Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Found a gene that is responsible for the occurrence of gout

In the UK, the incidence of cases of gout are increasingly associated unhealthy lifestyle. However, genetic analysis showed the 12 thousand people that genes also influence on the increased risk of the disease. Scientists in Edinburgh came to the conclusion that the gene and the protein that controls it could provide the basis for new drugs in the treatment of gout. A person with normal kidneys, uric acid from the body. But the people, the kidneys can not be discharged from the body acid accumulates, the substance to which inflammation and pain. Developing gout. Scientists believe that they have managed to find out why this happens. Genetic alterations in the gene SLC2A found, apparently. Obstacle starting uric acid from the blood The solution to this problem, according to geneticists, the prevention and the development of new treatments for gout promote. As previously reported, may also reduce the risk of gout sugary drinks.

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