Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Jaw of the patient's own stem cells obtained

Finnish scientists have. Maxillary 65-year-old female transplant bone grown from stem cells isolated from adipose patients and replaced in his abdomen, according to Reuters The specialists have attempted to carry out such procedures, but did not use the patient's own stem cells, the cells in the laboratory developed and differentiated into bone tissue, said Riitta Suuronen of the Institute for Regenerative Medicine. Stem cells - is the essence of life, the source, formed from all other cells. Recently, researchers have discovered that adipose stem cells, which can form from various tissues contained. Scientists have isolated stem cells from fat tissue and grown for at least 2 weeks in a special solution, which consisted of a patient's serum. An important point of this method is that the use of autologous stem cell transplantation of tissues in the body, not a method exclusion. In the study, the researchers were able cells to attract so-called mesenchymal stem cells - immature cells that can form bone, muscle and blood vessels. If scientists have a sufficient number of stem cells, they put it on a plate made of calcium phosphate biomaterial and into the abdominal cavity of a patient to grow for 9 months. As a result, the cells are rotated in a variety of tissues and even managed to grow blood vessels, and the researchers. With screws and microsurgery scientists transplanted received jawbone to the skull of the patient is connected. The upper part of the jaw of the patient has previously been removed due to a tumor, it impossible to eat and speak, made without removable prosthesis. According to researchers, this is a breakthrough that helps you. New ways can be found serious illnesses, to treat tissue damage and you can get closer to the perspective of the creation of organs and tissues for people continued

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