Thursday, January 31, 2013

UN struggles to reduce the practice klitorektomii

UN calls for combating klitorektomii practice in countries where the procedure is performed for religious reasons, reports the BBC. According to the UN every year three million girls undergo the dangerous process - circumcision clitoris. The vast majority of these girls are from Africa. The practice of removing the clitoris girls during early puberty is widely used in some cultures and is very dangerous for the health of the girl. Representatives from 10 countries at the UN wants to reduce the tendency of female circumcision in 2015. In some countries this practice is maintained to ensure the preservation of virginity to a woman of marriageable age. But that leads to bleeding, caused shock, infection, and also leads to an increased mortality in the offspring of such mothers, according to UN officials. About 140 million women have undergone this procedure in 28 countries in Africa and parts of Asia and the Middle East. Klitorektomiyu also do girls and women who have left their country and in the West. UN officials say that traditions are often stronger than laws. Therefore, it is not enough court decisions in order to solve this problem. In their view, the most effective impact is a change within the community.

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