social prosperity, UNIAN reports. For two years, the study with support from the Embassy of Canada in Ukraine in cooperation with the International Centre for Policy Studies, the Advisory Board of Canada, the Diplomatic Academy of Ukraine, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Finance and the State Committee for Statistics generated. This is one of the first studies conducted in Ukraine, which in providing accurate and politically neutral analytical methods that can be used to strategic priorities, policy development in Ukraine can be determined based by 2050. According to the study, Ukraine 57th Space of 63 for the quality of life, the quality of life in Ukraine is one of the worst among European countries. In addition, research shows that Ukraine has one of the world's lowest birth rates. And every day in Ukraine is 35 HIV infections, more.

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