Monday, February 18, 2013

Obesity contributes to the development of more aggressive forms of breast cancer

Obese patients with breast cancer, the disease is aggressive and they die earlier than patients with normal weight, U.S. researchers reported. A dangerous type of breast cancer, such as inflammatory breast cancer is known, was found in 45% of patients suffering from obesity, compared with 30% of women are overweight and. 15% of women with normal weight According to Dr. Massimo Cristofanilli the University of Texas, the greater the weight loss, the patient, the more aggressive the disease. Fat increased inflammation caused an aggressive disease state. The study was published in the journal Clinical Cancer Research. The researchers conducted the study, which was attended by 606 women with breast cancer. By linking the disease with body mass index, the researchers found that after 5 years in women with overweight 56.8% survived overweight - 56.3% and normal weight - 67.4%. According to scientists, obesity increases the risk of diseases such as leukemia, thyroid cancer, kidney cancer, and it turned out, this list could be breast cancer.

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