Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Chocolate helps to prevent complications during pregnancy

Beneficial for pregnant women to eat chocolate, because it has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system. This statement was made by scientists at Yale University in Connecticut in order to analyze the properties of more than two thousand mothers. Women are not harmful to treat themselves during pregnancy chocolate - This product helps prevent serious complications during childbirth. Chocolate, especially dark, rich element called zeobromin (theobromine), which stimulates the heart relaxes the muscles, dilates the blood vessels, reduces pain in the chest, strengthens the arteries and reduces blood pressure. It was found that women who consumed the first and third trimesters of five or more bars of chocolate per week, the highest concentration of zeobromina had in the body and a 69% lower risk of complications during and after childbirth. According to the doctors, zeobromin also improves blood circulation in the placenta. However, it should be noted that according to the doctors often chocolate in women during and after pregnancy (after the pregnancy when the baby is breastfed) can cause allergies in children.

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