Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Scientists have created an alternative to antibiotics

Scientists have created an alternative to antibiotics harmful to our bodies. The basis of the new drugs formed natural stimulants. Researchers at the University campus in Chapel Hill, North Carolina offered a new drug-free method of dealing with the bacteria. Study author Mark Shoenfish a unique nanoscale framework comprising of quartz and oxides of nitrogen. On the antimicrobial properties of nitric acid, scientists have known for a long time, but the challenge was to deliver molecules to the bacterial cells. Framework of researchers developed to solve this problem. In addition to quartz skeleton lab Mark Shoenfisha developed special anti-bacterial coating that can be used in biological implants. Other researchers have an antibiotic that kills pathogenic bacteria for 1 admission, which created the patients recovering. Single dose of medication for the entire length of treatment - a breakthrough in medicine. Many doctors are very pleased to establish such drugs. According to Professor Valery Svistushkina appearance of this drug, the possibility of errors in the treatment of refractory patients who minimize until recently, the most common cause of failure multi-day courses of antibiotic therapy. However, it remains unknown to the cost of this miracle pill.

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