Monday, February 25, 2013

Owners of cats are three times less likely to suffer from heart disease,

According to doctors at the University of Minnesota, is the owner of the cat three times less prone to heart attacks and strokes, reports USA Today. Scientists have found that the owners of the cats for 40% less likely to suffer from heart disease, found. The study involved 4,500 people aged 30 to 75 years. Experts warn that in this case shows a calming effect on people cats. However, this does not mean that they play a crucial role in preventing heart attacks. Scientists assume that the people who love cats are calmer and less prone to heart disease. Dog lovers and do not worry - a review of the American Heart Association showed that a daily 12-minute walk to the "man's best friend" improves heart function in patients with cardiovascular disease. Cardiologists assume that positive emotions, including communicating with animals, good for you because it. A calming effect in the spiritual and mental stress

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