The arbitral tribunal of California ordered the insurance Health Net to pay $ 9 million for the former client, an insurance policy that was canceled at the moment, as it undergoes chemotherapy after removal of a malignant tumor of the breast. Breast cancer was detected in a 52-year petci Bates in 2004. The woman underwent surgery to remove the tumor, after which she was appointed as a long chemotherapy. But soon, the doctors refused, treatment can be continued, because the insurance company has ceased to pay its bills. Total Debt Bates reached $ 129,000. As it turned out, the company completed the Health Net insurance contract unilaterally due to the fact that the health information of the customer is not the case. According to the company, the Bates Treaty of incorrectly, the weight, and keep it on the cases mention medical care for cardiovascular disease. American woman offered to make a loan of money, but later she was able to support the treatment by government programs to continue to cancer patients. During the study it became clear that Health Net Staff Awards for incorrect termination of the contract. Following the announcement of the court's decision, the company declared that from now on will cancel the policy decision to the client are made only after consultation with independent experts.
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