Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hyperactive little girls more likely to have problems later in life

Hyperactive girls are more serious problems later in life than their calmer counterparts, researchers say. Sociologists conducted a study, interviews 800 girls, aged 21 years. It was found that hyperactive girls in adulthood often with the problem of low-wage labor becperspektivnoy faced abusive behavior towards me and teenage pregnancy. The study was published in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry. In the study, the researchers evaluated the behavior of girls every year between the ages of 6 and 12 years. They saw the level of activity and the level of aggression. In 10% of the girls had a high activity seen in the behavior and 10% were high and activity and aggression. According to scientists, the girls with the highest levels of aggression and hyperactivity, probably twice so to engage in smoking and take aggressive confrontation, and four times as often poorly taught in school.

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