Monday, April 8, 2013

Scientists have shown that the brain reacts the same way to the money and praise

Receive cash and praise activates the same brain region, should Japanese scientists. Scientists conducted an experiment with 19 healthy people. Same technique used to scan the brain, in order to fix the result. It turned out that very different neural structure of the brain reward equally responsible. This confirms the fact that the person who considers himself the praise of others, as a reward, so the researchers. The first part of the experiment is that people need to play the card game, in which one of the three cards led to a cash prize. The researchers were able to fix the brain activity associated with the financial reward. In the second part of the experiment, participants were considered on the basis of personal data and strange videos rated the participants of the experiment. In this case, the scientists were able to study the brain in moments when strangers expressed their compliments and praise from participants. According to the scientists called Sadato, both types of rewards in the brain, participants exactly the same reaction. This discovery is of great importance, since this is perhaps the first step to explain complex human social behaviors such as altruism.

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