Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Black tea can help prevent diabetes

Drinking black tea can prevent diabetes, say scientists from the University of Dundee University. Scientists believe black tea has properties that can fight with type 2 diabetes - the most common form of the disease. The researchers suggest that certain components of tea affect the body as a substitute for insulin. In Scotland, reportedly more than 190 thousand people have diabetes, suffer results. From a lack of insulin in the body Only in Tayside, enhancing the growth of diabetes by 90% in the last 9 years. In collaboration with colleagues from the Scottish Crop Research Institute, researchers found that some of the components of black tea known as theaflavins and thearubigins, on the body, such as insulin. The scientists have found that the effect of these substances is identical to the known effects of insulin on proteins as Foxos. Foxos proteins are the link between diet and health in mice, worms and fruit flies. Now scientists is to consider job whether components of tea. Also beneficial to the human body

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