Monday, February 18, 2013

In China, more bird flu outbreak

Chinese authorities have confirmed that bird flu was the cause of death of chickens in poultry markets in Guangzhou in southern China, according to Yahoo! The Ministry of Agriculture of China, the government reported that the bird tested for the H5N1 virus, noting that this is the fifth country where poultry outbreak birds this year. Also, the Ministry of Agriculture that the outbreak of bird flu 114 birds and 518 had to be burned to death. Outbreak were included. In China, the largest volume of poultry in the world. The Chinese authorities have promised tough to fight the H5N1 virus, which has killed 235 people worldwide, according to WHO. Scientists fear the virus could mutate and easily from person to person, which can lead to the death of millions of people. To date, all cases are of human infection of birds. This year, the three deaths from bird flu in China.

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