Tuesday, January 15, 2013

5 myths about condoms

Valentine's Day is traditionally on 14 February celebrated as Valentine's Day, brings with it not only simple surprises like flowers, candy and paper hearts with love declarations. Of course, in the eve of this holiday, and increase sexual activity between men. American Association of Healthy Life holds an annual national week of the promotion of condom use. This year's Week of safe sex 10 to 17 February. It still seems relevant, since 62 percent of the young people of both sexes, according to the survey results, the researchers did not use condoms. This leads to the fact that every year the number of adults with HIV infection, the sexual partners of infected was increased to 40 thousand people. Of these, one. In four under the age of 15 to 29 years According to doctors, this situation with an active opposition to the use of condoms among young people is not. So much the church and religious beliefs as carelessness and a number of myths Here are some of them: 1 Condoms break condom use shows that they break at the wrong time or if you make a mistake, when equipped on the penis. At the time of copulation, or storing packaged condom breakage practically impossible. Second Condoms do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases and condoms Although not absolute protection be taken against sexually transmitted infections into account reliably prevents the transmission from one partner to another, not only chlamydia or gonorrhea, but also the most dangerous HIV. In any case, the condom is the best way to reduce the risk and, potentially, to protect against infection. Third Condoms reduce sensitivity during sex Nowadays developers consider condoms a requirement for their products. Modern technology does not feel any discomfort when you use a condom and on the contrary, helps to get more fun. We just have to get used to. 4th Allergies to latex condoms is not already included in the composition consist latex. In addition to their basic characteristics and strength, they are no worse than the usual. The most famous in this article, a condom is made of polyurethane (a variety of plastic). Of course, these condoms are more expensive, but the price does not go to any comparison with spending on education unwanted child or treatment of sexually transmitted infections. 5th Condoms are effective against pregnancy, the effectiveness of condoms to prevent conception is estimated 99.8 percent. If you do not use a condom the risk of pregnancy is about 99 percent, say the doctors. Condom use is almost no difference in sensation, but there is a great chance to save on early pregnancy and deadly diseases. We hope that this information is available to save you from carefree sex life and give you the opportunity to live a healthy life without the unpleasant "surprises". On the history of condoms, the actual instructions to the Austrian condoms condom manufacturing and more, you can in our "All about condoms" to find;

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