Slight feeling of hunger makes people happy. Scientists argue that the hormone ghrelin, responsible for feelings of hunger that is experienced by the body, regulates the level of adrenaline (stress hormone) in the blood. When we are hungry, ghrelin levels rise, and it is likely act as an antidepressant. Scientists conducted an experiment on mice. It was found that mice with reduced levels of the hormone ghrelin are stressed out, and when they were thrown into the water to swim to not try again. Rodents not placed the exit from the maze and avoid other mice in the same cell. At the same time, mice with elevated ghrelin actively swim in the water, like to explore new surroundings and tended to communicate with other mice, the researchers reported. The results are published in the current issue of the journal Nature Neuroscience. Scientists have suggested that a positive response to the feeling of hunger is a defense reaction of the body of a mammal, allegedly to fight and work to earn their living, and was now just open the fridge is.
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