Saturday, January 12, 2013

Soon you will be a cure for fatigue

Scientists develop drug that relieve fatigue after exercise and a positive impact on people with heart disease, reports the BBC helps. Colombian researchers found that fatigue causes penetration of calcium into the muscle cells. Although it was initially assumed that fatigue sets in after a hard burden related to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles. But the survey found that as a result of strenuous exercise is the penetration of calcium into the muscle cells, and produced by enzyme proteins. Again cause damage to the muscle fibers In the experiment, the researchers found that the entry of calcium was observed in mice after an intense three-week daily swimming and in athletes after three days of cycling. Researchers have identified a similar entry of calcium into the muscle cells of mice with heart failure. Scientists emphasized that the penetration was only observed in humans and mice after a strenuous exercise. Also suggest that patients with heart failure the penetration of calcium continuously, which is not possible to recover their muscles. Can carry a feeling of tiredness so negative, patients may not have the strength to brush off the bed, teeth or eating. Now scientists, plans to develop a drug reduces fatigue in patients with heart failure. The scientists hope that this drug will have a positive impact on the status and health of people with heart disease.

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