Friday, April 5, 2013

Brain start of loss of concentration

Restructuring cortical activity begins about half a minute before losing concentration due to fatigue, Norwegian scientists believe. According to them, in the future, this discovery is safety for drivers, air traffic controllers and other professionals to improve their work associated with an increased likelihood of danger to other errors. Employees of the University of Bergen in Norway, an experiment was performed in which some volunteers had in a long time, watch for the screen image by pressing certain keys on the keyboard. Participants performed brain scans using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Sooner or later, all subjects began to make mistakes when repetitive work. However, as shown by scanning in all cases, this was due to changes in the structure of the brain activity, which is to be detected in a position, an average of 30 seconds before the wrongful precedes. The detected changes is to reduce the activity of the prefrontal cortex in the management of specific measures, while "connected" to other areas, usually in hibernation mode. According to scientists, this restructuring are the brain-fag-saving operation. With a significant distance between the beginning and the total loss of concentration, it is possible to provide an early warning of the possible consequences of this process. Such a system can greatly reduce the likelihood of errors or the number of controllers accident Asleep at the Wheel driver provoked. Currently examining the brain uses very bulky equipment that will hardly be used in the control cabin or in the car. However, it is possible that in the future, technological advances will move your portable devices with similar capabilities.

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