All-female belief that smoking helps control weight - is a myth! Such a sensational result scientists from University College London come achieved after a long six-year study. The researchers followed nearly three thousand 11-year-old child to her sixteen years to reach and found no difference in weight between smokers and non-partisan, this habit young, the press center of the Coalition of NGOs "For a smoke-free Ukraine." The results of the study surprised scientists themselves "For many years I have, unfortunately, was convinced that cigarettes help control weight, but it's not Our previous results clearly demonstrate that young smokers are not better control their weight than those who never smoked had .. " - Says Professor at University College London, Robert West. The researchers between smokers and those who do not smoke, found no differences in weight, body mass index, the consumption of calories or fat. According to them, in fact, some differences appear only in smokers reach middle age and have a very long "experience" of smoking. In this case, smoking and actually weigh less, but they have already damaged lungs, a significantly increased risk for heart attack, stroke and cancer. But the weight difference is quite illusory. Although middle-aged smokers and more evil than they are not susceptible to bad habits at the same age, but the distribution of body fat they have ... deform the mold. As it turned out during the trial, causing the effect of cigarettes on the endocrine system that smoking even distributed a normal amount of body fat on the body in an abnormal manner. Fat accumulates around the waist and upper body, and not the hips. This means that smokers often have a higher ratio of "waist-to-hip ratio." And one of the studies, involving nearly 12,000 women aged 40 to 73 years old, testified that the ratio of waist-to-hip ratio increases with the number of cigarettes a day from them. Another sensational statement made by experts of the Italian Institute for Tobacco Control. According to them, if a woman stops smoking, the skin of her face younger for the first 9 months to 13 years. The women who took part in the experiment, it was necessary to stop and get tested every three months. The result was a strange leather participation in this study, on average, 13 years younger, and they weighed a few pounds less. But scientists from Harvard Medical School in Boston found that smoking improves almost immediately reduced to human health and the risk of death in the next five years by 13%. These data were obtained as a result of a long study of one hundred thousand women in the years 1980-2004.
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