Sunday, January 27, 2013

People who work with asbestos, unaware of the danger of his influence

People sell asbestos, do not know what is in danger of losing their health, scientists say. Scientists conducted a study that only 12% of the 400 respondents to the inhalation of asbestos fibers can know cause incurable mesothelioma lung, and ¾ not started training and did not find their information on the use of asbestos, and only 25 % thought that it carries a certain risk. The effects of asbestos on the human body are asbestosis (slowly developing pulmonary fibrosis), lung cancer (lung cancer) and mesothelioma (cancer of the pleura or peritoneum). These effects develop as a result of chronic exposure and asbestosis is exclusively an occupational disease. Asbestos was used as insulation in the construction and construction materials to the mid-80s. According to the researcher, could any building built or refurbished before 2000 may contain asbestos. It may also include temporary offices, cabins. This is now the primary source of health problems. For the construction of modern buildings, temporary buildings, more tend to use other materials. Thus, the manufacturer huts and block vessels in Moscow mostly used in wood and metal for these types of structures. Asbestos is dangerous because of its fibers that can settle in the lungs during breathing. The highest risk of mesothelioma from asbestos sellers deaths occur every week, and this number is constantly growing. Cancer usually occurs in the period of 15 to 60 years since. Effects of asbestos fibers in the lungs Around the peak of the deaths from the disease are expected in the period 2011 to 2015. According to the head of the Health and Safety Executive, the people who work with asbestos, inform about the dangers and risks that are associated with it. Only avoided in this way, can the growth of the number of road deaths.

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