Tobacco addiction is destroying millions of lives each year among the people of India for the period up to 2010, the researchers estimate. The New England Journal of Medicine has collected statistics on the currently some 900 thousand deaths in India every year due to smoking. Researchers believe that if we will not urgent measures to influence the situation, the number of deaths will increase dramatically. This suggests that smoking in the near future. Responsible for 20% of all deaths in men and 5% of women aged 30 to 60 years The study found that men (rolled thin, sometimes flavored Indian cigarette made of tobacco in a dried leaf and teriyaki thread) smoke bidis shorten their lives by an average of 6 years. Bidi smoking among women, their lives reduced to about 8 years. Even men who smoked cigarettes normal size, the average die 10 years earlier. It is assumed that the content in bidi tobacco is low enough, but apparently it is not. Although bidis and 100% natural product, but apparently is not only not smoking bidis harmless, but even more dangerous to health than smoking cigarettes. In India, bidis are popular, they make up about 80% of the market in tobacco products. The study found that in India., Among men aged 30 to 69 years, approximately 38% die of tuberculosis, 32% of cancers and 20% of cardiovascular disease An average of 120 million smokers in India. Scientists have found that about 61% of male smokers compared to risk death at the age of 30 to 60 years with 41% of Non smoking. For women, the figure is that 62% of smokers compared to 38% who did not smoke. The Indian government is trying to take action to affect the solution to this problem. Particular attention is given to the poor and illiterate. Officials are trying to inform people about the dangers of tobacco on the human body and increase the risk of death, in the hope that this will help get rid of the addiction. About what is the use of smoking, why people in this country that start smoking than the dangers of smoking and many other things you can find on our site.
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