According to the Swiss Medical Association in Hirslanden Clinic Aarau (Switzerland), to identify a study on the causes and treatment of eye disease. Thyroid eye disease - a disease of the soft tissues of the eye. This disease can bring to blindness, according MediSwiss.Ru According to the studies, the most common cause of failure is thyroid ophthalmopathy. However, the disease can occur in inflammatory processes of the soft tissues of the eye. When the inflammation first swelling in the orbit, because of edema occurs bulging eyes forward (exophthalmos). Then there is fibrosis (hardening of the connective tissue with the presence of scar tissue) and limited range of motion of the eye, and as a result - in sight. There may be symptoms such as sensitivity to light, tearing, burning, pain and redness of the eyes. The treatment of this disease requires a systematic approach and the work of experts in various fields of medicine, as it is often not a distinct disease orbitopathy, but a manifestation of diseases such as diabetes, pernicious anemia, myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid disease. Treatment should begin with the normalization of thyroid function. The method of treatment is individual: 1 Medication (tablets, capsules, injections) 2 Treatment with radioactive iodine third Surgery (removal of the thyroid) After normalization of thyroid function about 75% of patients require surgery on the extraocular muscles and eyelids. Such an operation is a type of functional rehabilitation, in order to facilitate the effects of the fibrosis. This operation is performed only in remission when. No inflammation in the tissues of the eye In a group of 87 patients was average exophthalmos reduction of 6 mm and an improved view through better closure of the eyelids and improve hydration of the cornea reached. In 2004, a team of collected from different areas of medicine, called " - Interdisciplinary Centre for the treatment of endocrine orbitopathy Since 2005 a member of the European Society of endocrine orbitopathy EUGOGO (European Group on Graves Orbithopathie). always specialized research the reference center for the treatment of thyroid orbitopathy in Switzerland. The purpose of this center is in the phase of early diagnosis, severity, and type of eye disease, the development of the quality of life of patients, and control of the quality of treatment.
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